Why Bother?


Well-Known Member
Growing cannabis outdoors is a joy. This season, I'm simply not seeing the same light at the end of the tunnel. I'll enjoy the entire process, but this season it will be on a much smaller scale. In past seasons, I've spent my evenings/late mornings pulling tarps over the grow for light dep so I can harvest by Sept. 15 and avoid the cold, unpredictable October weather. It's lots of work, but very rewarding. Now that local dispensaries are stocking product with 25-30% THC and outdoor light dep product is falling below $700/lb, I have to wonder...is it worth it? Will I do this project next year, or just settle for tomatoes and peppers? Anyone else going into withdrawl?
Growing cannabis outdoors is a joy. This season, I'm simply not seeing the same light at the end of the tunnel. I'll enjoy the entire process, but this season it will be on a much smaller scale. In past seasons, I've spent my evenings/late mornings pulling tarps over the grow for light dep so I can harvest by Sept. 15 and avoid the cold, unpredictable October weather. It's lots of work, but very rewarding. Now that local dispensaries are stocking product with 25-30% THC and outdoor light dep product is falling below $700/lb, I have to wonder...is it worth it? Will I do this project next year, or just settle for tomatoes and peppers? Anyone else going into withdrawl?
If you're doing it for cash, that's a rough spot to be.

Might be time for a new chapter, but I don't think it has to be the end by any means.
Well, the new has worn off for me. I started off with 6 plants for each family member with a card. Each year the grow gets smaller.

This year I only put out 4 plants. Two went to flower right away and two got stunted. I just can't get excited to grow this year. There's not much danger of me running out with my stash.

If you don't need to grow why bother.
Dispos, usually dont carry what I want.
Colorado Cough-
Puck/Skelly Hashplant
Pre2000 AK47.
Pre2000Kali Mist
Pre2000 White Widow
Pre2000 White Russian
Pre2000 C99
Pre2000 Black Domina
Pre2000 NL5 x Haze
Blue Orca Haze
Willie Nelson
Pre2000 Sensi NL5
And Hybrids of these. And there are more.
Total THC % IMHO, is vastly overrated. Ive smoked 18%-20%, that was much stronger, than so called 30%.
Dispos, usually dont carry what I want.
Colorado Cough-
Puck/Skelly Hashplant
Pre2000 AK47.
Pre2000Kali Mist
Pre2000 White Widow
Pre2000 White Russian
Pre2000 C99
Pre2000 Black Domina
Pre2000 NL5 x Haze
Blue Orca Haze
Willie Nelson
Pre2000 Sensi NL5
And Hybrids of these. And there are more.
Total THC % IMHO, is vastly overrated. Ive smoked 18%-20%, that was much stronger, than so called 30%.
I’ve always wanted to run Willie Nelson. That’s a great line up :)
I’ve always wanted to run Willie Nelson. That’s a great line up :)

I won an original pack, in an auction, of Willie Nelson, back in Sept, and gave them to a buddy 2 months ago. He got 5 out of 10 seeds to come up, 4 out of the 5 that came up, are very vigorous. Hopefully he will find males, and females. The plan is to make a seed increase.
My buddy has a mother plant from 2006. It takes 100, or so days to flower, and it stretches for 80 days, if vegged any time at all. Very first time I grew it/I gave him the cut. I vegged it for 45 days, under 1000w Hortilux HPS, I did bend it over. It was in 5 gallons Sphagnum Moss based medium, and it was probably 1.5-2 feet long/remember I bent it over, and it stretched to almost 7 feet long, and had it under 2x 1000w Hid, with some other plants. It gave me the biggest yield ever, from a 5 gallon bucket. 16 dry, trimmed oz. Im not growing at the moment, but buddy still keeps it alive, with some others. We are also in an extremely unfriendly state. Been growing since HID came out, in 1977-78. Outside first plant was in 72. Mom found it though, and ripped it up. It was some killer Oaxacan. It probably would have never survived the frost. It would have most likely gone into November. Same for the Willie Nelson outside. That stuff doesnt finish until 3-4 week of November. And would get 15-20 feet tall, if given the chance.
Im in USA, the WN seeds, came from Ontario.




