Why T5's instead of LED's?

Thats your experience.Not mine.Why so angry?maybe you need to smoke some pot grown under t-5 so you can chill out some.There are to many other things to get excited about in life.Look the last Kush I grew was so hard of buds you could push hard on them and not even make a dent in them not fluffy or airy at all.There are so many variables to a grow sometime people just over think things.There plants,Living, if you have a green thumb or not in the end is the issue.(knowing how to read your plants)all this technical stuff only works if you understand it,if not it gets you in trouble.My plants finish on time,there time.chill out dude you might learn something from someone who does things different than you.By telling people there full of stinky stuff no# 1 you will never teach anyone else anything no# 2 you will never learn yourself, I have never learned anything from someone who always agrees with me.Perhaps you made some mistakes when using t-5 like I might if I were using led.that would be on me not the light.Lord knows I made my share of mistakes.Be blessed churchhaze have a good day and continue growing good smoke.We are not the enemy.

There is no substance in this argument.
As long as you're using T5 to flower, I can't even take you seriously. Step up to HPS or you're still a noob who shouldn't be handing out advice.

This whole section is a joke. All the time spent making these grow journals could have gotten so much more substantial yields if they weren't encouraged to go down this futile path. Then they encourage even more people to go down this route by acting overly nice when people show their results.

Everyone's results in this section are laughable. It doesn't have to be this way. HPS was invented. Watch your yields double, flowering time shorten, no more foxtails, hard buds, etc, all for less startup cost and hassle.
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Hey churchaze your obviously an angry troll who thinks everyone should do things the way you do or there wrong.Must be one heck of an ego o_Or you are not getting any lately.Before you call someone a noob know who your talking to.I been doing this since 1978.As much fun as it is to see you make a fool of yourself, I'm done responding to a troll.Ill show my weak, lame, fluffy, small, late finishing bud, at the end of Feb. tell me then if there laughable.remember were not your enemy stop trying to make us one.Its about having fun and enjoying the grow and harvest that's what its about.Dont sound like your having much of either.I am. Be blessed
Hey churchaze your obviously an angry troll who thinks everyone should do things the way you do or there wrong.Must be one heck of an ego o_Or you are not getting any lately.Before you call someone a noob know who your talking to.I been doing this since 1978.As much fun as it is to see you make a fool of yourself, I'm done responding to a troll.Ill show my weak, lame, fluffy, small, late finishing bud, at the end of Feb. tell me then if there laughable.remember were not your enemy stop trying to make us one.Its about having fun and enjoying the grow and harvest that's what its about.Dont sound like your having much of either.I am. Be blessed

You are an old noob, just like RM3. You're stuck in the 70s and can't understand why everyone else moved on to HPS. I bet you also believe in putting nails in stalks, boiling roots, and using way too much blue. Then you want others to listen to your advice so they can waste tons of time and electricity too.
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All of them. You're full of shit. T5 is known for having poor spectrum.
Ok, it's time for you to step up and show some of this marvelous led vegging that you keep talking out your ass about or shut the fuck up and go away for good.
Post some photo's of YOUR plants in veg with specifics on the led's used.
I still challenge you and any other these other led fanboys around these parts to produce a quality HEAD of lettuce under led sole source lighting :fire:
A good T5 had a very similar efficiency to standard leds but the advantage to the T5 is the spectrum usually has a spike at 420nm as opposed to 450nm with LED's.
There is also often some uva in a T5 and this also helps in the veg stage. After saying all that most of my customers really like to veg under 4000k cri 95 leds, they think the plants look happier under them. The cri does make a big difference
Personally I think fluorescent bulbs are a waste if you have them in a reflector, they are already not very intense. Having half your output traveling to the reflector and most of it lost blocked by the bulb or bouncing in the wrong direction, whatever returns is pretty weak imo. If you have them as side lighting wether in a tube or spiral surrounded by plants, thats about the only thing that I think they are more useful as.

