the following was imported as another example of the disinformation and outright lies we are seeing today in our social media:
I thank you fogdog for your patience, I wasn't feeling much like communicating online for a couple days, I decided I needed a little space and time for introspection, but I'm back now, ready to continue our discussion.
Your question to me is who or what is behind this covid hoax, well It's the very same people who were behind the various Human experimentation laboratory research that began its start at the Nazi concentration camps, that's correct the program known as MK Ultra but instead of using/experimenting on unknowing victims and prisoners, this has now been used to cause mass (worldwide) reprogramming of peoples natural cycle of thought, and cause people to subliminally become under mind control, and even cause behavioural changes with the cycling of various transmitted signals of information, repetition and various forms of information overload causing unconscious brainwashing.
Notice this quote from Sidney Gottlieb, the lead scientist in the US for MK ULTRA that was in control of various operations in the 1950's-early 70's :
"During this period, there was an obsession at the CIA: there is a way to control the human mind, and if it can be found, the prize will be nothing less than global mastery."
The long read: Frank Olson died in 1953, but, because of clandestine US government experiments, it took decades for his family to get closer to the truth
How about this quote from Aldous Huxley, the writter of the "A brave New World" in 1931:
"He identified two major threats to society at that time: Over-population and over-organization (bureaucracy)."
Note that according to Huxley that overpopulation was to become a serious issue in the future, just think about his words many decades ago parallel with the words of Bill Gates and the leaders of the UN, yet you wouldn't accrue the hidden link between the existing yet unnamed method of mind control that Huxley spoke of in his time, to the MK ULTRA like mentality that Bill Gates of our modern Age is expressing? Or would you???
A look into the mind control strategies of Huxley's "Brave New World."
How about this linked excerpt from Huxley's book to Orwell in 1949?
A very short book excerpt
My latest and greatest interest for being on this forum been to get people to become aware, the words that these men wrote about were thought of and written/said for a reason, they meant for these words to become part of reality in the future, and they obsessed over it, MK ULTRA was likewise never meant for the sole purpose of cruel testing of various physiological experiments on a select group of people, but rather to eventually have these thoughts and words manifest someday within society, I'm attempting to alert you and others that NOW IS THE TIME THAT WAS SPOKEN OF, they admitted in their writings that this was the prerogative of their virtue.
Now allow me to digress back into the topic of covid and show proof that these are intertwined.
First off let me ask a few questions I have for you to ponder:
How do you go from dealing with a virus and needing to install/build an emergency hospital in one week, to the entire country of China being completely free of new covid1984 cases in 6-7 months? and on top of that they increased the original Death toll numbers that were already exaggerated by 50%, this was done to drive fear and instill it along with the unknown, then the dispair of not having test kits and no masks, and all this other anxiety causing fake news surrounding a (false flag) virus. Ponder for a minute the supposed 700 deaths per day in Italy that was vehemently broadcasted as if it was the shock factor epicenter of Europe, are we still feeling that these numbers could have possibly been accurate? You see the algorithm that was synchronicitically formed from out of China and into Italy was due to the Elitists in control guiding the propaganda machine that theses 2 countries became sources of.
Let us also include the occurrences of New York such as their state suddenly adding 3700 new cases to the tally around the 1st of last, month, why weren't these cases counted and released when they were supposed to be? Either someone doesn't know how to count sick people, or somebody is using repeated fear tactics one nation at a time, algorithmically, why the such obvious use of fear tactics, why are such abhorrent bursts of information being released suddenly and indelicately? there's a lack of casual finess that the powers that be are expressing that points finger back towards them, a lie, a BIG LIE..... (Adolf)...