Why do dealers use ghetto non-zip sandwich bags?

Fuck I don't know bro, it's like your my long lost cousin or something lol.

Did you ever get it in some notebook paper?

Oh ya that shit was dank!!! ha I think I might of been better of smoking the paper....
Yep lol

Uhm we ran all over this bitch lol

well we had a substitute teacher in shop class. Our regular teacher got sick and missed most of a semester.

I made a pipe out of piece of wood during this time. I also cut out a super nice looking pot leaf on the band saw. Painted it up nice and green too.

he was like.....that's nice! lol

we gave him such a hard time. Really he was pretty cool about it all.
Tin foil
envelopes, newspaper, cig cellophanes,magazine paper,
saran wrap, sport card plastic sleeves, cig boxes, paper bags, empty
potato chip bags, candy bags, non zip baggies etc...it's all good.
its weird.. been a long time since i bought bud lol. i bought a dime a few weeks ago because i was out and didnt wanna come home. lol the dude didnt even have a bag for me. but it was smoked in 3 seconds anyway
my whole problem with mmj is a few key points for me.. one of which tip top touched on..
i'd never say cannabis doesn't help the sick as that's simply stupid, and anyone with half a brain can see that is not true.. my problem is how many previous stoners only got "sick" once they found out weed cures what ever ailed them?? i'd say lots and lots.. in california you can have pretty much any other reason to get a card, which is a huge joke.. the public also sees this, non smokers, and they look at mmj as the farce that i see it.. suddenly people who wer stoners last year are now patients and they don't smoke, they medicate, as if they're fooling anyone but themselves with these terms..
secondly, i don't think that mmj is doing any good for full on legalization.. if all they fight for is medical, cannabis might become medicine only, and big pharma will step in with their version of cannabis, like the sativex, and cannabis itself will no longer be considered a medicine, you've got sativex, or you've got nothing..

lastly, i just don't like the attitudes some medical patients seem to have towards the non medical crowd.. they're going to dispensaries, and we have to go to a drug dealer to get the same exact product.. they medicate, i'm a pot head.. they medicate, and i smoke weed.. they can go into a dispensary and buy 40 different grade a strains, hash and cookies,and sure, throw in some clones, and i have to watch over my shoulder as i score a bag on the corner, not really, but you know what i'm saying.. they can some what legally grow so many plants, hold so many oz's at one time, trade hash, bud and clones with friends, err, i mean, patients, silly me, etc, etc etc...
am i jealous of mmj patients and all they have access to?? i don' think so, and even if my state had a mmj program that didn't require one to be on their death beds in order to qualify, i'd like to think that i'd have integrity enough not to suddenly get sick and now need to smoke my medication..

end of rant.. i just don't enjoy the divisiveness that i feel the mmj program brings into the cannabis world as a lot of times it feels like it's us, the stoners, vs them, the patients, who mind you, most of the time, were stoners right up until 1996 or so..
i'll shut up now..

one last thing and i'll leave it alone..
with mmj, i personally feel that cannabis has lost it's counter culture vibe and feel to it.. look at high times, high fucking times, high is even right in the name of the magazine, yet, pick up a copy, and all i read about is medical this, patients that, medicine, blah fucking blah.. it's almost as if people are afraid to admit that they smoke weed because they like to get high ffs.. well, not me.. i'm a stoner through and through, i smoke weed because i like to get high, no shame in my game, i like to call a spade and spade and not play all the silly reindeer games.
look back through an old issue of high times, the late 70's or even the early 80's or so, and often times the thcq or w/e that section is named where people write in and tell them what strains are available in their region, and how much it goes for, and they used to also list prices for shit like vials of lsd and shrooms and other drugs, but god forbid they dare mention anything in that magazine that doesn't pertain to medical this or that.. they may as well go ahead and change their name to med times for all intents and purposes imvho..
my $.02

Your my new favorite person. Thank you for saying what I was thinking :)
U know I have respect for you racerboy and I hear what your saying and I respect what your saying but imho you seem mad no one really cares if you have a card or not when a patient calls someone without a card a stoner or a criminal its a joke. I know its hard to come across sarcastically over the internet but believe me its just joking bro.u know how it is in some states anal sex is illegal maybe im an asshole lol but I find it funny to call those anal pumpers criminals.
U know I have respect for you racerboy and I hear what your saying and I respect what your saying but imho you seem mad no one really cares if you have a card or not when a patient calls someone without a card a stoner or a criminal its a joke. I know its hard to come across sarcastically over the internet but believe me its just joking bro.u know how it is in some states anal sex is illegal maybe im an asshole lol but I find it funny to call those anal pumpers criminals.

