Coronavirus -- The politics of disinformation and outright lies

He misspoke it was the electorate he ment and it is a concern, they are not far from power and have it now, for the most part. I'm not saying yer 320 million heathen savages, that number will be determined in november. :D
Who do you think was pushing this:

1590493613215.jpeg With yearbooks going online, it is not hard for these right wing fucktards to do AI searches and find anything that might be out there on anyone who steps into the public eye. And like we have been seeing with Trump and his troll army, it is also easy to just make shit up if you can't find anything.

Also the UK didn't get Brexit and Boris on accident either. There are right wing leaders getting elected all over the world too. This is all of our problems.
False. 40% of the electorate is though. Its about 13%-20% of the population if I remember right.
Elect Trump and the GOP and in five years and you could be come 320 million heathen savages though, or some lesser number after he exterminates a few million of ya. You'd be living in rags and starving to death Canada would need a WALL!
Elect Trump and the GOP and in five years and you could be come 320 million heathen savages though, or some lesser number after he exterminates a few million of ya. You'd be living in rags and starving to death Canada would need a WALL!
Nah, this too will pass, even if Trump does get re-elected by cheating. People can do some truly horrific things (like murdering millions of women in the witch trials), but fortunately people can no longer hide (much) what they are doing and when they see it will feel ashamed. It might manifest in instant defensiveness of their actions, but eventually humanity will get through this brainwashing happening online and by despots like Trump and all his minions.

Even Germany got past Hitler.
Who do you think was pushing this:

View attachment 4576904 With yearbooks going online, it is not hard for these right wing fucktards to do AI searches and find anything that might be out there on anyone who steps into the public eye. And like we have been seeing with Trump and his troll army, it is also easy to just make shit up if you can't find anything.

Also the UK didn't get Brexit and Boris on accident either. There are right wing leaders getting elected all over the world too. This is all of our problems.
Everybody's life is online and the tech companies have an enormous amount of your info as does the russians. Hard drives are huge these days and they can keep an extensive file on every citizen and AI can automate a formerly impossible logistical and security task. You know my thinking on this, I'm hardline when it comes to cybersecurity and disinformation. Only a new government can address these concerns with focus, law and regulation, also forming an alliance with others who have the same issues, everybody does. Know your friends and know your enemies, though you will know them by there words and deeds.

Right now fight like Hell,they are gonna lie cheat and steal any way they can, but Donald is POTUS now and the with his help the Russians can do even more harm
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Nah, this too will pass, even if Trump does get re-elected by cheating. People can do some truly horrific things (like murdering millions of women in the witch trials), but fortunately people can no longer hide (much) what they are doing and when they see it will feel ashamed. It might manifest in instant defensiveness of their actions, but eventually humanity will get through this brainwashing happening online and by despots like Trump and all his minions.

Even Germany got past Hitler.
One good sign I've seen in the polling and interviews is that those who voted for Trump but were too ashamed to admit it, even to pollsters, are NOT voting for Trump this year. Couple that with the seniors, all minorities and women, who is left? White males and a minority of females for the most part.

If you win it all in november I would advise an end to compromising with evil, step fully into the light, on Fox news and the other bad actors, break up Amazon and put a leash on Facebook. Take the country back and turn it into what it was meant to be, a place where people could flourish in the pursuit of happiness.
Everybody's life is online and the tech companies have an enormous amount of your info as does the russians. Hard drives are huge these days and they can keep an extensive file on every citizen and AI can automate a formerly impossible logistic ans security task. You know my thinking on this, I'm hardline when it comes to cybersecurity and disinformation. Only a new government can address these concerns with focus, law and regulation, also forming an alliance with others who have the same issues, everybody does. Know your friends and know your enemies, though you will know them by there words and deeds.

Right now fight like Hell,they are gonna lie cheat and steal any way they can, but Donald is POTUS now and the with his help the Russians can do even more harm
I am not sure what you mean by a new government.

