Why are Republicans so scared of Hillary Clinton?

Oh I see you're anticipating! What's wrong? Did the allowance your wife gave you run out already?

why are you so scared to answer simple questions?

you're no different from the rest of the cowards.

i highlighted some of the racist things that the judgmental prick you plan on voting for said. you agreed that the things he said were indeed racist, but failed to address why you would choose to vote for someone who you identified as racist.

it's really not that tough.

make america great again...by being an unemployed drug addict on federal disability.
why are you so scared to answer simple questions?

you're no different from the rest of the cowards.

i highlighted some of the racist things that the judgmental prick you plan on voting for said. you agreed that the things he said were indeed racist, but failed to address why you would choose to vote for someone who you identified as racist.

it's really not that tough you smarmy cunt.

make america great again...by being an unemployed drug addict on federal disability.

Awww, is youse feewings hurted? want a kotex? Do you have sand in your vagina?

Should I post YOUR racist remarks? Should I call YOU out? Don't think it's necessary, you are a fucking joke, you just don't realize it. Don't worry, puberty is on the way.

Why would you vote for Liarhly? Do you have a boy crush on her? Do you think she'll care anything about you if you vote for her?

you stupid fucktard. you still think you are important in some way, even if only on a fucking pot forum. I bet you're voting for Liarhly because you're afraid of all the black 'super-predators', and want protection. Am I right?

I think your wife's calling, time for din-din and a diaper change. Go cry elsewhere, pussy.
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Awww, is youse feewings hurted? want a kotex? Do you have sand in your vagina?

Should I post YOUR racist remarks? Should I call YOU out? Don't think it's necessary, you are a fucking joke, you just don't realize it. Don't worry, puberty is on the way.

Why would you vote for Liarhly? Do you have a boy crush on her? Do you think she'll care anything about you if you vote for her?

you stupid fucktard. you still think you are important in some way, even if only on a fucking pot forum.

I think your wife's calling, time for din-din and a diaper change. Go cry elsewhere, pussy.
UncleBuck is the biggest joke on this site. Ignore is the best thing you could possibly do concerning him. He is nothing but a racist hypocrite who spends all day spewing venom and hate and accusing others of doing what his whole life revolves around. Funny how the person who is the fastest to accuse others of racism has completely isolated himself from all minorities. Just ignore him and move on. The world if fortunate his little pee-pee doesnt work correctly and will never have children.
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Should I post YOUR racist remarks?

go ahead and try.

i was really just looking for you to explain why you are voting for a guy whose remarks you yourself just classified as racist though.

Why would you vote for Liarhly?

who is that? donald trump?

i agree that donald trump is by far the biggest liar not only in this presidential campaign, but in any presidential campaign in the last 100 years. and he's racist too.

is that why you want to vote for him?
UncleBuck is the biggest joke on this site. Ignore is the best thing you could possibly do concerning him. He is nothing but a racist hypocrite who spends all day spewing venom and hate and accusing others of doing what his whole life revolves around. Funny how the person who is the fastest to accuse others of racism has completely isolated himself from all minorities. Just ignore him and move on. The world if fortunate his little pee-pee doesnt work correctly and will never have children.

i never get tired of posting and re-posting the litany of racist remarks you have made. you are just such a bitter loser. must be all that lead paint you spend all day scraping. highly skilled work no doubt.

Well, as someone who grew up in a predominately black neighborhood, in a predominately black city, in predominately black schools, and now work in predominately black neighborhoods, I can concur. Racism is alive and well. A lot of people just simply dont like white people.
I have had a gun pulled on me 3 times. Of course, I live in a majority black area
problems in the black communities cannot be blamed on anyone but those living in the black communities.
this is the NUMBER 1 problem in the poor black communities. None of the problems can even be addressed because of the political correctness.
I see what you are doing here, and I find it very racist.
Basically you are listing the states with the highest percentage of black people.
A friend of mine who lives in Baltimore went to a CVS. All they had left was condoms, suntan lotion, and Father's Day cards.

racist loser.
You're the one who wants to vote for somebody that calls blacks super predators and wants to bring them to heel.

was hillary clinton ever sued for denying apartments to people based on their skin color?

btw, i liked how that clip was edited to remove 100% of context. care to post the full speech?
Hey Buck, why do you want to vote for a white supremacist and known racist?

