Will You Take The Vaccine?

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Saw a interview with a major GOP talking head that did focus groups with anti-vaccers, I came away with the conclusion that they are just spoiled children. You know the children I'm talking about, the ones that dig their heels in more when you try to change their minds. If you say anything negative what so ever they basically put their fingers in their ears. He even said you can't say the word government in any way or they shut down. So instead of saying "Government Public Health Official" you have to just say "Public Health Official". The cult is so brainwashed that they are triggered by the word "Government". He basically said you have to placate to their every whim or they will hold their breath and stomp their feet, probably need to constantly tell them how special they are too, just like their orange god.

that's why their motto is 'do what's right for yourself (themselves)'. no mindfulness or sense of community.