Why are racist white males so terrified of Hillary?

Who do you think mueller will indict next.
Rhetorical Question

Definition of Rhetorical Question

A rhetorical question is asked just for effect, or to lay emphasis on some point being discussed, when no real answer is expected. A rhetorical question may have an obvious answer, but the questioner asks it to lay emphasis to the point. In literature, a rhetorical question is self-evident, and used for style as an impressive persuasive device.


What's it like defending the most corrupt president in US history?

Lol you mean the 10 second part where Kellyanne pretended to be Hillary? Yeah they really lampooned her...bwaahahahaha

weak. dude, that was the whole point..kellywise (pennywise) was creating anderson coopers biggest nightmare..nothing phased anderson cooper until kellywise turned into clinton- his worst nightmare.:lol:
Rhetorical Question

Definition of Rhetorical Question

A rhetorical question is asked just for effect, or to lay emphasis on some point being discussed, when no real answer is expected. A rhetorical question may have an obvious answer, but the questioner asks it to lay emphasis to the point. In literature, a rhetorical question is self-evident, and used for style as an impressive persuasive device.


So you don't have any clue who mueller is gonna indict next? Huh.
So you don't have any clue who mueller is gonna indict next? Huh.
Rhetorical Question

Definition of Rhetorical Question

A rhetorical question is asked just for effect, or to lay emphasis on some point being discussed, when no real answer is expected. A rhetorical question may have an obvious answer, but the questioner asks it to lay emphasis to the point. In literature, a rhetorical question is self-evident, and used for style as an impressive persuasive device.



Edit: derp