I could say the same thing about the posts some of you have put up claiming there's been zero "vaccine" injuries since the rollout, which just simply isn't true
Ok totally a real person and not another troll, find where I have said that.
And when you move the bar to 'other people on this forum' bullshit, I will then try to explain that you are on a internet forum, and that the forum is full of people trolling to push the nonsense that the Russian military has been shown to also be pushing to make our society a more dangerous place than it needs to be.
you're all so pushy about it too - you don't see that?
The 'You're all' troll has no power over me.
I am only one person.
And do not claim to be any kind of medical expert. Which is why I constantly am reminding actual people that if they are not paid militarized trolls that they should be hyper aware of the propaganda attack (pushing websites like you did and I tried to help explain here:
https://www.rollitup.org/t/ap-russian-military-behind-spread-of-coronavirus-disinformation.1025725/post-16259736 )
you're all so pushy about it too - you don't see that?
You spewing well constructed lies like they are the truth getting pushed back on is pushy? Sure. Ok.
Do you not see that you coming onto a forum and spreading propaganda should be pushed back on? Because it does. And really it should not even be allowed to be posted, since it is basically yelling 'fire' when there is not one in a crowded theater.
and then you guys hope the people that don't get it, end up really sick, on a ventilator, and/or die, when you can easily still end up in the same position even if you did get the shot - but we're not hoping you get injured by the shot or end up sick
but we're fucked up for the way we think right?
yea ok dude
'You guys' troll again? Is that the only way you will address me is to try to group me in with 'them' for the people who buy into your bullshit/other troll accounts to pretend like you have a point?
Why would you assume I can even see anyone that has said that?
This is the internet, and pretending like it is not because it is easy to trick people into the illusions set up for them to believe through repetition of 'people's' reactions.
but we're fucked up for the way we think right?
yea ok dude
Yeah, because of the troll you are here pushing on our society, over 500,000 people are now dead of this very real and very dangerous virus.