Why are Republicans so scared of Hillary Clinton?

No I wouldn't.
You are asking for personal gain at the expense of the rest of the country.
And if you were putting in 1200 a month into social security. You don't need it.
I don't at this time but that means nothing about the future. Something you should really think more about!
sorry you got exposed as a worthless fucking welfare mooch who sits at home depending on her federal disability check, popping vast amounts of pills and drowning in booze.

why don't you get a fucking job?

you obviously have access to a computer and can type, why not get a customer service job somewhere? too worried you'll get the shakes halfway through the shift and have to sneak off to the bathroom to sneak a few shots out of your flask?

you don't even pay any taxes, you collect a disability check from the government, and then you accuse me of sucking government tit?

hate to break it to ya mooch, but i am the guy who pays 15.3% of every dollar he makes as an independent contractor and sends it to lazy, entitled, welfare sucking mooches like you.

go drown yourself in pills and booze ya worthless fuck. make america great again, one pill induced coma at a time.
you're cute when you're flustered.

So what you're saying is you're mooching off people AND the government AND your wife? You must have a wonderful life, isn't that what they call low life because it isn't exactly the high life.
he types from his actually employed wife's favorite chair while free riding.

Where do you work?

are you still repeating that line of bullshit from your white supremacist buddy sirgreendumb?

hate to break it to ya, but he was a homicidal skinhead.

but hey, if that's the type of person you want as your friend, it sure does explain your love for trump.

i'm an independent contractor and i grow better weed than you. i make more money than you doing either job alone.

of course, you make no money. which really goes a long way to making america great again.
you're cute when you're flustered.

So what you're saying is you're mooching off people AND the government AND your wife? You must have a wonderful life, isn't that what they call low life because it isn't exactly the high life.

hilarious to have a pill popping alcoholic who was just complaining about the lack of COLA on her federal disability check accuse me of being a mooch.
are you still repeating that line of bullshit from your white supremacist buddy sirgreendumb?

hate to break it to ya, but he was a homicidal skinhead.

but hey, if that's the type of person you want as your friend, it sure does explain your love for trump.

i'm an independent contractor and i grow better weed than you. i make more money than you doing either job alone.

of course, you make no money. which really goes a long way to making america great again.

Must be nice selling pot in Michigan, good for you! One hell of a model American.

hilarious to have a pill popping alcoholic who was just complaining about the lack of COLA on her federal disability check accuse me of being a mooch.
You keep talking about pills, are you out? Is that what your fixation is? Is that why you're so upset?

Ask your wife to buy you some, I'm sure she will...
You keep talking about pills, are you out? Is that what your fixation is? Is that why you're so upset?

Ask your wife to buy you some, I'm sure she will...

let's just say not everyone you like likes you back as much. hence how i know you are a pill popping alcoholic. i didn't know you were also a mooch on a federal disability check until today though, but that makes sense.

so why don't you get a fucking job?

or are you gonna make america great again by befriending racist skinheads like sirgreendumb, walking out to the mailbox for a welfare check, and then getting fucktarded on pills and booze?
let's just say not everyone you like likes you back as much. hence how i know you are a pill popping alcoholic. i didn't know you were also a mooch on a federal disability check until today though, but that makes sense.

Classic projecting. Awww, do you want to feel better thinking I'm like you? I didn't know for sure that you were a self entitled wife mooching non-taxpayer pill popping alcoholic until today. That's good to know, especially with the 'under the table' money you make. are you proud of yourself?
so why don't you get a fucking job?

Good question; why DON'T you? Oh yeah, because your wife won't let you embarrass her.... how are those pills treating you? Oh, that's right... you're out, and moody to boot.
Classic projecting. Awww, do you want to feel better thinking I'm like you? I didn't know for sure that you were a self entitled wife mooching non-taxpayer pill popping alcoholic until today. That's good to know, especially with the 'under the table' money you make. are you proud of yourself?

Good question; why DON'T you? Oh yeah, because your wife won't let you embarrass her.... how are those pills treating you? Oh, that's right... you're out, and moody to boot.

it's only true when i say it to you though.

give it up, you've been exposed for what you are.
why are there so many judgmental pricks on these forums that think they're big shot behind a keyboard i bet they're making up for being little pussies in real life

ever get that grow going?

Yep, you got it! ;)

you should complain some more about "judgemental pricks" then vote for the guy who said this:

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bring crime. They’re rapists… And some, I assume, are good people.”

"Laziness is a trait in blacks"

"Black guys counting my money, I hate it! The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yarmulkes every day"

"Barack Obama's birth certificate is a fraud."

"Look at that face. Would anybody vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?! I mean, she's a woman, and I'm not supposed to say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?"

and that's just the start of it.

so are you a racist as well, rosey?

i know you were good friends with sirgreendumb, an avowed white supremacist.

do you think laziness is a trait in black people, as you sit there popping pills, getting drunk, and living off your disability check?
do you think laziness is a trait in black people, as you sit there popping pills, getting drunk, and living off your disability check?

I don't, do you? Is that what your problem is? Is that why you're here all day, every day, instead of working, and drawing off the wife's hard earned, tax paid check? Are you a racist Buck? Is that why you keep bringing it up? Are you trying to make yourself feel better, and is that why you try and bring everyone down and call people names? Your not good at this politics stuff are you? Does you haves the dumbs?

Don't worry, even assheads like you may get redemption at some point. Maybe nots today, maybe nots tomorrow, but shoon. Here's lookin at you shweethaht ;)
I don't, do you? Is that what your problem is? Is that why you're here all day, every day, instead of working, and drawing off the wife's hard earned, tax paid check? Are you a racist Buck? Is that why you keep bringing it up? Are you trying to make yourself feel better, and is that why you try and bring everyone down and call people names? Your not good at this politics stuff are you? Does you haves the dumbs?

Don't worry, even assheads like you may get redemption at some point. Maybe nots today, maybe nots tomorrow, but shoon. Here's lookin at you sweethart ;)

why are you voting for the racist who said it then?

don't forget to pick up your disability check. the first of the month is approaching soon.