Why Do People Laugh At Creationists?


Well-Known Member
Every god is the Same God. Its humans ignorance that separates them. NEALY 2 BILLION MUSLIMS ON THIS PLANET. 300 MILLION AMERICANS. I Dont think The FEWer americans had it 100% right. Seeing as the MAJORITY of the world does not Fallow the New Christian Religion

I already Node

Active Member
Every god is the Same God. Its humans ignorance that separates them. NEALY 2 BILLION MUSLIMS ON THIS PLANET. 300 MILLION AMERICANS. I Dont think The FEWer americans had it 100% right. Seeing as the MAJORITY of the world does not Fallow the New Christian Religion
Ya, but the ones who praise allah can't even help themselves... lol go slap your girl!


Well-Known Member
and christians cannot Fix anyone else, tho they try. Not all muslims slap women, as im sure not all christians abide by the good books rules. I go by numbers, I am no muslim i Live in cali. But IMHO Power doesnt make you right. Christianity is just as LOST and cruel as any other Religion.


Well-Known Member
And IMO the christian faith has more "Magic/Stories" in it than most other religions, some laugh at the fact muslims believe in virgins after death if dying for the cause. Christians beliefs are not too far off in my mind. I prefer Buddhism, If not for the Simple fact they seem to have the REALest grip on life. and not bother with fairy tales.

I already Node

Active Member
and christians cannot Fix anyone else, tho they try. Not all muslims slap women, as im sure not all christians abide by the good books rules. I go by numbers, I am no muslim i Live in cali. But IMHO Power doesnt make you right. Christianity is just as LOST and cruel as any other Religion.
I dont disagree with you!

I already Node

Active Member
And IMO the christian faith has more "Magic/Stories" in it than most other religions, some laugh at the fact muslims believe in virgins after death if dying for the cause. Christians beliefs are not too far off in my mind. I prefer Buddhism, If not for the Simple fact they seem to have the REALest grip on life. and not bother with fairy tales.
I don't disagree with you on that either.....


Well-Known Member
my water pitcher has answered more of my prayers than any random god or devil i ever thought cared to listen...

that's all i know for sure.

I already Node

Active Member
Is all good but still no one has given any answer on the monkey turns to human theory?
Not worth considering anyway.

I can't stop staring at that fruit bat.. lol


Well-Known Member
Bill Maher asked Rep Jack Kingston last week if he believed in evolution. His response was, "I believe I came from God and not from a monkey". Bill just let it go, as if that was a coherent response.

In reality he was not responding to evolution, since evolution does not say we came from monkeys. This is a person who was just talking about the 'science" of global warming and how it's important to interpret it correctly. Now, either he has a deep ignorance of the most elementary claims evolution makes, or he's given himself permission to be irrational on the subject of creationism. Either way, I find it so absurd that it makes me laugh.
I saw that. One of the panel wanted to respond IIRC.

Actually, it might be correct to say we came from monkeys. The primate common ancestor of old world monkeys and apes could probably be legitimately called a monkey.

Of course monkey not a very good scientific descriptor.


Well-Known Member
EVOLUTION CAN Co-Exist with a GOD. I BELIEVE "a god" created US. I BELIEVE IN A Transient God that CREATED ALL and is not HANDS ON in our lives. I also BELIEVE HUMANS CAN AND WILL CREATE LIFE. But does that make us god? no. Life Can and Will Evolve, Life can and Will be created. Humans like it or not are a MIX of two or more species, not getting into it. "time" is the big issue ppl cannot wrap their minds around. Their are greater intelligences out their other than our own, believe it or not. Ignorance can be your bliss if you let it.


Well-Known Member
DUDE - think about what you just said, if monkey's evolved then we would have half monkey's walking around us from periods when they started evolving (thousands of years ago) before the other monkey's who started evolving a little behind the other monkey's who started evolving ect.. ect.. ect... And we would have almost human monkey's that are real close to being a human.

What your saying is we evolved from monkey's and then stopped evolving and now we have monkey's and humans and monkey's just don't evolve anymore!
Humans and monkeys are still evolving but they are now on separate branches of the tree. Once a species diverges onto a new path, it will never again share traits of another branch. This is the principle of monophyly.
The common ancestor of apes and monkeys was NOT the same as a modern monkey. The common ancestor of apes and humans was neither a modern ape or a modern human. Modern apes cannot go back (de-evolve) to the basal ape form any more than modern humans would evolve back to the basal form and beget more species of apes.

This might be the simplest way to explain. Most Americans are descended from Europeans but there are still Europeans and they continued to 'evolve' along their distinct culture and language. Neither modern Americans or Europeans are the same in either language or culture as the Euro-Americans were in the 17th century.
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I have a question...what kind of proof would be needed to change the mind of someone who does not believe God exists.

Personaly I believe

something (God) created something (the world)

I do not believe

Nothing (nothing) created something (the world)
First of all, we would have to define your god. Every theist has a different idea of what god is and can do.
Tell me what your god is.
Tell me what it can do.
Tell me why you believe it.
Tell me why I should believe it.

I am very open to the possibility of gods, just as I am very open to the possibility of unicorns existing. All I want is proof.
What kind of proof?
The empirical kind.


Well-Known Member
This is True. Humans can easily be a HYBRID of two species, yet have STILL EVOLVED over time to look different.
Humans and monkeys are still evolving but they are now on separate branches of the tree. Once a species diverges onto a new path, it will never again share traits of another branch. This is the principle of monophyly.
The common ancestor of apes and monkeys was NOT the same as a modern monkey. The common ancestor of apes and humans was neither a modern ape or a modern human. Modern apes cannot go back (de-evolve) to the basal ape form any more than modern humans would evolve back to the basal form and beget more species of apes.

This might be the simplest way to explain. Most Americans are descended from Europeans but there are still Europeans and they continued to 'evolve' along their distinct culture and language. Neither modern Americans or Europeans are the same in either language or culture as the Euro-Americans were in the 17th century.


Well-Known Member
Man kind is not far from CREATING life in some form itself. so Creationism is POSSIBLE IS TRUE. SO IS EVOLUTION this isnt some republican / democrat bs. both can co-exist. expand your mind, Time heals all & makes what you do not understand possible


creationism makes some outlandish claims that greatly conflict with evolution. which is why there is a problem to begin with.


Well-Known Member
The claims can be wrong. but both are true. and both exist. Humans can have been a breed between two species thus created somehow.. and evolved from that species further into us. Most ppls minds cannot process enough to see the entire picture.. this is true. Not all humans are Equal, in the eyes of god yes...but on the Human standard NO. Some can understand some cannot. their is more to this world than we will ever know, and the few who do know, are not our equal for that reason.


both cannot be true. both sides severely conflict with each other. there are numerous contradictions.

the universe can't be both 6,000 years old and at the same time be 13.75 billion years old.
complex organisms can not have popped into existence yet at the same time evolved from simple cells.