I know you like to hide behind the curtain of anonymity, but you want to vote for a liar, racist, anti-marijuana campaigner and one who really just wants to put money in her own pocket instead of letting charity have the money that was earned for them?

Why Buck, why?

Is this how you looked when you found out that Trump got all the delegates he needed for the Republican campaign?

was hillary clinton ever sued for denying apartments to people based on their skin color?

btw, i liked how that clip was edited to remove 100% of context. care to post the full speech?
She AGGRESSIVELY voted for the three strike legislation, who is that aimed at Buck? Here ya go, just because you don't know what a google is O.o

Hey Buck, why do you want to vote for a white supremacist and known racist?

I know you like to hide behind the curtain of anonymity, but you want to vote for a liar, racist, anti-marijuana campaigner and one who really just wants to put money in her own pocket instead of letting charity have the money that was earned for them?

Why Buck, why?

Is this how you looked when you found out that Trump got all the delegates he needed for the Republican campaign?


all the pill popping and alcohol has made you delusional.

you're still running away from answering a simple question, too.

why are you choosing to vote for a guy whose remarks you just identified as racist?
She AGGRESSIVELY voted for the three strike legislation, who is that aimed at Buck? Here ya go, just because you don't know what a google is o_O

same 12 second clip, retard.

maybe put down the pills and booze for longer than the amount of time it takes to walk to the mailbox to pick up your federal disability check (thereby making america great again).
Here's another one for you Bucktard

are you retarded? that was a completely different clip that adds no context to the first super-cropped clip.

and you are still too cowardly to tell me why you are voting for someone whose remarks you just identified as racist.

but that is expected.
same 12 second clip, retard.

maybe put down the pills and booze for longer than the amount of time it takes to walk to the mailbox to pick up your federal disability check (thereby making america great again).

Why can't you answer a simple question Buck? Why are you voting for a liar, a racist and a bigot. Are you hiding something? Come on Buck, middle schoolers can do better than this. I know you're in your twenties, but come on now and grow the fuck up! Why exactly are you voting for a known racist lying thief bigot? One of the biggest hypocrites of all?

Oh that's right, you're a racist bigot, hypocrite clown, who has to let his wife work while he sits at home feeling powerful behind his keyboard. You want that kotex now?
The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing while expecting different results.

Webster just took your picture motherfucker

i'm not expecting different results though. i am toying with you, watching you run away like a coward. i know you're gonna run away, hence why i keep asking the same question, so that i can watch you run away.

i've been doing the same thing to your racist buddy nitro for days now.

you guys are too cowardly to address your own racism and stupidity.
I'm not the one who logged off, you were pussy

what's the matter, is your wife trying to boost your self esteem? It doesn't matter, you're still a fucktard.

I should have already put your sorry ass on ignore, but I like watching you wriggle like an eel on a hook. You're more predictable than a sunrise and dumber than two monkeys fucking a football. Did they not teach you how to answer a question in first grade? or did you not have parents?

i went to the store to buy lemonade.

you still haven't answered the question either.

maybe get greendumb to come back and make a homicidal sock puppet that has a complete meltdown to take the focus off the meltdown you are currently having.
i went to the store to buy lemonade.

you still haven't answered the question either.

maybe get greendumb to come back and make a homicidal sock puppet that has a complete meltdown to take the focus off the meltdown you are currently having.
aww I'm sorry you're having a meltdown, is that why you keep deflecting? Didn't mean to hurt your pitiful little feelings, I guess when life gives you lemons, you lose an argument and go to the store to get lemonade.

Why can't you answer a simple fucking question? Is that beyond your second grade aptitude?

You haven't answered the question either but that's okay, keep deflecting, I'm sure that no one here thinks that you're a fucking moron.

Do you want your blankie?
aww I'm sorry you're having a meltdown, is that why you keep deflecting? Didn't mean to hurt your pitiful little feelings, I guess when life gives you lemons, you lose an argument and go to the store to get lemonade.

Why can't you answer a simple fucking question? Is that beyond your second grade aptitude?

You haven't answered the question either but that's okay, keep deflecting, I'm sure that no one here thinks that you're a fucking moron.

Do you want your blankie?

why are you voting for him again?

you're calling her a liar because she was repeating evolving information as she received it?

i hear that if you say "benghazi" three times really fast while closing your eyes, you'll still be an unemployed pill popping drunk on federal disability complaining about people who are too lazy to get a job.
