Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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did you not see it?

A right wing conspiracy theorist accused me of cherry picking.

This is too funny.
I think it might me time for a Mandatory vaccination thread, advocating mandatory vaccinations, an extremist view I know, but I think a fellow could have a little fun here with one. ;)
I keep saying and I'm hearing more agreement, that the only solution to these people is to lock them up, as in intern them, immediately. Surround such demonstrations and everybody goes on the bus to the razor wire motel and stays there, since they are in jail, they should also receive a mandatory vaccination like other prisoners do. Time served can be deducted from their $100 thousand dollar fines.

Think that's harsh? I used be part of a union and if we defied a federal back to work order while in strike, fines were $10K a day for workers and much more for union people. I fly drones and if I break the law doing it fines are also in that range and a recreational drone or RC plane hasn't killed anybody.

These people will not be deterred by fines, they must be immediately interned into prepared facilities and vaccinated like any other prisoner as a health and safety measure. These people discount future consequences and can only be deterred by immediate ones. Why are they coddled and drunk drivers crucified under the law, both are equally irresponsible, though a drunk is less likely to cause more death than these assholes.

Your views are sometimes scary, as are the people you'd like to lock up.
What democracy rich get richer poor get poorer. Send all are jobs away and let everyone in with free health care but I work 60 hrs a week and can't afford to go to the hospital sound great.
The Trump tax decrease dropped the rich taxes to what level again? He was totally going to help you afford your Healthcare by stopping the rich getting richer.
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You really should consider why you find it so important to spam this anti-vaxx propaganda so much. It is very unhealthy. You are barely a step up now from the moon hoax troll in terms of credibility and a whole lot more dangerous.

You're right, I should stop listening to doctors discussing issues on panels. What was I thinking? I should just take my queues from vax-shamers on the internet instead.
What democracy rich get richer poor get poorer. Send all are jobs away and let everyone in with free health care but I work 60 hrs a week and can't afford to go to the hospital sound great.
Glad to see yer supporting Biden and his agenda to tax the rich and redistribute wealth to those in need. After 2022 I figure he will get around to single payer healthcare, after HR-1, voting rights, infrastructure, pandemic control, economic revival and of course police reform!

Joe is the best president America had in a long time, Trump was an utter failure and a loser. I wonder when he's going to prison? Perhaps the democrats are gonna let him finish off the republican party first though, he's destroyed everything he ever touched. The morons followed him over the cliff and are now screaming on fire as they plunge into the abyss. They are gonna "take over" 20 years early thanks to Trump!
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did you not see it?

A right wing conspiracy theorist accused me of cherry picking.

This is too funny.
You are cherry picking info out of a statement. What is this conspiracy theory you speak of? I don't recall reading anything about any conspiracy? Calling someone a conspiracy theorist must mean you read something to make that judgement, what was that? You Left wing and Right wing extremists make me laugh. You are all so far out there it's ridiculous. I am conservative on some issues, Liberal on others. My views cannot be encompassed by a single political party.
Your views are sometimes scary, as are the people you'd like to lock up.
Everybody gets their day in court and laws have to be reasonable and in proportion to the public danger those who offend represent. These religious fools think they have not just white privilege, but Christian privilege, as well. How are they any better than a drunk driver? Are they somehow special because they believe dangerous bullshit? Kids don't go to school with out vaccinations. Get a little perspective here, these "upstanding" citizens are criminals under the law or should be and will not respond to mere fines. The purpose of all this shit is to change behaviors and save lives by doing so, you do what works. If this was done from the get go and examples made, this would not be an issue. When their vaccines kick in, in late August, like my second dose will, then they can be released.

Have a good summer and whine all you want behind razor wire, or a regular jail, if they wanna do time with ordinary criminals. I believe in the Australian approach of not coddling or fucking around with idiots. These people are getting special treatment under the law and that is the main problem.
Glad to see yer supporting Biden and his agenda to tax the rich and redistribute wealth to those in need. After 2022 I figure he will get around to single payer healthcare, after HR-1, voting rights, police reform, pandemic control, economic revival and of course police reform!

Joe is the best president America had in a long time, Trump was an utter failure and a loser. I wonder when he's going to prison? Perhaps the democrats are gonna let him finish off the republican party first though, he's destroyed everything he ever touched. The morons followed him over the cliff and are now screaming on fire as they plunge into the abyss. They are gonna "take over" 20 years early thanks to Trump!
Tax the rich u poor naive boy. The rich jest pass the burden of taxes to the consumer. Wich is not the upper class. Biden the best president (for china)lol gas prices already doubled jobs already on the down side. Ya great one.
You're right, I should stop listening to doctors discussing issues on panels. What was I thinking? I should just take my queues from vax-shamers on the internet instead.
Jest like libs when they can't back up there proof they scream conspiracy theory. Or switch the object to a different problem
Joe has expanded eligibility and enhanced Obama care, Trump and the republicans tried to kill it and replace it with... nothing but, "let them die"!
Lol jest watch cnn.buddy
We watch, CBC, CTV, Global, CNN, and BBC in Canada along with all the other US TV networks, we even have Foxnews here, but not many want to be bullshitted and few watch it. All those TV networks and most all newspapers and magazines have the same reality based narrative of current and historical events. Even the news part of Foxnews does, though they spin it out of reality and selectively filter content or over play favorable items that agree with their propaganda line.

But I can see all this is wasted on you.