Who is the best troll in the politics section?

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I would have to nominate Uncle Buck and Carne Seca, but then give the award to medicine man or brick top

LOL, You remember Medicine man and Vi ? They used to go back and forth endlessly. It was actually entertaining and quite a bit more informative to read their responses than the current batch of trolls.
Whatthefuckever , what you don't understand is that I don't give two shits one way or the other , dipshit PhillipChristian wanted to drag a loada bullshit lies about me around to different threads after he got called on his abusive bullshit.

And the guy IS a B U L L S H I T artist , right down to his " PG and E has backrooms for Growers who use lotsa power" and all the rest of his crap.................yaps endlessly about others and then runs his " so and so is a ghost account" crap. His focus is readily apparent.

Insofar as it goes , I won't take a buncha crap from idiots , and if they just gotta go the ad hominem route , well they can have more than they bargained for. When folks are reasonable I'll be so.

And PC ( ain't those initials cute) has a personal problem with me based on *exactly that* the fact that I won't put up with his crap and he figures that everyone in the world has to..............when he gets put on ignore by Winter Woman for cripes sake...well that says a great deal about the faux-intellectual clown.
Dude, I'll give you some advice for free...you see the way you KEEP freaking out at what people are saying to you? Thats THEM TROLLING YOU.

God dammit man open your eyes, you're the easiest target EVER!
Ronin is running away with this award....His flaming is reaching new heights. I'm voting him as the TROLL of the Forum!!! He takes the cake. Not only does he comment on issues he has no clue about but also goes ballistic on anyone that disagrees with him. That is a Super Troll!!

If you can't find 1 person that has agreed with any of his 200 posts on 6 different threads in the last 3 days then you know he flaming HARD!
brit pop ftw

Uncle Buck isnt a very good troll...

To be a good troll you have to be convincing.

I would say it would be insulting to try to pick a board troll from this lame list of posters.
Dude, I'll give you some advice for free...you see the way you KEEP freaking out at what people are saying to you? Thats THEM TROLLING YOU.

God dammit man open your eyes, you're the easiest target EVER!

What you fail to understand is that I'm most certainly Not " freaking out " , which is a relatively speaking hilarious accusation. You also fail to understand that I * don't care* if I'm a target. You figure out exactly why that is. Think about that for a bit.
Ronin is running away with this award....His flaming is reaching new heights. I'm voting him as the TROLL of the Forum!!! He takes the cake. Not only does he comment on issues he has no clue about but also goes ballistic on anyone that disagrees with him. That is a Super Troll!!

If you can't find 1 person that has agreed with any of his 200 posts on 6 different threads in the last 3 days then you know he flaming HARD!

I agree, I may have to change my vote. The content of his posts are about 50% insults, 45% hypocritical accusations, and 5% opinion on the topic.
Uncle Buck isnt a very good troll...

To be a good troll you have to be convincing.

I would say it would be insulting to try to pick a board troll from this lame list of posters.

Too true. But he sure does try. At least give him the spammers award.
Ronin is running away with this award....His flaming is reaching new heights. I'm voting him as the TROLL of the Forum!!! He takes the cake. Not only does he comment on issues he has no clue about but also goes ballistic on anyone that disagrees with him. That is a Super Troll!!

If you can't find 1 person that has agreed with any of his 200 posts on 6 different threads in the last 3 days then you know he flaming HARD!

Why thank you Philly , it's so kind of you to admit that you're so incapable of actual coherent arguement as to go to the above lengths. Interesting isn't it how you look when you finally begin to expose you warts isn't it LittlePhil.

Now why don't you attempt to impress us all with you " job and degrees " , golly other folks were just SO impressed with 'em weren't they.

Interesting that you calim I have " no clue on issues" , however it was you that cut and ran like the coward you are when called DIRECTLY on those issues and the socalled " Academic" base you attempted to claim to have , but when we got to the SPECIFICS of that acadmic base you suddenly were nowhere to be found , just your excuses.

You're quite simply a F A K E PhillyBoy , you run around talking about " ghost accounts" and " exposiong fakes" while you're abou the biggest fake on RIU.

At any juncture which you wish to engage in actual debate let me know , on the writing of West or for that matter anything else as regards the subject. I doubt however that you'll take me up on it since it would require knowledge of the subject matter beyond the namedropping level.

In the future you might keep something in mind , sometimes when YOU decide that you're going to start a hassle with someone you're going to run into someone that you can't buffalo.

You just did. Now continue on with your little Cowards Campaign , it says it ALL about you.
Dude, I'll give you some advice for free...you see the way you KEEP freaking out at what people are saying to you? Thats THEM TROLLING YOU.

God dammit man open your eyes, you're the easiest target EVER!

Damn, ruined my fun!
I agree, I may have to change my vote. The content of his posts are about 50% insults, 45% hypocritical accusations, and 5% opinion on the topic.

Whatever , you're about the same as PC , except your problem is that you want everyone to march in chanting lockstep with you as regards Paul , and of course if they won't you'll immediately descend to those ratios you so aptly described above , which you know so well because they're your raison de'etre.

And Paul is still a puke and potential Fascist.

Damn, ruined my fun!

He wins for sure. He's flaming a person who isn't even responding to him anymore. No one will respond to his pschotic episode. He's off his meds and the walls are closing in. Somebody get this dude a stack of notebook so he can start writing his bullshit down and get of the forum.

Didn't someone once say the the definition of stupidity is repeating the same action expecting different results? I move to have that changed to the definition of stupidity is RoninAmok.
Whatever , you're about the same as PC , except your problem is that you want everyone to march in chanting lockstep with you as regards Paul , and of course if they won't you'll immediately descend to those ratios you so aptly described above , which you know so well because they're your raison de'etre.

85% hypocritical accusations

And Paul is still a puke and potential Fascist.

15% baseless insult

See he could pull of a win here I think.
Plus he uses terms that he doesn't really understand, like "raison de'etre" which is correctly spelled "Raison d'être" which means "reason for existence".

So you are suggesting that my percentages [not ratios] that I made up in 2 minutes are the reason for my existence? This is why I normally just skip your posts.

Idiot bongsmilie
I just realized that Zimmerman is an idiot.

He should just turn himself in for the 1,000,000....
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