But a Democratic President, super majority of Democrats in Senate, and a Democratic controlled House would be able to deal with the disinformation campaign. Luckily Biden is a known quantity for our allies too so he will have a far easier job reaching out and bringing us all together.

I am really interesting in what happens in Israel after all of Netanyahu's criminality too. It is almost like they and the rest of the world is waiting for Trump to be gone to deal with the Russian attack on our countries.

One good sign I've seen in the polling and interviews is that those who voted for Trump but were too ashamed to admit it, even to pollsters, are NOT voting for Trump this year. Couple that with the seniors, all minorities and women, who is left? White males and a minority of females for the most part.

If you win it all in november I would advise an end to compromising with evil, step fully into the light, on Fox news and the other bad actors, break up Amazon and put a leash on Facebook. Take the country back and turn it into what it was meant to be, a place where people could flourish in the pursuit of happiness.
Evangelicals and racists, and dicks. But for sure it all comes down to voter suppression campaigns on the Democrats.
Eventually, but it couldn’t have happened without the complete overhaul of the political and governing system (among other things, of course).

The US will require the same remedy, I’m afraid.
By new government I meant administration and congress who hold power and can enact change to defend the nation, pretty standard stuff. Maybe turn the spaceforce into the cyberforce etc. One thing is for sure, with 2 years of responsible government, you will do much to amor yourself against such enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. Also, once we get through this shit the next pandemic will be dealt with much differently, such things will be given military priority as has been proven they should. The country has been frozen in time for a decade with legislative gridlock, unable to fulfill its most basic constitutional functions. This is more of a civil war than an election, a conflit to settle things once and for all, those on the wrong side of history are led by Trump.
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Eventually, but it couldn’t have happened without the complete overhaul of the political and governing system (among other things, of course).

The US will require the same remedy, I’m afraid.
I think once they deal with the propaganda issue online, citizens united funneling dark money in our political system from foreign dictators, and bringing back something like the fairness doctrine, a lot of these problems will dry up.

I would really love to see a law that also swears in congress so that they can't lie to us while holding public office too, that would really be a game changer too across the board. But that will only happen (maybe) if Democrats could get 75 seats in the Senate, which is not going to happen.
I think once they deal with the propaganda issue online, citizens united funneling dark money in our political system from foreign dictators, and bringing back something like the fairness doctrine, a lot of these problems will dry up.

I would really love to see a law that also swears in congress so that they can't lie to us while holding public office too, that would really be a game changer too across the board. But that will only happen (maybe) if Democrats could get 75 seats in the Senate, which is not going to happen.
If the democrats do well in the senate, it will break the up GOP senate minority and it might revert to a more traditional way of doing business, more so if Mitch loses his seat. Those up for reelection in 2024 might not be so recalcitrant to move the country forward. I believe the democrats will get a majority and a comfortable margin in the senate, in the house it will be an even larger majority. It looks bad for Donald and the GOP and using skilful means Nancy will make it much worse, she wants as many of those GOP senate seats as she can get and between Donald and covid she might get a few.
I think once they deal with the propaganda issue online, citizens united funneling dark money in our political system from foreign dictators, and bringing back something like the fairness doctrine, a lot of these problems will dry up.

I would really love to see a law that also swears in congress so that they can't lie to us while holding public office too, that would really be a game changer too across the board. But that will only happen (maybe) if Democrats could get 75 seats in the Senate, which is not going to happen.
Disinformation is powerful, but reality is more powerful and this crises has bitch slapped many back to reality because their lives are on the line. Over 70% of the country supports masks and public health, the hardcore base is becoming socially isolated, some one must be switching channels or just watching the news part and not Carlson and Hannity, they are switching channels!

