Who is the best troll in the politics section?

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A worthy candidate. Self righteous, holier than thou, firmly attached to a "gimme more cheese" mindset, rigidly rejects information that falls outside his own world view, and is EXTREMELY concerned about uteri and other genitalia. Fairly intelligent, writes well, has a loyal lap-dog following. UB is a clear contender for the "top-troll" title.

UB was my first thought. Defender of everything that is wrong with America.
Problem is that ya already proved it's no longer FUN for you. Your frustration shows , and that's one hell of a lot of FUN for *me*

If Urca had a brother that used RIU, it would probably be RoninAmok. I never heard such squealing from a tiny e-bitch like that guy. He has something to say about everyone, so how 'bout get off our nuts RONIN :P
Plus he uses terms that he doesn't really understand, like "raison de'etre" which is correctly spelled "Raison d'être" which means "reason for existence".

So you are suggesting that my percentages [not ratios] that I made up in 2 minutes are the reason for my existence? This is why I normally just skip your posts.

Idiot bongsmilie

+Rep for this man!! As we say back home...Ronin just got FACED!!!

where are the LIKES????

the new like is this:

anybody take a bite of the "help me my parents were killed" thread? I had some popcorn while reading it. The ending was not so good though.
I'd give the award to everyone in the politics section but myself. I'm just the sucker round these parts :)
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