some people really do act snobbish about being a "patient"

i've seen it a lot around here. in different states subforums mainly. the northeast is the worst by far that I have seen.
U know I have respect for you racerboy and I hear what your saying and I respect what your saying but imho you seem mad no one really cares if you have a card or not when a patient calls someone without a card a stoner or a criminal its a joke. I know its hard to come across sarcastically over the internet but believe me its just joking bro.u know how it is in some states anal sex is illegal maybe im an asshole lol but I find it funny to call those anal pumpers criminals.

There will certainly be people that are joking, but there are also most certainly people who are utterly sincere when they start talking about being a patient, and medicating, and medicine. It's a bit lame. When you have a headache, noone sais they need to take their medicine, or medicate etc, they say they need a paracetamol. Why is cannabis so different? Is it because they are ashamed or something? You're smoking/vaping/eating pot and getting high, not getting their medicine so as to medicate. They need to get off their high horse. How does it's legal medical stature change having a smoke to medicating all of a sudden, it seems pointless, the reality is the reality. I'm stressed from work and won't sleep, i need to medicate, no, i need a fucking drink! :D

And I'm not sure where michigan is located Joe, but from my reading on the forum, it seems that the michigan forum is the place with most people with heads stuck up their arse :D
There will certainly be people that are joking, but there are also most certainly people who are utterly sincere when they start talking about being a patient, and medicating, and medicine. It's a bit lame. When you have a headache, noone sais they need to take their medicine, or medicate etc, they say they need a paracetamol. Why is cannabis so different? Is it because they are ashamed or something? You're smoking/vaping/eating pot and getting high, not getting their medicine so as to medicate. They need to get off their high horse. How does it's legal medical stature change having a smoke to medicating all of a sudden, it seems pointless, the reality is the reality. I'm stressed from work and won't sleep, i need to medicate, no, i need a fucking drink! :D

And I'm not sure where michigan is located Joe, but from my reading on the forum, it seems that the michigan forum is the place with most people with heads stuck up their arse :D

there are certainly quite a few there tip... I know a few personally though, and well, you know the saying...it only takes one bad apple....

as far as the medicating debate goes I see both sides honestly. There are people out there who don't really care for the getting high part and use medibles purely for pain....I know a few of those irl too. In fact I recently had a friend of a friend ask about some budder.

i'ma hook this poor guy up for free. He has had several surgeries on his pancreas/liver etc. and medibles really help him.

I know the guy. He used to be a supervisor where I worked, he doesn't know the budder is coming from me though and I prefer it that way. He is not the type to get high. For him, he truly does medicate only. He refuses to take opiates because of his bad experience with them after surgery.

but i'll be the first to admit people like this are 1/100 if not fewer.
Oh, i understand that, but for me, as per the aspirin comment, consider it like say xanax instead. If you have a condition that requires xanax, or some other pescription pill, i've never met anyone that sais they need to medicate, they just say they need to take their pill etc. The only time i have encountered people who say they need their medication is old people who are taking a cornicopia of drugs and as such it's simply easier for them to say medication than try and remember all the fancy names of the pills the hospital gave them.

On a personal note, i also find it a bit strange as i would personally like to just say yeah, i need to take my cannabis, it's medicinal, as opposed to saying oh, i need to go medicate. It's medicinal, it's not like you're running around the corner to smoke some crack, take pride in what it is; cannabis, legally pescribed cannabis, if you don't like it, deal with it, it is what it is, why should i hide what it is :) but again, that just me :D
Hey guys the donation thing is just law that's all.

As far as getting some of the proceeds taxed and back to the "average" person it gets done.

Even the person accepting the "donation" spends in the local community which ends up creating jobs and gets taxed as payroll....sales taxed....excise taxed ect... so its a win win imho.
Hey guys the donation thing is just law that's all.

As far as getting some of the proceeds taxed and back to the "average" person it gets done.

Even the person accepting the "donation" spends in the local community which ends up creating jobs and gets taxed as payroll....sales taxed....excise taxed ect... so its a win win imho.

I agree with all this.

that's why I took such great offense to tip's comments earlier today about greedy americans fucking up the entire mmj system.

this money goes directly back into local economies. the alternative is to allow big pharma to rape all the profits only enriching their already wealthy shareholders and executives.