Why do dealers use ghetto non-zip sandwich bags?

Written word man, it's often misconstrued.
so true so true

I'll say I was a bit taken aback by the tone I perceived you to take. I have seen many of your posts and never got that vibe from you before.

Part of the issue though is that we make it about the money. If we were not continuing to sell medical cannabis at $3-400 an ounce etc, there wouldn't be much interest in it from a financial viewpoint. I can grow an ounce for about £5, if i sold it for £10, a 100% markup, a good markup in anyones books, given peoples typical usage, there wouldn't be such a hype oer it's potential tax revenue etc. But the moment you start charging $50 an 8th it is suddenly a very attractive market for big industry to try and get in on. I must point out, i am very much an idealist ;)

it is not us that makes it about the money but our govt's. By creating a state of prohibition in the first place.
so true so true

I'll say I was a bit taken aback by the tone I perceived you to take. I have seen many of your posts and never got that vibe from you before.

it is not us that makes it about the money but our govt's. By creating a state of prohibition in the first place.

Prohibition certainly didn't help, it naturally leads to artificial price hikes. But upon being made "legal", instead of dropping prices because they no longer faced the thread or scarcity, they opted just to maintain their profit margins. see my prior point about caregivers. One free ounce a month then it's xyz a pop. The same argument is true with regard to peoples opposition to big companies getting involved, people say that it will drive price odwn and they won't be able to compete, the reality being they are not willing to face genuine price competition, at present it's too easy just to keep the $400 price point and not have to supplement their income with a typical job. as i say, i think it to be a case of both parties being to blame.
I have to completely disagree with this. If prohibition didn't exist there would be no such exorbitant prices.

It would be cheaper than alcohol probably. And many folks would have a plant or two in their back yards.

but either way, i do not find fault with people who wish to make a living doing this at all. If people do not want to pay these prices they should grow their own!

Most won't though because it is a lot of fucking work. SO why shouldn't people get paid for the work they do?
Prices went up during prohibition, but then came down when it was legally accessible, look at todays alcohol prices, cheaper than water at times. With cannabis though, prices were high, a legal avenue was created, and prices have remained high. I'm not against people being paid for their work, but they are not charging a price that is realistic to the work involved. It has been artificially inflated, and the current mmj sellers are too focused on the money (and that is understandable to be fair, as you say, capitalism) to consider selling the same item for half the price of the competition and still maintain an absurd profit margin.
ahhh, shucks, hugs all around.. :hug: glad to see that you two both worked it out as i enjoy both of your posts and didn't enjoy seeing you going at each other.. :D
Prices went up during prohibition, but then came down when it was legally accessible, look at todays alcohol prices, cheaper than water at times. With cannabis though, prices were high, a legal avenue was created, and prices have remained high. I'm not against people being paid for their work, but they are not charging a price that is realistic to the work involved. It has been artificially inflated, and the current mmj sellers are too focused on the money (and that is understandable to be fair, as you say, capitalism) to consider selling the same item for half the price of the competition and still maintain an absurd profit margin.

says you.

have you ever ran a very large grow? i assure you it's not all armchairs and beer cans. There is a substantial amount of work involved.....especially indoor growops.

and then there is the risk of going to prison for say a decade or so.....what is your life worth?
ahhh, shucks, hugs all around.. :hug: glad to see that you two both worked it out as i enjoy both of your posts and didn't enjoy seeing you going at each other.. :D

honestly...I wish all debates could go so well on here. even though I may come off as extremely argumentative....and I certainly can be. I just despise obstinance.

I attempt to keep an open mind on any subject. In fact i've changed my opinion on several topics lately after hearing persuasive arguments put forth.

I will always give credit to a good point.
one last thing and i'll leave it alone..
with mmj, i personally feel that cannabis has lost it's counter culture vibe and feel to it.. look at high times, high fucking times, high is even right in the name of the magazine, yet, pick up a copy, and all i read about is medical this, patients that, medicine, blah fucking blah.. it's almost as if people are afraid to admit that they smoke weed because they like to get high ffs.. well, not me.. i'm a stoner through and through, i smoke weed because i like to get high, no shame in my game, i like to call a spade and spade and not play all the silly reindeer games.
look back through an old issue of high times, the late 70's or even the early 80's or so, and often times the thcq or w/e that section is named where people write in and tell them what strains are available in their region, and how much it goes for, and they used to also list prices for shit like vials of lsd and shrooms and other drugs, but god forbid they dare mention anything in that magazine that doesn't pertain to medical this or that.. they may as well go ahead and change their name to med times for all intents and purposes imvho..
my $.02

I'm with you on this one Racer.
Lets get f***n stoned just like we do since the beginning. My $.02
is it just me, or does fin's mom or sister or whoever that is, look like she has a man's head on her body?? something off about that pix imo..
maybe because it is such a small photo.

The one buck put up the other day, the one I copied for my avi she was is smokin imo.

would totally do

and i don't care if she's fins sister.

A good friend of mine (he's dead now) used to say....you can pick your nose but not your family.

I'm guessing those two siblings don't hang out much.
Because it is the absolute cheapest bag for weed you can buy.
They don't give a shit about keeping the weed fresh, they want your MONEY.
Grow your own! :weed:
I got sold a 1/4 one time wrapped in a napkin. I've been given "bags" wrapped in the bottom of a bread bag before(no crumbs). I've was also given weed in the bottom of a drink cup one time. This was all years ago before I was growing for myself. OH ya another funny one, I got a waiter at the resturant we were at to score me a bag of homegrown from a friend of his. He dropped it off while we ate, and the waiter gave it to us at the table in a to go box, and I left him a extra big "tip".
I got sold a 1/4 one time wrapped in a napkin. I've been given "bags" wrapped in the bottom of a bread bag before(no crumbs). I've was also given weed in the bottom of a drink cup one time. This was all years ago before I was growing for myself. OH ya another funny one, I got a waiter at the resturant we were at to score me a bag of homegrown from a friend of his. He dropped it off while we ate, and the waiter gave it to us at the table in a to go box, and I left him a extra big "tip".

Are you sure we didn't' go to school together.......lol