Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Governor Cuomo (for however much longer notwithstanding) has a new vaccine incentive: Get vaccinated, get a free ticket to a New York Yankees or New York Mets game. Your choice.

That thundering sound you now hear are conservative New Yorkers throwing their so-called high ground under the bus for a free ticket.
The Yankees have said it's full capacity for the vaccinated this summer and 1/3 for the not, masks will be mandatory for all. Who thinks the Yankees will sell any tickets to the unvaccinated seeing that they will have to have two empty seats for each of them?
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You win. Enough people are like you and won't take the vaccine due to exactly what you promote here. As a result, the US population will not achieve herd immunity through vaccinations and we will breed new variants that will add to our covid death rate forever.

Congratulations. Your prize is a withered entertainment industry. Also restricted travel and low job mobility.

It's all yours man. Eat your cake and enjoy it. You win.
The unvaccinated will be barred from many public events, just means I won't have to deal with the deplorables.
Yep the benefits are many venues will be asshole free, far fewer ignorant cunts and Karen's flying too.

The US government will have to come up with a proper POV or people won't be able to travel internationally, including Canada. Right now the proof of vaccination in the states is a joke and forgeries abound. Someone presenting a fake POV document might be serum tested and arrested, the only way out of serious federal charges might be to take the jab and pay a fine.
Yep the benefits are many venues will be asshole free, far fewer ignorant cunts and Karen's flying too.

The US government will have to come up with a proper POV or people won't be able to travel internationally, including Canada. Right now the proof of vaccination in the states is a joke and forgeries abound. Someone presenting a fake POV document might be serum tested and arrested, the only way out of serious federal charges might be to take the jab and pay a fine.
Put POV on drivers license.....like Veteran status. Bring in your DD214 and they will put it right under your picture on your ID

You win. Enough people are like you and won't take the vaccine due to exactly what you promote here. As a result, the US population will not achieve herd immunity through vaccinations and we will breed new variants that will add to our covid death rate forever.

Congratulations. Your prize is a withered entertainment industry. Also restricted travel and low job mobility.

It's all yours man. Eat your cake and enjoy it. You win.
Not sure what an unvaccinated chickenshit won, except a case of covid and maybe death, or being fucked for life. You would think he would want everybody vaccinated he can convince, just to protect himself. He claims to have deadly allergies, but appears to have made no effort to seek medical advice or help with a vaccination. His only posts on the topic are to cherry pick and mine for reports of problems and try to amplify them here. Perhaps he needs to be right, feel vindicated and does have medical issues, in which case his ego might kill him. His behavior is counter productive for someone who is gonna depend on herd immunity for safety and perhaps his own survival.