Will those survive

@ilovereggae are they getting greener a bit or am I just delusional lol
I've been spraying with cal/mag for the past three day. Dunno what the heck am I doing spraying for three days in a row lol but my wife says they are looking tiny bit greener and i should keep doing what am doing?
whatdayathink :)?
when you top a branch leave half inch or so of stem above the node, this will get the knuckle bigger and the plant is most likely not going to split.
@giantcola you made go lookup bluedream last night to find out what exactly is best to handle it. Thank you very much for the detailed info that honestly I had no clue about. This is extremely useful info about the pH. Now I know what is my problem. A break down of what happened to those plants:
  1. I planted them in the crappy Miracle Gro Moisture Control with pic below.
  2. After sprouting and outgrowing the pot i moved them to a bigger pot with a mix of the Miracle Gro above and tiny bit of Sheep Manure..pic below
  3. I have always watered with variable pH ranging from 5.5, 6 and 6.5
  4. the bluedream has been yellow since the day it sprouted with few exception periods where it greened up a lil bit but then back to yellow
  5. i water feed them weekly using this fox farm trio following their schedule (pic attached below) only using Grow Big and Big Bloom Not Tiger.
  6. I used my finger to test if soil is dry
  7. i then moved them into smart pots outside and after acclamation they didn't like the heat still and the Northern Lights started getting cupped leaves and yellow veins becuse of this i think.
  8. i then decided that Miracle Gro was a bad choice so i transplanted them once more into a mix of the Vigoro Garden mix with pic below (which has humus, Canadian Sphagnum peat moss and compost) and pro mix
  9. I fed them one time since I moved them there with the fox farm mentioned above
  10. I started foliar feeding the Blue dream with cal/mag (did that three times already for three consecutive days)
  11. I noticed the blue dream started getting bit greener.
  12. Note: when i was transplanting them for the last time as mentioned above i noticed the bluedream roots are smaller than the other three
I think i was doing it all completely random being reactive as @ilovereggae said because i lacked the knowledge and didn't know it will be a meticulous process.
From what you said @giantcola , i think lots of nutrients are not available to them because of this chaotic approach i did.
I recently ordered https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B073DKN49H/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B0732MJLW6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
from amazon to feed their roots and try to get them into better shape.
regarding your question of how do i figure which nutes to use, i just picked the stuff i usually use with veggies and used them. and from research on the yellow leaves of the bluedream, the closest symptom was lack of cal/mag/iron. this is why i used this. The BD has red stems all over and am trying to fix this.

I hope i covered all your questions/points @giantcola and thanks again for this extremely useful info. I think it will help me save the BD *optimistically*
the Vigoro soil: https://www.homedepot.ca/product/vigoro-x-triple-mix-garden-soil/1000683911


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nice troubleshooting! Saying first that i do not grow in soil but in hydro so i have only basic knowledge about the science behing growing in living soil, the problem is not the soil itself (i've never used"commercial" soil without adding a ton of perlite to it, i hate the way soil growing sometimes leeds to problem with root oxigenation), but the micro organisms that should brake down your raw organic nutrients into plant's assimilable food, are not able to live in an environment with such ph. Soil usually buffers Ph, is not difficult to maintain the right values if you bring your tap/nutrient solution to around 6.5 and try to stay consistent with it when you water..
Foliar feeding is surely the fastest way to make plants uptake what they need despite the root situation, so if you have to flush or think something wrong is happening, you can flush the plant and still feed her. I honestly don't know how to solve a nutrient buildup in a soil grow, without having to water just with low ppms and no nutrients for entire weeks somethimes, but i hope it won't be your case.
So, most likely it was an uptaking issue then caused the deficiency when the nutrient were already in the substrate, so maybe you won't need to add more.
Just take it super easy with nutes, i'll just adjust ph and environmental condition and continue to foliar spray.
Good grow, keep us updated!
Red stems can be caused by: Mg deficiency, that can be caused by Cold, as Mg is not available as low temps or because the nutrient is lacking, and if i remember well Mg becomes unavailable with a lower ph.
Too much light can cause stems and leaves to show that too
@giantcola thank you man..very helpfull info :)
Unfortunately, it seems am hitting another issue now. Today i took a closer look at the Northern Lights, the one with cupped and curled leaves (you can see the pics in previous replies in this thread) and saw tiny tiny white bugs walking on its leaves. Not sure if it is aphids or mites or God knows what :/
I used the growweedeasy that @ilovereggae sent me and it showed under Board mites https://www.growweedeasy.com/cannabis-plant-problems/broad-mites
that leaves will look this way, which is similar to what i have.
luckily my wife has this insectiside https://store.doyourownpestcontrol.com/martins-vegetable-plus-insecticide
and i will start applying it and will isolate this plant away from the others...
Since (from research) broad mites cannot be seen with naked eye, i think what i have could be thrips. since i saw couple of them walking by and they are very visible..
here are some close up pic i took right now20200526_192945.jpg20200526_193026.jpg20200526_193043.jpg
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Hi amazing folks, hope your summer has gone mad enough for the unprecedented 2020 :)
Those girls in this post has grown up a lot and been thru alot and recently found White Powdery Mildew on them so i sprayed the heck of them with Hydrogin Pyroxide couple of times and cut all the leaves that just saw a whiff of mildew on them. Here they are in the pic, pretty naked. My question to you would cutting this shit load of leaves make those girl weaker and not work in my favour?
Thanks for all your help as usual :) @Boatguy @giantcola @ilovereggae 20200624_202828.jpg
Hi amazing folks, hope your summer has gone mad enough for the unprecedented 2020 :)
Those girls in this post has grown up a lot and been thru alot and recently found White Powdery Mildew on them so i sprayed the heck of them with Hydrogin Pyroxide couple of times and cut all the leaves that just saw a whiff of mildew on them. Here they are in the pic, pretty naked. My question to you would cutting this shit load of leaves make those girl weaker and not work in my favour?
Thanks for all your help as usual :) @Boatguy @giantcola @ilovereggae View attachment 4605234

Those are looking killer dude. Dont worry about the trimming, its still early enough they will fill out. And its all relative. Maaaaybe it would affect harvest but better to get 90% of X than 0% bc of mildew taking over. But I wouldn't stress it. You are doing great, keep it up!
@ilovereggae thank you for the comment...i guess i survived yet another battle with strange stuff. I am tired to be honest ...first got rid of thrips, then aphids and now WPM...dunno what is coming next...it is just like having a baby with lots of health problem and you just cannot stay out of hospital :)