Why Do People Laugh At Creationists?

I have always gotten a bit of a chuckle from people who worship science to bash people who are spiritual. In my opinion it is a failure on the part of science to not be able test spiritual ideas more than a failure of the people who believe in the ideas themselves. And it is scientists who completely dismiss spirituality as hocus pocus who prevent the field from moving in the direction needed to actually be able to quantitatively test the theories. Instead of going through the effort of proving or disproving the theory themselves, which is what they should be doing as scientists, they instead try to put the responsibility of proving validity on the people who do not claim to be scientists.
you get all that from a monty python spoof , you are wound way too tight

If that was directed at me, I have no idea what you are talking about. My post was directed at the thread in general, nothing to do with monty python. Also I am probably the exact opposite of being tightly wound. I frequently get asked why am I always so calm and laid back lol. If it wasn't directed at me, disregard this post.
People want to believe they are special and that is why they believe in God. It is easier for people to think when they die they go to some special place where everything is rainbow's and butterflies rather than to concede to the idea that they will be recycled by the earth and conscious life just comes to an end. People are scared fragile creatures and need a crutch or else they would panic. Originally the idea of a god was a way to keep people in check by use of fear and that is why people laugh at creationist's. Also, it would be more probable that we were created by aliens rather than a mythical man in the sky because unlike god it is actually probable that they exist. That in no way means I think aliens created us it just means it's more probable in the event that we were created by something.
People want to believe they are special and that is why they believe in God. It is easier for people to think when they die they go to some special place where everything is rainbow's and butterflies rather than to concede to the idea that they will be recycled by the earth and conscious life just comes to an end. People are scared fragile creatures and need a crutch or else they would panic. Originally the idea of a god was a way to keep people in check by use of fear and that is why people laugh at creationist's. Also, it would be more probable that we were created by aliens rather than a mythical man in the sky because unlike god it is actually probable that they exist. That in no way means I think aliens created us it just means it's more probable in the event that we were created by something.

Would that not make those aliens equivalent to a god as most people see it? As far as your idea of what happens after death, I have seen no scientific proof to the conscious life coming to an end part. There are scientists who have spent many years studying what could be called reincarnation which may be argued could show proof to dispute your claim. I would direct you to Dr. Ian Stevenson's work if you are interested in seeing what he has discovered.
I think its hilarious, because i was raised by Jehovah Witnesses and my mom has always told me there is no heaven and I would die just like everybody else...lol she also told me when I was like 6 there was no such thing as santa claus....
What if Abe claimed to have the power of life over death and raised himself up from the dead, would that be enough?

No, because all that would mean is that Abe Lincoln can raise himself from the dead. What about all the other claims? How do I know Abe Lincoln created the universe? Am I just supposed to take his word for it because he can raise himself from the dead? Still, at that point I would require more evidence..

So I guess to answer your question... I'd have to see God create the universe. And to be honest, if there is a being capable of creating what we perceive to be the universe, I think it would be able to show me how it did it on a level I could comprehend.

Why don't monkey's still evolve? I'm just wondering...

Monkeys do still evolve. Every living organism evolves.

I have always gotten a bit of a chuckle from people who worship science to bash people who are spiritual. In my opinion it is a failure on the part of science to not be able test spiritual ideas more than a failure of the people who believe in the ideas themselves. And it is scientists who completely dismiss spirituality as hocus pocus who prevent the field from moving in the direction needed to actually be able to quantitatively test the theories. Instead of going through the effort of proving or disproving the theory themselves, which is what they should be doing as scientists, they instead try to put the responsibility of proving validity on the people who do not claim to be scientists.

That's why I use the good ol' Shermer technique... Creationists bitch about "teaching the controversy" so much, you know what Michael Shermer does? He says "OK, go for it. You have the science class, what would you like to teach?"..."...uhh... ....umm... well..." CRICKETS!!!

And that is the essence of creationism, and in fact everything you just referred to. Science is a tool. It only works when there is something to test.

Souls, ghosts, spirits, demons, monsters,ghouls, goblins, unicorns, Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, etc... all that shit is psuedoscience. It's psuedoscience because there's nothing to test.

They have NOTHING. It isn't the failure on the part of science. As soon as you guys come up with some shit for us scientists to test, we'll GLADLY do it. How bout the shroud of Turin? You guys brought that, we tested it, and it failed the "this is Jebus' death cloth!!" test. Dated hundreds of years after he supposidly lived...

Shit like that happens constantly.

There is nothing to support creationism, that's why people laugh at creationists, because you'd have to be an idiot to believe it.
Would that not make those aliens equivalent to a god as most people see it?

LOL, no. In fact if we ever find any form of intelligent life it will negate almost all religions.

As far as your idea of what happens after death, I have seen no scientific proof to the conscious life coming to an end part. There are scientists who have spent many years studying what could be called reincarnation which may be argued could show proof to dispute your claim. I would direct you to Dr. Ian Stevenson's work if you are interested in seeing what he has discovered.

Energy transfers not consciousness and are you say you believe in reincarnation? There are scientists that tried for years to prove that smoking didn't cause cancer. It all depends on there bias and what they want to find. I guarantee you he has found no conclusive evidence of reincarnation.
I have always gotten a bit of a chuckle from people who worship science to bash people who are spiritual. In my opinion it is a failure on the part of science to not be able test spiritual ideas more than a failure of the people who believe in the ideas themselves.
There are many, many scientists that are spiritual and religious. Science doesn't test spiritual ideas because it is a method that is limited to nature. You need other forms of philosophy to discuss these other aspects. Science is not the correct tool for that.
However, that should never be interpreted as saying that scientists themselves disregard the spiritual, that would be a mistake.
Why don't monkey's still evolve? I'm just wondering...

Bill Maher asked Rep Jack Kingston last week if he believed in evolution. His response was, "I believe I came from God and not from a monkey". Bill just let it go, as if that was a coherent response.

In reality he was not responding to evolution, since evolution does not say we came from monkeys. This is a person who was just talking about the 'science" of global warming and how it's important to interpret it correctly. Now, either he has a deep ignorance of the most elementary claims evolution makes, or he's given himself permission to be irrational on the subject of creationism. Either way, I find it so absurd that it makes me laugh.
"Monkeys do still evolve. Every living organism evolves."

I should have clarified, I don't mean adapt - why don't monkey's still evolve into humans, in front of us showing us that, that is where we came from?!
I think science and spiritual work together but some ass holes just want to prove their point. Yes, the function of living organisms can be explained scientifically but then theres the aspect of beauty, emotion that science disregards. Like a builder with a dream has to have the right elements to create his dream??? IDK I'm not taking sides just a thought... take it or leave it.
lol, do you really think evolution happens that fast? It's not something you can see happen, it takes thousand of years.

DUDE - think about what you just said, if monkey's evolved then we would have half monkey's walking around us from periods when they started evolving (thousands of years ago) before the other monkey's who started evolving a little behind the other monkey's who started evolving ect.. ect.. ect... And we would have almost human monkey's that are real close to being a human.

What your saying is we evolved from monkey's and then stopped evolving and now we have monkey's and humans and monkey's just don't evolve anymore!

So I guess to answer your question... I'd have to see God create the universe. And to be honest, if there is a being capable of creating what we perceive to be the universe, I think it would be able to show me how it did it on a level I could comprehend.

and where do you think you would be while the universe was being created...