Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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  • Yes.

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People reject vaccines because vaccines have been too effective at eliminating other diseases.

It's as if they want smallpox and polio to return.

effing death cult.
Nah, people reject vaccines because they value their own personal long term health, and know that more time and unbiased science is needed.

Things change. Remember when cigarettes, Round-Up, and DDT were safe too? Good times!
Apparently vaccinated people are transmitting something (spiked protein perhaps) to unvaccinated people, which is causing women all over the world to have unusual menses. You vaxxers should wear a mask to protect the unvaccinated, or better yet just quarantine yourselves.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, citation please. You vaccine reluctant depend on us vaccers to keep you safe. You should be encouraging people to get the vaccine, if your concern is the health and safety of others, then you'll get vaccinated yourself, even if it entails a small personal risk or just a sore arm.
Nah, people reject vaccines because they value their own personal long term health, and know that more time and unbiased science is needed.

Things change. Remember when cigarettes, Round-Up, and DDT were safe too? Good times!
lulz Equating round-up and cigarettes to a rigorously tested, safe and effective vaccine.

Do you remember when polio would randomly strike down healthy people and kill or cripple them?

Yeah, I wasn't around those days too.
Nobody cares what you say, PJ.

Your willful ignorance is boring.
Willful ignorance means that you actively refuse to look at all positions, which is exactly what you do. I have not yet decided my stance on the injection, and likely won't for some time still. I look at all sides with careful consideration, whereas you discount many important points simply because they don't align with your personal narrative. For some reason you are upset and reject anything that you disagree as "ignorance". Sure guy, keep disregarding facts without consideration and see where you end up.
Willful ignorance means that you actively refuse to look at all positions, which is exactly what you do. I have not yet decided my stance on the injection, and likely won't for some time still. I look at all sides with careful consideration, whereas you discount many important points simply because they don't align with your personal narrative. For some reason you are upset and reject anything that you disagree as "ignorance". Sure guy, keep disregarding facts without consideration and see where you end up.
Nobody cares what you say, PJ.
OK, so then explain yourself. What did you mean when you were making a hash of the English language?
You're a moron. I did explain myself and did not make hash of the English language. I get it, you have likely been wearing 5 masks at once and the lack of oxygen is messing with your ability to think. I gave you a quote from the CDC that states wearing a mask outside by yourself is not necessary. You are just picking on my wording like some idiot, so fine. You took the time to put that mask on, it served you no purpose as you were outside and not around other people. That makes the time it took to put that mask on wasted as it served no purpose. The time you used to take the mask off afterwards, also wasted. So it's a waste of time. Happy now. Of course you aren't. The fact is that both my statements were right. It serves no purpose and is a waste of time.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, citation please. You vaccine reluctant depend on us vaccers to keep you safe. You should be encouraging people to get the vaccine, if your concern is the health and safety of others, then you'll get vaccinated yourself, even if it entails a small personal risk or just a sore arm.
No, it's admittedly conjecture, but it's conjecture by Doctors, not me. It was a panel I was listening to, so unfortunately I can't post a link for you. I think if you do a bit of research on how many many women has recently reported irregular menses, then that will guide you down your path. Unfortunately I don't have time to do research for you right now, but maybe later this evening..
Here's the thing though.. Doctors aren't reporting all (most) of the reactions, even when they seem them in their own office. This has been shown time and time again.
BS, I can make up stuff that may or may not happen. Why would a doctor risk his practice? A dinosaur could have walked down my street last night. There is no way you can disprove it.
BS, I can make up stuff that may or may not happen. Why would a doctor risk his practice? A dinosaur could have walked down my street last night. There is no way you can disprove it.
Do the research yourself. Please let me know what you come up with in terms of what % of adverse reactions are actually reported to VAERS, which is a mandatory reporting site for adverse reactions.
Breaking rules, protesting rules
Steinbach-area church choir, religious groups, out-of-province speakers draw defiant crowd outside Winnipeg courthouse
Undaunted by Monday afternoon's overcast chill, a choir from the Church of God Restoration near Steinbach stood unmasked on the back steps of the Manitoba Law Courts, belting out hymns to a large crowd gathered closely together on the lawn below.