Have a peek to see what I mean, Donald is desperate, where he's spending money and when says a lot. Screwing with the USPS to mess up the mail in vote and court challenges!
Some Seniors Cast Skeptical Eye Toward Trump Re-Election: WaPo | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The one concerning part of this is your president is constantly backing the fake news and 40% of your population are following his lead. I do get some of the push back as the people that have actually lost jobs or are forced to work in front line jobs are truly scared shitless. We’ve seen what that can do to the thought process here with members calling for culling the herd to achieve herd immunity. The fake news that is being spread may have a purpose that the possible end game may be to create even more division with life and death consequences, in an already dangerously divided population.
Not to mention that he continually calls facts based news reporting, fake news. Oftentimes reports that he cites in these statements are context word for word. Republicans hit on a way to take control of government and they are milking it for all its worth. Their spitballs in the form of lies and deceptions keep coming and as reports show, they are not concerned about people's lives. Not one bit. The crap they are putting out is justifying if not causing deaths from this disease.

As shown in another thread that purports to inform, it's not just fake news but propaganda that is loosely linked to the truth that has increased exponentially.

The funniest example was this one:

When will Canadians get a COVID-19 vaccine, and will there be enough? | The Weekly with Wendy Mesley
With dozens of COVID-19 vaccine candidates in development around the world, a massive challenge looms on the horizon: deciding who gets access to a successful vaccine first, and whether countries can produce enough for everyone. Wendy Mesley speaks to two people leading two of the most promising made-in-Canada vaccines about how to make sure everyone gets access.

I don't know what the purpose is for this. I do know that we are so early in testing that anybody with knowledge and experience in the matter of vaccine development tell us not to count on it. Yet here is a breathy, false message of certainty that pushes the envelope by asking "will there be enough to go around?" Trump keeps pushing false hope. Why this Canadian is doing the same is beyond me.
Disinformation is powerful, but reality is more powerful and this crises has bitch slapped many back to reality because their lives are on the line. Over 70% of the country supports masks and public health, the hardcore base is becoming socially isolated, some one must be switching channels or just watching the news part and not Carlson and Hannity, they are switching channels!

Have a peek to see what I mean, Donald is desperate, where he's spending money and when says a lot. Screwing with the USPS to mess up the mail in vote and court challenges!
Some Seniors Cast Skeptical Eye Toward Trump Re-Election: WaPo | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Terms in this set (8)

an appeal to others to join the crowd in order to be on the winning side

glittering generality
emotionally appealing words that are applied to a product or idea, but that present no concrete argument or analysis

card stacking
presenting only the information that is positive to an idea or proposal and omitting information that is contrary to that idea; this term comes from stacking a deck of cards in your favor; used to slant a message.

name calling
the use of derogatory language or words that carry a negative connotation; hopes that the audience will reject the person or the idea on the basis of the negative symbol, instead of looking at the available evidence

plain folks
attempting to convince the public that one's views reflect those of the common person

red herring
presenting an irrelevant topic in order to divert attention from the original issue to "win" the argument by leading attention away from the topic to another issue

the use of a quotation or endorsement, in or out of context, that attempts to connect a famous or respectable person with a product or item

projecting positive or negative qualities of a person, entity, object, or value to another to make the second more acceptable or to discredit it

For example, the article I linked to above is a red herring.

As in: "will there be enough vaccine to go around?" The real issues of that day are mistakes being made by our leaders to open up society without motoring and containment measures in place to prevent another wave and worse peak in infections. Yet, here, the author is asking if there will be enough of something that hasn't even been invented yet and most experts say a coronavirus vaccine is very unlikely to be ready any time soon if at all.
I don’t read much of the stuff DIY posts as I know it’s mostly unproven hypothesis as is almost everything with this virus. DIY does seem to have a lot of time on his hands, but I don’t think he means to mislead, although yes that may be a consequence. The vaccine may never happen so hoping there is enough at this point is just hyperbole. So yes I get your frustration and I get that it’s really not a thread that should be in the politics section. Alas it is. But DIY is mostly very polite, there is that lol. For the most part, when following these threads, the interest (for me) is in the interaction of the members and not the subject at hand lol.
I loaded a new page, but for some reason I didn't see this post yet, til now.

