Please do tell what right has been infringed upon ???? Last time I checked you have every right to bear arms and still can. The question is how much arms do you need to protect yourself ???? My .40 cal has a 30 round magazine,but I never use it. To damn big to go concealed. I still can get the job using 13 +1 with the G23 or 9 +1 with the G27...again I'm cool with limits on magazine capacities if it can stop a crazy from doing so much fucking damage
I'm glad you're cool with, but I'm not. YOU can be cool with all you want.
I'm cool with banning all meat as long as it prevents some crazy like Michael Vick from thinking torturing animals is fun.
It's all cool as long as you're the one cool with the topic you're cool with.
Here's a list I'm cool with banning:
Gay sex
Sports video games
Soccer, especially video soccer (fooseball is ok)
Hard liquor
Corona beer ( other beers are ok)
Everyone but white people ( People suck. Go animals! But I don't want to die, you cool with it?)
Digital TVs (CRTs rule bitches!)
Sony Game systems (fuck you Sony)
Wii (stop casual gaming, if Granny doesn't like COD, then she needs to GTFO and cook me some vegan cookies instead)
Insulin (Stop drinking up my OJ when you have an attack. It's my OJ!)
Otaku & weeaboos (you'll never be Japsnese, give it up!)
Country music
Wearing your underwear past your ass cheeks
I'm cool with banning all that for now. Since banning will stop all these actions, I'll find more stuff to ban once I notice whatever else annoys me.