"We are the church that can't be defeated," the choir sang, as behind the courthouse walls, the Church of God and other religious groups waged a constitutional challenge against the Manitoba government over pandemic public-health measures, arguing restrictions on church gatherings amount to an overstep of charter rights.

More than 100 people gathered on the lawn, packed shoulder to shoulder in violation of those health orders, standing unmasked and bearing signs claiming, "Faith is Essential," "Love over Fear" and "No Mask Zone."

"We are here for a very important reason, and that is to send a message that the church is essential," said Church of God Restoration Minister Tobias Tissen, speaking to the passionately faithful crowd.

"We have reached a point in Canada where they are targeting us. Right now, we have restrictions in place that have specifically targeted the church."
Tissen was joined by pastors and anti-lockdown speakers from across the country, many who admitted flying into the province just days earlier, including Laura-Lynn Thompson of Vancouver, fellow Church of God Restoration pastor Henry Hildebrandt of Ontario and Calgary pastor Artur Pawlowski.

They decried COVID-19 vaccines, tests and restrictions, comparing limitations imposed on the church to those placed on restaurants and grocery stores. Currently, attendance at indoor religious services are limited to 25 per cent of capacity or 10 people, whichever is fewer.

Tissen showed the crowd a fistful of pink violation notices he's received after conducting church services in violation of health orders, and said people who are ticketed should be "honoured."
You're a moron. I did explain myself and did not make hash of the English language. I get it, you have likely been wearing 5 masks at once and the lack of oxygen is messing with your ability to think. I gave you a quote from the CDC that states wearing a mask outside by yourself is not necessary. You are just picking on my wording like some idiot, so fine. You took the time to put that mask on, it served you no purpose as you were outside and not around other people. That makes the time it took to put that mask on wasted as it served no purpose. The time you used to take the mask off afterwards, also wasted. So it's a waste of time. Happy now. Of course you aren't. The fact is that both my statements were right. It serves no purpose and is a waste of time.
Nope, you didn't explain yourself. You got all angry at me for asking why wearing a mask is a "total waste of time". You said I know what you were thinking, which is laughable because what a person thinks is this the one thing another person can never know.

Not being a mind reader, and because you are now disclaiming your statement because it was poorly written, what did you mean when you posted the following

I will just follow what all the heath experts I am surrounded by tell me to do. The same ones that say wearing a mask outside by yourself is a total waste of time.

So, now you say you don't mean "total waste of time". What did you mean?
Do the research yourself. Please let me know what you come up with in terms of what % of adverse reactions are actually reported to VAERS, which is a mandatory reporting site for adverse reactions.
You are the one that seems so afraid of it. Obviously I am not as I already got a shot. I was hoping on it having an adverse reaction and it would make my dick swell up more but I am never that lucky.
Nope, you didn't explain yourself. You got all angry at me for asking why wearing a mask is a "total waste of time". You said I know what you were thinking, which is laughable because what a person thinks is this the one thing another person can never know.

Not being a mind reader, and because you are now disclaiming your statement because it was poorly written, what did you mean when you posted the following

So, now you say you don't mean "total waste of time". What did you mean?
Total waste of time means total waste of time. Is it the individual words that confuse you or is it when they are put together?
OK foggy. Reverting back to your school yard bully days and just shouting insults to make yourself feel big. Have at it, I'm not fazed.
I'm not bullying, just pointing out that nobody cares what you say.

Reality sucks. Epidemics, for example. They suck. Can't just wish them away.

As far as you antivax posts go, you have become every bit as repetitive in posting faux vaccine science as Rob Roy does in his faux economics.