LOL, I knew you we gonna pick up on that part of what I wrote, I wasn't speaking specifically in that comment to be derived from scientific origin itself, what I meant was we can speak along the lines of scientific definition and order if you'd like, besides the supposed "conspiracy theory" that's already been brought up.

What I was saying about the Nazi programs of WW2 is that this is where mind control and human testing and torture of this origin began, this is what spawned the elitist desire to create the program we now accept as being called MK Ultra, I never said anything about a virus being created or released at that age in time, I was speaking specifically of the MK Ultra methodologies and tactics of mind control/ pathological thought experimentation and about where this program began its start, before it had a name.
mind control? You mean the "Men Who Stare At Goats" thing? lulz

The only group you specifically mentioned in your whole diatribe were Nazis. Also CIA. So, it's the CIA that released the coronavirus? Is that what you are saying? If not, then who are these MK Ultra "methodologies" people? I'm guessing you are talking about Jews.
the following was imported as another example of the disinformation and outright lies we are seeing today in our social media:

From: @mustbetribbin
I thank you fogdog for your patience, I wasn't feeling much like communicating online for a couple days, I decided I needed a little space and time for introspection, but I'm back now, ready to continue our discussion.

Your question to me is who or what is behind this covid hoax, well It's the very same people who were behind the various Human experimentation laboratory research that began its start at the Nazi concentration camps, that's correct the program known as MK Ultra but instead of using/experimenting on unknowing victims and prisoners, this has now been used to cause mass (worldwide) reprogramming of peoples natural cycle of thought, and cause people to subliminally become under mind control, and even cause behavioural changes with the cycling of various transmitted signals of information, repetition and various forms of information overload causing unconscious brainwashing.

Notice this quote from Sidney Gottlieb, the lead scientist in the US for MK ULTRA that was in control of various operations in the 1950's-early 70's :

"During this period, there was an obsession at the CIA: there is a way to control the human mind, and if it can be found, the prize will be nothing less than global mastery."

How about this quote from Aldous Huxley, the writter of the "A brave New World" in 1931:

"He identified two major threats to society at that time: Over-population and over-organization (bureaucracy)."

Note that according to Huxley that overpopulation was to become a serious issue in the future, just think about his words many decades ago parallel with the words of Bill Gates and the leaders of the UN, yet you wouldn't accrue the hidden link between the existing yet unnamed method of mind control that Huxley spoke of in his time, to the MK ULTRA like mentality that Bill Gates of our modern Age is expressing? Or would you???

How about this linked excerpt from Huxley's book to Orwell in 1949?

My latest and greatest interest for being on this forum been to get people to become aware, the words that these men wrote about were thought of and written/said for a reason, they meant for these words to become part of reality in the future, and they obsessed over it, MK ULTRA was likewise never meant for the sole purpose of cruel testing of various physiological experiments on a select group of people, but rather to eventually have these thoughts and words manifest someday within society, I'm attempting to alert you and others that NOW IS THE TIME THAT WAS SPOKEN OF, they admitted in their writings that this was the prerogative of their virtue.

Now allow me to digress back into the topic of covid and show proof that these are intertwined.

First off let me ask a few questions I have for you to ponder:

How do you go from dealing with a virus and needing to install/build an emergency hospital in one week, to the entire country of China being completely free of new covid1984 cases in 6-7 months? and on top of that they increased the original Death toll numbers that were already exaggerated by 50%, this was done to drive fear and instill it along with the unknown, then the dispair of not having test kits and no masks, and all this other anxiety causing fake news surrounding a (false flag) virus. Ponder for a minute the supposed 700 deaths per day in Italy that was vehemently broadcasted as if it was the shock factor epicenter of Europe, are we still feeling that these numbers could have possibly been accurate? You see the algorithm that was synchronicitically formed from out of China and into Italy was due to the Elitists in control guiding the propaganda machine that theses 2 countries became sources of.

