Why bash Islam?

I recommend you limit yourself to fact. It's a pillar of moral and intellectual hygiene.
I'd stick up for anybody in this instance. I have come to the aid of people whose guts I've profoundly disliked in defense of a principle that was being harmed. Surprised the hell out of them, too. That's my way. cn
Duh, I was shocked to see you on that coca-cola commercial the other day. 1st off, did the penguins come to alaska or did you actually have to go to antarctica? The south pole just seems way too cold. lol
Did I insult her in this thread neer? Did I say she's a bad person? I have no grudge. I'm simply saying that I believe her views on immigrants are immoral. I've even made it clear that my opinion is only my opinion.

Am I not allowed to say what I think is wrong without it being in grudge form simply because we have had a negative encounter in the past?

And I didn't mention my dad, you did. If I had a grudge on her for her saying my dad belongs in jail, wouldn't I have mentioned that in this thread?
But immoral for whom exactly, immigrants? Maybe. What about Americans? Where do you start to sympathize for the people that are consistently forced to put their dollars to work for people who decided to break a law?
I recommend you limit yourself to fact. It's a pillar of moral and intellectual hygiene.
I'd stick up for anybody in this instance. I have come to the aid of people whose guts I've profoundly disliked in defense of a principle that was being harmed. Surprised the hell out of them, too. That's my way. cn
You cant limit yourself to fact in this situation. Its too easy for someone to simply interpret what they said to make it seem like it wasnt a prejudiced statement. When it comes to this, all that you can do is point out suspicions, and hope everybody else uses common sense to realize whats going on.
I think that you can limit yourself to fact, everything that WW said was completely backed up by her statistical finding. Leading her to feel the way that she did about the situation.
Did I insult her in this thread neer? Did I say she's a bad person? I have no grudge. I'm simply saying that I believe her views on immigrants are immoral. I've even made it clear that my opinion is only my opinion.

Am I not allowed to say what I think is wrong without it being in grudge form simply because we have had a negative encounter in the past?

And I didn't mention my dad, you did. If I had a grudge on her for her saying my dad belongs in jail, wouldn't I have mentioned that in this thread?

Then what was with your "fuck wonderwoman" posts less than an hour ago? True, they were not in this thread, but you posted them, no? You cannot convince me that you meant the superheroine with the red&gold bustière ... and it seemed a low blow to me. I want to think you're better than that; help me here. cn
But immoral for whom exactly, immigrants? Maybe. What about Americans? Where do you start to sympathize for the people that are consistently forced to put their dollars to work for people who decided to break a law?
In the thread kaendar made about immigrants, you will find alot of proof that shows immigrants help the economy. And like I've said already, I only believe the people that come here to work and help the economy belong here. Kicking hard workers out just because they're illegal immigrants is wrong IMO.

Thread derailed :)
Duh, I was shocked to see you on that coca-cola commercial the other day. 1st off, did the penguins come to alaska or did you actually have to go to antarctica? The south pole just seems way too cold. lol

Bloody penguins had VIP transport. All that fancy Savion Glover shit got them perqs. Polar bears don't tapdance. But we do have some fine penguin recipes. ~delicately understated burp~ cn
But immoral for whom exactly, immigrants? Maybe. What about Americans? Where do you start to sympathize for the people that are consistently forced to put their dollars to work for people who decided to break a law?
For humanity. Think about it like the dad who got caught stealing a loaf of bread to feed his hungry family. Yea he commited a crime, but can you really lock him up and cause more hurt cuz he was feeding his starving kids? Theres a point where the legality of certain situations has to be put aside at least of a personal level.
Then what was with your "fuck wonderwoman" posts less than an hour ago? True, they were not in this thread, but you posted them, no? You cannot convince me that you meant the superheroine with the red&gold bustière ... and it seemed a low blow to me. I want to think you're better than that; help me here. cn
If your views of me lower since you're caught up in ww, I'm sorry but that what's gonna happen. Keep in mind that I still respect you even now that you're busting my balls over something that's irrelevant to the topic at hand.

The reason I said that is because she liked the above posts simply because they were insulting me. That had to do with poiltics. It had nothing to do with my father. So for you to say I have a grudge.. well.. I just think that's nonsense.
You are busting my balls. "Let the door hit ya on ur way out"... like I said, shes not taking into consideration the millions of children that will be left as orphans. Thats having a lack of compassion.

Shoot the messenger ... okay. The message inconveniently remains. You have incurred a debt of honor. cn
In the thread kaendar made about immigrants, you will find alot of proof that shows immigrants help the economy. And like I've said already, I only believe the people that come here to work and help the economy belong here. Kicking hard workers out just because they're illegal immigrants is wrong IMO.

Thread derailed :)
While Uncle Buck did put up some convincing numbers in that thread, so did WW. And I understand that it is just your opinion but you don't get to use your opinion to start an argument then back out of it by saying 'JMO'. Even though idk what we are truly arguing about, I jumped in about mid way just to yell. LOUD VOICES! lol seriously though, I guess my point is what I already said. Since you have such a transparency for people and their circumstances. Use it for both directions. Not just the one you sympathize for.
If your views of me lower since you're caught up in ww, I'm sorry but that what's gonna happen. Keep in mind that I still respect you even now that you're busting my balls over something that's irrelevant to the topic at hand.

The reason I said that is because she liked the above posts simply because they were insulting me. That had to do with poiltics. It had nothing to do with my father. So for you to say I have a grudge.. well.. I just think that's nonsense.

So you don't deny that your wonderwoman statement was a low swipe at WW. What I (think I) know about you is of no lasting consequence. What you know about yourself ... is. cn
While Uncle Buck did put up some convincing numbers in that thread, so did WW. And I understand that it is just your opinion but you don't get to use your opinion to start an argument then back out of it by saying 'JMO'. Even though idk what we are truly arguing about, I jumped in about mid way just to yell. LOUD VOICES! lol seriously though, I guess my point is what I already said. Since you have such a transparency for people and their circumstances. Use it for both directions. Not just the one you sympathize for.
I'm not arguing. If I was arguing, I'd get a little more information on the topic. I was simply stating that my views of her views are just my opinion. I said that since the beginning. So no I'm not backing out, I still stand by what I said.
You cant limit yourself to fact in this situation. Its too easy for someone to simply interpret what they said to make it seem like it wasnt a prejudiced statement. When it comes to this, all that you can do is point out suspicions, and hope everybody else uses common sense to realize whats going on.
But that is what the US law system is based off of, fact. If you don't like that then get the law system change. But until then don't expect someone to feel sorry for someone who breaks the law. I don't agree with it either Kaender, but what i'm saying is sometimes you have to respect other peoples thinking as well. especially when it is justified with the same law system you are forced to abide.
So you don't deny that your wonderwoman statement was a low swipe at WW. What I (think I) know about you is of no lasting consequence. What you know about yourself ... is. cn
I believe it was a low swipe on both ends. If she didn't like that comment I wouldn't have said such a rude thing.
How am I shooting the messenger? Re-read what I wrote and get back to me.

Ball-busting (incorrect). Door on the way out (peremptory). Either by itself qualifies. You're trying to discredit the message by dissing the messenger. My opinion. cn