Not against low intensity lights as I just grew 3oz on a single plant surrounded by 280 watts of screw in leds and a few cfls.
You can definitely grow good weed with them, I guess the point I want to make is leds focus the light better than a tube or spiral bulb.
A good T5 had a very similar efficiency to standard leds but the advantage to the T5 is the spectrum usually has a spike at 420nm as opposed to 450nm with LED's.
There is also often some uva in a T5 and this also helps in the veg stage. After saying all that most of my customers really like to veg under 4000k cri 95 leds, they think the plants look happier under them. The cri does make a big difference

It's not the CRI making the difference, it's the efficiency. T5 is about half as efficient as "standard leds".

T5 is a waste of power and costs a lot to setup. It has NOTHING going on for it except for salesmen trying to clear out their old inventory and old timers getting offended because they can't separate their skill from their equipment in their heads. They see technology improving as a threat to their manhood/womanhood in general and get offended by the words "better" and "improvement".

"Standard LEDs" are objectively better than any T5. You need significantly less electric power to get the same amount of light. Period. T5 aren't even cheaper to buy anymore.
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Jokers. My vero 18 3000k 80cri gen 7 setup is producing over 150lm/W... must be the CRI doing the heavy lifting...

How dense do people have to be to not see the future right in front of their faces. T5 is a relic of the 00s. We're long into the 10s and almost into the roaring 20s. Get the T5 out of your vocab by then grandpa. Let it go!!!
Jokers. My vero 18 3000k 80cri gen 7 setup is producing over 150lm/W... must be the CRI doing the heavy lifting...

How dense do people have to be to not see the future right in front of their faces. T5 is a relic of the 00s. We're long into the 10s and almost into the roaring 20s. Get the T5 out of your vocab by then grandpa. Let it go!!!
Have you actually done any side by side grow tests between "standard" led and T5? Some of us have......
It's kinda funny when I go into any store and search the "led" bulb section, I am still hard pressed to even find one that can bust 100lm/w and most all of them still have shitty color even for human eye.
Your such a fan troll I know you gotta have a boner for GrowMau5, so here - you can ride his coat tails with the whole mask to popularity thing :peace:

Jokers. My vero 18 3000k 80cri gen 7 setup is producing over 150lm/W... must be the CRI doing the heavy lifting...

How dense do people have to be to not see the future right in front of their faces. T5 is a relic of the 00s. We're long into the 10s and almost into the roaring 20s. Get the T5 out of your vocab by then grandpa. Let it go!!!
Sounds like you missed the hps days too. leds ARE the future......the future aint here yet. I use leds for veg....all good , i cant complain except my t5's covered more space.

Now, when your ready to grow PLANTS EFFICIENTLY , then your going to need HID, period. (big rooms , lots of plants)
Why do all the commercial farmers use hid instead of led ?
Sorry electricity school boy, you have NO choice but to waste a ton of electricity when growing a lot of good shit.

I'm an led guy, I don't say things like that for no reason, T5s are good and they offer something that leds can not match unless you spend alot of money. Lumens of an led doesn't count for everything, a good T5 will push 150 lumens per watt but at the same time they have a better set up in the blue spectrum for horticultural purposes.
They are far from a dead product just like hps is far from dead.
That's what Im gonna be working with I'll be posting my first grow with this grade of equipment over only done CFLs in the past but currently have t5s for veg and hps for flower I have co2 and everything I'm finishing disinfecting the two rooms then I just need to get my Med. Along with the clones to grow in it lol keep an eye out if you're interested in the results which we can all see more then a few might benefit from this :)
What exactly is "efficient"
The lush growth your plants are showing tells me that your plants are using the photons coming out of those T5's much more "efficiently" than I see on most all of the led grown plants on these forums :hump:
Cheating a lil with Co2. Awesome genetics sure make a diff.
Side by side t5 and bestva 2000w led.


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