Let us also include the occurrences of New York such as their state suddenly adding 3700 new cases to the tally around the 1st of last, month, why weren't these cases counted and released when they were supposed to be? Either someone doesn't know how to count sick people, or somebody is using repeated fear tactics one nation at a time, algorithmically, why the such obvious use of fear tactics, why are such abhorrent bursts of information being released suddenly and indelicately? there's a lack of casual finess that the powers that be are expressing that points finger back towards them, a lie, a BIG LIE..... (Adolf)...
got bitched at again, did you? too funny that. Every time you complain about TYRANNT!!! I have this image of a convenience store clerk aggravated and snapping at the old guy who keeps fucking up and hazarding others because he can't follow the simplest of requests to stay away from others.

Well, in fact, we aren't all in this together. Some die. We are in this with you, Roy, not that we chose you or anything.

When DYI started posting I watched a few of his videos . The only good ones were Stephen Colbert . I never watch the other because they are horribly boring. But he can be funny sometimes and makes me laugh . Most of his posts are spam with absolutely no personal input and and way to long so I scroll right through them hoping he has a good post but it’s like finding a needle in a haystack.

I can totally see why you are concerned about him and thanks for the warning. It has crossed my mind he could be a Russian troll. I myself and others have asked the supervisors at the Russian Troll factory numerous times to send better more sophisticated trolls so maybe he is what they concider one of the better ones.
He certainly is motivated what ever he is trying to do for his thousands of followers out there who patiently await his every post. Lol... and what clever trickery pretending to be a Trump hater.If he is really a Russian Troll.

maybe his thread should be moved to the other section. what section would that be?

I don’t read much of the stuff DIY posts as I know it’s mostly unproven hypothesis as is almost everything with this virus. DIY does seem to have a lot of time on his hands, but I don’t think he means to mislead, although yes that may be a consequence. The vaccine may never happen so hoping there is enough at this point is just hyperbole. So yes I get your frustration and I get that it’s really not a thread that should be in the politics section. Alas it is. But DIY is mostly very polite, there is that lol. For the most part, when following these threads, the interest (for me) is in the interaction of the members and not the subject at hand lol.
When DYI started posting I watched a few of his videos . The only good ones were Stephen Colbert . I never watch the other because they are horribly boring. But he can be funny sometimes and makes me laugh . Most of his posts are spam with absolutely no personal input and and way to long so I scroll right through them hoping he has a good post but it’s like finding a needle in a haystack.

I can totally see why you are concerned about him and thanks for the warning. It has crossed my mind he could be a Russian troll. I myself and others have asked the supervisors at the Russian Troll factory numerous times to send better more sophisticated trolls so maybe he is what they concider one of the better ones.
He certainly is motivated what ever he is trying to do for his thousands of followers out there who patiently await his every post. Lol... and what clever trickery pretending to be a Trump hater.If he is really a Russian Troll.

maybe his thread should be moved to the other section. what section would that be?
That it I'm moving into comedy more! :D
The one concerning part of this is your president is constantly backing the fake news and 40% of your population are following his lead. I do get some of the push back as the people that have actually lost jobs or are forced to work in front line jobs are truly scared shitless. We’ve seen what that can do to the thought process here with members calling for culling the herd to achieve herd immunity. The fake news that is being spread may have a purpose that the possible end game may be to create even more division with life and death consequences, in an already dangerously divided population.
A lot of times, Trump IS the source of fake information. The Republican Party has gone off the rails and is so far from the truth that they may never find their way back on track.

Totally with you on your comment about the people who have been showing up to do the work deemed essential. For the most part, they are us. We can't even think about social distancing in some fields such as health care. In many cases, the same people deemed essential have no benefits, such as medical coverage and paid sick leave. The epidemic is shining a glaringly bright light on our society and just like when the lights come on at closing time in the bar, it's showing a whole lot of ugly when we had been entertaining the idea that we were beautiful people.