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I’m throwing in the towel as well. I been growing for 15 years outdoors and this year I converted my back and front yard into a garden for food. Don’t get me wrong I’m still growing cannabis but only a few plants nothing big scale. For me it just isn’t worth it on larger scale.
Same for the Willie Nelson outside. That stuff doesnt finish until 3-4 week of November. And would get 15-20 feet tall, if given the chance.
Im in USA, the WN seeds, came from Ontario.
Part of the reason I’ve never run it - lol. It’s a beast and needs a ton of time. I’m also in Ontario (Toronto specifically) so never really an option outdoors as our cultivation window is super condensed up here. Because of that, I still like to run a bunch in the summer to keep me stocked (and I give away to friends, family, coworkers etc).
Veggies and other items end up in the garden too. Look, I reason it this way; I still enjoy the hobby and I can think of worse ways to spend my time than playing in dirt and getting sunshine on my cheeks in our very truncated Canadian summer :) Be easy friends :peace:
Part of the reason I’ve never run it - lol. It’s a beast and needs a ton of time. I’m also in Ontario (Toronto specifically) so never really an option outdoors as our cultivation window is super condensed up here. Because of that, I still like to run a bunch in the summer to keep me stocked (and I give away to friends, family, coworkers etc).
Veggies and other items end up in the garden too. Look, I reason it this way; I still enjoy the hobby and I can think of worse ways to spend my time than playing in dirt and getting sunshine on my cheeks in our very truncated Canadian summer :) Be easy friends :peace:
Its really best to flower it, as soon as its well rooted, and you see it is growing, and using some water. Also responds extremely well to bending, and SCROG. Some plants are faster than 100 days. But from the ones I grew, the longer flowering was better. I wish I would have kept a male from the original.
I had looked for an origional pack of these for atleast 10 years. Ive seen hybrids, but never original.
It would be interesting if someone had the space, and time to go through about 100 BlackBirdPreservations Vietnam Black Females, and cross a Male of the Willie, into the selected female.
I think Reeferman is back up, and running, but dont know if the WN he has now, is the same genetics as the old stuff, and Ive heard/read not so positive reports on receiving product/seeds, and something else, I wont get into.
If the weed I grow is at least mids level when chronic weed was around I'll be satisfied. I would say the dispensary weed nowadays is equivalent in potency to schwag/cest weed before weed became legal. Even some of the schwag was better than the dispensary weed they sell now.
I use to do 2-3 indoor grows along with a summer grow. A few years back I finally dialled myself back to one giant summer grow a year of 4 Sativa plants in my tent and 7 outside. Sadly that year was also a bad year for me cause I lost a lot to bud rot. The WPM always seems to crop up as well and is the true nemesis of the summer. Although I gotta figure out better coverage for when the fall comes and my gals are nearing the finish line. Had one of my best harvests last year and still chucked a +1000-1200g of wet bud/stem away. Upped my soil game this year and hoping to see an even better response this year, but my seeds are only now just popping. Late start due to getting stuff done in my basement and didn‘t want to bring attention with the people coming to work on our problems.
I grow strains stores will never sell, older hybrids and landrace. Old hippies love the stuff and are quite happy to get it. Issue is the big warehouse grows are all hydro so tons of salts in the final product compared to an outdoor organic grow. Yeah some of their stuff is stupidly strong but to the discerning user a smooth tasty smoke of less strength is preferable. The southwest is full of older smokers looking for the toke of days gone by..
I fully intended to cut way back to just a few plants. I have five girls started from seed, and one male (Mel Frank's Durban x Skunk XXX) for pollen chucking. The girls from seed are Time Loop, Three Blue Kings, Wicked Widow, Power Plant, and Archive Rainbow Belts 2.0. Then a friend stopped by and gifted me a whole tray of his extra clones. Peel Out, Baby Yoda, Crockett's Haze, GMO, and Kush Mint clones...now in 15 gallon pots of coir/perlite/organic nutes/manure and are becoming much more work than I wanted for this season. They say "the road to hell is paved with good intentions!" Maybe time to exercise some restraint ... next year. The Power Plant is flowering earlier than the rest and looks very sativa/african, so I'll probably hit it with the sativa-ish pollen and see what happens.