Why is Weed Illegal?


Well-Known Member
pressure from timber farmers and oil companies to outlaw hemp concocting a lovely plan to mark all cannabis as bad...


Well-Known Member
Big Pharmaceutical

They've even been doping our kids for profit for decades now.


buddha webb

New Member
The reasons it was outlawed vary,from being treated like a hard drug to being associated with witchcraft,many reasons.....I believe the reasons its illegal is all the above...pharmeceutical companys would lose billions,oil companys would lose billions,cotton industry would lose billions.,alcohol revenue would drop therefore losing billions,cigarrette sales would drop losing billions.......its in there interest to keep people fucked up on prescription drugs,its in their interest to keep pepple drinking alcohol and profiting off abuse,its in there interest to rape the planet instead of using hemp as a natural resource,it would not be in their interest to have a community smoking legally and working out all the bullshit they throw at us......
And there just wankers too...............Bbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
because its ok for 51% (or less with the proper lobbyist) of the people can dictate what the other 49% can do. You gotta love being a democracy... oh wait we arent....


Well-Known Member
they want to control your pain, your anxiety, your nausea........
you must pay their friends, the drug companies, 700 bucks for something that doesn't work, and makes you sick. control our health, control our food.........control us.
have a goody!!


The reasons it was outlawed vary,from being treated like a hard drug to being associated with witchcraft,many reasons.....I believe the reasons its illegal is all the above...pharmeceutical companys would lose billions,oil companys would lose billions,cotton industry would lose billions.,alcohol revenue would drop therefore losing billions,cigarrette sales would drop losing billions.......its in there interest to keep people fucked up on prescription drugs,its in their interest to keep pepple drinking alcohol and profiting off abuse,its in there interest to rape the planet instead of using hemp as a natural resource,it would not be in their interest to have a community smoking legally and working out all the bullshit they throw at us......
And there just wankers too...............Bbongsmilie
Reading that makes me angry! FUCK THE GOVERNMENT!


Well-Known Member
Because it makes white women want to fornicate with black jazz musicians who frequently use cannabis. Well at least in the 1930's that was one of the reasons. These fuckers got to either ban the booze and the butts or make the leaf legal simple.


Well-Known Member
They made marijuana illegal basically because of racism in the south. They said blacks were smoking weed and would be hyped up running around raping white women, so the government enlisted Hollywood and started making "reefer madness" movies and trailers to spread the word that weed was BAD! Around the same time congress made it illegal. Now I believe the pill makers won't let medical marijuana develop, and I doubt that we will ever see the decriminalization of weed in my lifetime. There are those people who still believe that those 1930's style movies are actual fact and have their life invested in making sure people can't do what they want to. I mean I wish people would stay the fuck out of my business. If I want to smoke weed, then I am going to. I don't give a shit if I get in trouble or not anymore. I've been in so much trouble over drugs its ridiculous. I can't get my felony trafficking of marijuana expunged off my record in my state, so a petty posession or any misdemeanor to me doesn't matter. Sorry people, this topic always gets me fired up!

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Rest assured, prohibition did not work, banning mmj also, will never work.

We can't lose this fight!
Maybe not, but this has lasted WELL beyond any time frame that prohibition ran. BTW, has anyone seen the ads for "Bordwalk Empire"? The opening line is "When alcohol was banned, the gangsters became rich" or words to that effect. You'd think they'd have learned something from prohibition, but no. Now they rub our noses in it with shows like that!! They are acknowledging to the public the fact that prohibition creates crime.


Well-Known Member
Maybe not, but this has lasted WELL beyond any time frame that prohibition ran. BTW, has anyone seen the ads for "Bordwalk Empire"? The opening line is "When alcohol was banned, the gangsters became rich" or words to that effect. You'd think they'd have learned something from prohibition, but no. Now they rub our noses in it with shows like that!! They are acknowledging to the public the fact that prohibition creates crime.
COULD NOT have said it better myself. Prohibition=crime.


Well-Known Member
IMHO, MJ is illegal because humans are an irrational. This MJ "irrationality" bothers us because it directly affects us. We have science, history, facts and personal experience on our side. Yet, our Government (we the people) disagrees without a strong counter argument. There are many, many, many examples of this.

