will this light work


Active Member
dunno which one you mean but go for hps250/400 or higher depending on size of grow
hope this helps


Well-Known Member
The lights looked like a lot of flood lights or outdoor lights. You really don't want to use flood lights unless you plan on catching something on fire lol they get hot very very fast. If your using a hps for small grow even a 400w is better to use will help with a better yield.

I just re-looked and it came up to the light your wanting to use and like I said thats an outdoor lights for outdoor purposes it probably heats up quick or over a period of time. I know you don't want to burn your house down just go for an HPS light on a different sight a 250-400 full setup you can find them cheap cheap..


Well-Known Member
i grow with 250W hps's (about 16 of them in total) and im getting reli good results man..just make sure u have a good reflector if u use a 250w.it'll increase yield and u can place the light alot closer to your plants without burning them with a 250 over a 400 hps. get 2x 250w hps/mh ballists and put one hps bulb in the one and 1 MH bulb in the other.this will give you good light spectrum and will grow 6-8 plants very well!!!(3 under each light)good luck man...hope this makes your choice