Racism Alive and Well, Here In America!!

Prisoner #56802

New Member
I got yer white power right heeah. cn
This is my white power - my white assault rifle....and when I fire it at night, I use tracer rounds!! and NOOOO - U are NOT allowed 2 fire it! Get your fucking hands off or I'm gonna kill U!




Well-Known Member
This is my white power - my white assault rifle....and when I fire it at night, I use tracer rounds!! and NOOOO - U are NOT allowed 2 fire it! Get your fucking hands off or I'm gonna kill U!


You fail so hard... every... single... time.

I thought this forum was full of racist, gay haters?

Why you still here bro? After your little rage-quit previously?

Prisoner #56802

New Member
^^^^^ Thanks 4 tha compliments and the accolades! I feel like I just won a beauty pageant! I feel soooo pretty! my precious! my precious crown! Thank You all so very much! this is the best day of my life! I will remember this day for the rest of my life! :) [tears of joy]


desert dude

Well-Known Member
Racists are cowards - You cheat, lie, steal and kill in the name of white power and you assume you are doing god's will

What about black racists, brown racists, and green racists, are they all involved in advancing white power too? Man, white power is powerful!


Well-Known Member
Well, as someone who grew up in a predominately black neighborhood, in a predominately black city, in predominately black schools, and now work in predominately black neighborhoods, I can concur. Racism is alive and well. A lot of people just simply dont like white people. Ah well, I press on.

Prisoner #56802

New Member
yes.....press on to a higher calling


I will be in a higher place very soon and I will have peace within...and also, some more cannabis within...once I get some more $$$$....dank B expensive some days