- at 18 years of age you can die for your country serving in the military but you cannot legally drink alcohol.

- a gay person can vote, join the military, adopt children, become President ( a couple already have) of the USA but they cannot marry in most states.

- you can eat a snake, chicken, cow, chip monk, pigeon, and etc but you cannot legally eat dogs, cats or horses.

I think change comes when the Government (we the people) focus on a new "Bogeyman" (ex. terrorism) and gets distracted from the old "Bogeyman" (MJ).


Well-Known Member
Boardwalk Empire is awesome, just watched season 1 & 2 back to back. HBO did a fantastic job with that.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
IMHO, MJ is illegal because humans are an irrational. This MJ "irrationality" bothers us because it directly affects us. We have science, history, facts and personal experience on our side. Yet, our Government (we the people) disagrees without a strong counter argument. There are many, many, many examples of this.

- at 18 years of age you can die for your country serving in the military but you cannot legally drink alcohol.

- a gay person can vote, join the military, adopt children, become President ( a couple already have) of the USA but they cannot marry in most states.

- you can eat a snake, chicken, cow, chip monk, pigeon, and etc but you cannot legally eat dogs, cats or horses.

I think change comes when the Government (we the people) focus on a new "Bogeyman" (ex. terrorism) and gets distracted from the old "Bogeyman" (MJ).
You're pretty damn close! We do have science, history and facts on our side, and the government counters, but their argument is weak and they know it. So, that being the case, HOW can they continue the Charade? (and that is EXACTLY what it is) I have no idea what the agenda is, but if you boil it down to the basics, You just have to look at the prime motivator, MONEY! Obviously there is money to be had by legalizing and taxing pot. So WHY don't they do just that? It can only be that there is MORE money to be made by keeping it illegal. DEA, expanded law enforcement, the judicial system, corrections, all are sucking the tit of federal tax dollars. SOMEBODY, or several somebodies, is making MONEY by keeping pot illegal, not to mention that Big Pharm, Textiles, Timber, the alcohol industry all have a stake in this, and I can only assume that the lobbyists are being WELL paid to help maintain the status quo, and that money is being spread around Capital Hill.
These people in our government are anything but stupid. They KNOW that the positions they take are nothing but pap, and that we REALLY don't buy it, but they have the power, and it IS illegal, and the Government has the people of our country convinced that the majority believe it's a bad thing. So we the people wont dare admit in public that we smoke the stuff out of fear of ostracism, or being placed under investigation. They know how to manipulate the poulation, and they are doing a damn good job of it.


Active Member
Didn't they try to ban jazz music for the same reasons? If the police fully had their way, everything would be illegal and then they could arrest anybody for being anybody. "Visibly pregnant mother, drop that open bag of groceries, you're under arrest!" Followed by a steel baton to the teeth. And then they'll be deemed "productive" and get more money to expand. And what, was she arrested for being visibly pregnant, or having an open bag of groceries, or a bag that was open that showed she had groceries in public...? Or maybe just for being a female in public without related male escort and without being covered up with a tarp? They should have banned the queen's tea, at least THAT's something that can shorten your lifespan.


New Member
Prohibition was a very lucrative business for governmnt officials, lobbyists, gangsters etc etc. When it ended, our first "Drug Czar" Mr. Harry Anslinger a right wing radical over conservative fear monger. Was bought and paid for by William Randolph Hurst, DOW chemical company and other lobbying corporate structures. They had a "new drug menace" to wipe out. One that could replace all the trees that Mr. Hurst made so much double-sided money with not only producing but also with many newspapers. It was a closed circuit profit machine. The chemcal companies want to continue to push petroleum, chemically made fabrics, non natural plastic compounds etc. So, who could he find to back him and push for his 'moral war on drugs'? Why the so called moral majority army of right wing conservatives that paid his salary to begin with. Hence, the propaganda war. If we allow pot to be smoked, all your teenage white middle-upper class girls will over night turn into street trash and be found in the company of black men, kids will take one hit and hack their parents to death in an axe crazed frenzy... etc etc...ridiculous.

But again it is illegal because of the profit involved in keeping it that way. From the current U.S Drug Czar Kerlikowske right on down to the guys selling a joint of ditch in a tiny baggie for $10.00. Hate to sound cynical but that's the way I see it.