I have an employer funded pension and a 401K. Estimates are that combined with Social Security I'll make in retirement what I make working.
This should be standard fare in American work life. That it isn't shows just how far things have gotten it if hand; I mean, we ducked millions of hard working Americans out of their pensions in the 80s and 90s... and it didn't help the economy one bit- it just created more fat cats.
It should be standard just like not having to have two incomes per household to make a living shouldn't almost be mandatory these days. People have forgotten what America is about and have come to accept the butt fucking they're getting from the rich.
So we all just wander around and forage?
People in urban centers pick dandelions out of the cracks in the cement?
I'm not sure what you mean by "live off the land."
With out electricity, one would need around an acre of land per person. Yeah, there are 1/10 of an acre gardens that produce shit tons of food, but those are costly and probably need electricity. Most people know nothing of growing food and have no interest in it beyond a few tomato plants.
If you are talking about foraging, that would devastate ecosystems.
I have chickens and a garden.
Oh hun lol should have explained myself better...
We need electricity and fuel...but I think solar power , steam, hydrolic, and kenetic energy are far better options. ..what I'm suggesting is change...that we stop depleting natural resources that we current use like fuel..we've become such a wasteful, materialistic society. ..do we need all these things we waste money on...not at all. Not saying go back to stone age...we need to think about our children's future. ..
If that happened in america people would either spend it all on hummers, their childrens education, titty bars, cocaine/meth/heroin, burn it to show off on youtube, alcohol, casinos and like health lol i love americans the culmination of the being human, sorry human being well fuck it whats the difference?!
Oh hun lol should have explained myself better...
We need electricity and fuel...but I think solar power , steam, hydrolic, and kenetic energy are far better options.
..what I'm suggesting is change...that we stop depleting natural resources that we current use like fuel..we've become such a wasteful, materialistic society.
..do we need all these things we waste money on.
..not at all. Not saying go back to stone age...we need to think about our children's future. ..
That has been happening for quite some time. Some of my electric comes from wind power and solar.
I haven't.
We includes me, so
ipods? The computer you are typing on? The chair you are sitting on?
What do you mean?
I might agree with you on many things.
I don't need an iphone, but I do need a cell phone and a truck or a different career.
I don't need a house, but I like my yard and organic garden and my chickens.
I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be
Everybody's searching for a hero
People need someone to look up to
I never found anyone who fulfilled my needs
A lonely place to be
And so I learned to depend on weed
I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone's shadows
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I'll live as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my weed
Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all
Inside of me
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all
I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be
And if, by chance, that special place
That you've been dreaming of
Leads you to a lonely place
Find your strength in love
edit: I do not mean to give you shit, I am just riffing/talking.
You are okay in my book Pickle Queen.
You are an idiot. What are you basing this on?
The media?
Did your parents have any children that lived?
when the world finally realize that failure to respect Mother Earth will eventually result in the extintion of homosapiens & all species.
It has been stated by others,Solar,Wind,Hydro,Geothermal,biggest thing is to Recycle every possible waste we make so that our grandchildren have a future
Oy vey... where do I start?
First, electricity and fuel have to come from somewhere! The only source you've mentioned above is solar- and it's intermittent and diffuse.
The rest; steam, 'hydraulic', and kinetic are forms of energy that again, need to be generated FROM something, these just transfer power or heat around.
Back to sources; fossil fuels. Coal = bad, agreed. BUT, don't lump natural gases in alongside coal and then toss them with the bathwater! Turns out that HOW the power is produced matters a great deal; burning natural gas is inefficient for generating electricity, but it's great for heat. Use of fuel cells changes that story completely and makes natural gas extremely attractive as a future energy source and transfer medium.
Back to sustainability; natural gas can be and is produced through natural, biological processes; if you ate beans recently, you've made some too! Pass naturally produced natural gas (methane) through fuel cells and you have your fully sustainable energy future.
Install fuel cells in place of furnaces in people's homes and they get the benefits of free cogenerated heat along with an extremely reliable source of electricity. Growers can use the cogenerated carbon dioxide. Costs down. Environment protected. Efficiency and reliability enhanced.
I know it's a bit technical, but I'm talking about converting natural gas, aka methane, a greenhouse gas that's twenty times stronger than carbon dioxide, into warmth and power.
That's turning pigshit into power in the hands of the People. That's sustainability... and it's supportive of innovation, which in the long run is the ONLY thing that will save our kind.
I dunno I'm into theorizing. ..not the technical shit...I'm sure if a simple mind like mine can think of these ideas. ..the nerds of the world can implement them..look at u go ! Lol
You are only enslaved to provide for yourself. Nourishment and entertainment. Housing. A 9 to 5 ain't that bad. When I was unemployed for almost a year I quickly realized that not having a job and not having the funds to be able to play to pass time was extremely boring. I fell into depression. I mean, some people can sit around and watch talk shows all day. Others may be motivated to do as you say and be productive and independent. I can't think of a single worthwhile invention that hasn't already been done. I like Shark Tank. But, many of us accept that we are not talented in that entrepreneurial spirit. So, we go to work. It's just the way it is.Doing a shitty 9 - 5 job,
Studying shitty education 9 - 9 (12 hours yes not kidding) when you can study at home and learn using the internet and teach yourself things
And turn ourselves into zombies rather than having flexible hours?
We can all be inventors instead of working a shitty job making someone else's dream come true while yours crumbles.
You are only enslaved to provide for yourself. Nourishment and entertainment. Housing. A 9 to 5 ain't that bad. When I was unemployed for almost a year I quickly realized that not having a job and not having the funds to be able to play to pass time was extremely boring. I fell into depression. I mean, some people can sit around and watch talk shows all day. Others may be motivated to do as you say and be productive and independent. I can't think of a single worthwhile invention that hasn't already been done. I like Shark Tank. But, many of us accept that we are not talented in that entrepreneurial spirit. So, we go to work. It's just the way it is.
It's coming around little by little since the crash of 2008. I got displaced from being skilled in manufacturing by evolution. As the wages in China grow, the space is becoming a more level playing field. But, it's advanced manufacturing now. A young person will probably need an education in some field of advanced manufacturing. Like CMC, robotics, electronics. China has really come a long way too tho. They are competitively producing quality among the crap these days. I remember back in the day everything from China was junk. They've come a long way.It sounds like we should stop building Islands in the China sea and start manufacturing here.
I'm in the same position as you was now exactly the same including depression.You are only enslaved to provide for yourself. Nourishment and entertainment. Housing. A 9 to 5 ain't that bad. When I was unemployed for almost a year I quickly realized that not having a job and not having the funds to be able to play to pass time was extremely boring. I fell into depression. I mean, some people can sit around and watch talk shows all day. Others may be motivated to do as you say and be productive and independent. I can't think of a single worthwhile invention that hasn't already been done. I like Shark Tank. But, many of us accept that we are not talented in that entrepreneurial spirit. So, we go to work. It's just the way it is.