Complete grow guide

What are your thoughts on moving an outdoor plant inside when its about 2 months old? I have to move it around to chase the sun each day plus dont always like to keep the gate locked because of the gas guy who has to read the meter, etc
I have LOTS of other plants that surround it but its getting to the point I worry at times!
Honestly i wouldnt know. I would think it would be ok as long as your lights are proper and have fans to blow and mimic outside. The only thing i think would go wrong is if its not in a pot outside and u clip the roots. But take this advice with a grain of salt. Im on my first grow so dont have much experience except for what i read.
One thing I wanted to say, is thanks for sharing, always we appreciate knowledge to be spread. But, I also wanted to point out, although I read a majority of this, just because I havnt read this before and thus you can never learn enough about growing.
However, I came across this under the "lighting" " paint room with white paint or covered with aluminum foil, dull side out to reflect light back to the weed. (Dull side out prevents hot-spots; diffuses light better.)" This is a big NO NO! NEVER EVER Use tin foil as a reflective material for your grow room. Why? Because it doesn't reflect... it just absorbs heat and causes issues. Not to mention it, it folds and bends super easily especially if you have fans and then these small creases and folds cause hot spots and emit heat rather than reflect. (for reflective either paint bright white, use PANDA FILM, or MYLAR.
With that said, some of this information is very informative, and some is more so personal preference. So as always fellas, take information with a grain of salt, do research, and decide for yourselves. There is a million and one ways to skin a cat in this sense ;) Greem mojo to all and thanks again for sharing!!

What are your thoughts on moving an outdoor plant inside when its about 2 months old? I have to move it around to chase the sun each day plus dont always like to keep the gate locked because of the gas guy who has to read the meter, etc
I have LOTS of other plants that surround it but its getting to the point I worry at times!

As per your questions, it doesn't matter how old your plant is, as long as it's still in vegetative mode will it be fine to move indoors. If it's flowering, then be sure if you move it indoors to keep it under a light cycle of 12/12. The main thing about doing this, is the sun is way more hot and stronger than a CLF or small florescent light. So to ensure your plant doesnt hermie I would make sure the environment you move it into is roughly the same as it is outdoors, otherwise doing this can cause shock, and in turn cause your plant to turn hermaphrodite. Youll need some high powered CFL's or an HID. I honestly wouldn't recommend doing this because of such reason stated above, but if you must, then you must. I would recommend just leaving it outdoors once its been out doors for that long. However, if it's just for short periods of time, such as a day or so once every few months,(to hide from your gas man, etc.) I don't think it'd be an issue.
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