Why are racist white males so terrified of Hillary?

What a hilarious meltdown

Here’s my best compromise: we’ll let you build the wall once Mexico agrees to pay for it

Have fun, cuck

There you go with those words which look like English but don't come off with their intended meaning.

Oh, but I am having fun. I take this incarnation to its fullest. Do you? Still scared of the label Marxist? Own it, just like Kaepernick, and you too might make your dream come true of being well known besides this forum. Despite your harsh words I wish you the best in finding the happiness you lost.
Hillary is the antichrist? beware the number.

Well it could be trump

I thought we picked bad leaders.
There you go with those words which look like English but don't come off with their intended meaning.

Oh, but I am having fun. I take this incarnation to its fullest. Do you? Still scared of the label Marxist? Own it, just like Kaepernick, and you too might make your dream come true of being well known besides this forum. Despite your harsh words I wish you the best in finding the happiness you lost.
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