Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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AKA listen to right wing propaganda for a week and see if you get radicalized to the lies that they tell about 'libs'?
Some people don't need Russian help to be traitors Hanimmal, in fact most American traitors don't need any Russian help with treason at all. The domestic disinformation helps, but only if they are predisposed and weak minded. Most of these morons get radicalized by their own bigotry, hate radio and foxnews, just the younger neonazi, civil warriors and white nationalist types are getting the bulk of their info online. Sure the Russians reflect a lot back and create some narratives and stage events, but it's a fart in the wind compared to the hate for profit and clicks bunch.
Hey I have nothing against liberal . It's jest the new left views are way out and cnn pushes a lot of one sided lies .all I can say is watch the dan bongino pod cast for a weak and see if u still fill the same.

"Listen, I am going to ask a really hard question on today's show today.Really, I'm not messing with you, it is a difficult question. And the question is this, why beat around the bush, right? "Do Liberals just care more about politics than we do?" Don't necessarily jump to an answer. But I read a fascinating piece about just this. And it explains a lot why we may be in a perilous situation we are in now. That, tons of feedback on yesterday's show. And at the end I want to show you how the media again, works with the Deep State to advance a political (narrative? He does not say it well, I am not going to rehear the intro for it)."

Really? (today's show I take it)

"Us", "Liberal Media", Deep State", "perilous situation"

I would rather waste my time putting on a mask.
None of those things describe me. You are not being reasonable, you are being ridiculous. I say wearing a mask when all alone outside is a waste of time, not that just wearing a mask is a waste of time. Back to your Trump tactics of picking bits of information to suite your purpose while ignoring the rest. I get it, your a Trumper but ashamed so you talk one way and act the other. Nobody trashed anybody, it's called an opinion and you are free to not agree with it. Only a complete moron would consider someone having an opposite opinion trashing someone. It's cool, wasted enough time talking to you. You live in a free country and as such can be as obtuse as you like. Bye now.
Does this mean you will stop with the false claim that wearing a mask is somehow wasting somebody's time?

You authoritarian types. Can always tell one. Can't tell them anything.