Why are racist white males so terrified of Hillary?

The Most Criminal President Ever... makes Nixon look tame, wtf?

Doing it in private makes it alright, just as long as the freedom of information act releases what you did way after you're dead? But leaked emails while you're still alive showing you're a lying sack of shit is playing unfair? There's no such thing as an ucriminal president, Hillary would've just been the first criminal female president. That's like asking if you want one or two dog turds in your soup, there's still dog shit in your soup!
had their own party not been so corrupt

Uh, for my me pretending you're nicer by being smug is way more rude than saying what you really feel. I'd rather lefties just told the truth rather than read between the lines. I respect Republicans way more for being truthful they're assholes.
That you would think Trump is "funny" is an indictment

Dubbya and Trump are the only recent funny presidents. Not my fault your side's last funny president was Carter. They're all still assholes. Dems come off as smug even when trying to act funny.

Trump is a sociopath, but Clinton is a psychopath. Just look at the expression on her face. No matter how hard she tries she can't hide her inner core.

What kind of sane person laughs like this. When SNL lampooned Hillary as Pennywise the clown @2:29, it waa no joke.

Dubbya and Trump are the only recent funny presidents. Not my fault your side's last funny president was Carter. They're all still assholes. Dems come off as smug even when trying to act funny.

Trump is a sociopath, but Clinton is a psychopath. Just look at the expression on her face. No matter how hard she tries she can't hide her inner core.

What kind of sane person laughs like this. When SNL lampooned Hillary as Pennywise the clown @2:29, it waa no joke.

That's Kelly Anne Conway, df.