Who is the best troll in the politics section?

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Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I had a friend who did it for like 4 years and he was miserable. I've never tried it and don't plan on it. I don't eat a ton of red meat but I do eat a lot of fish and chicken. Haven't eaten anything from a fast food restaurant in 16 years. That for me is like meat for you. I just need actual meat in my diet. I've heard that the proteins from meat can be found in some beans and things but I'm not sure. I've also seen arguments against dairy products that are similar. They say that dairy is no good for you either. By the end we'll all be chewing grass if we listened to everyone who had an opinion on this. Hey man, if it makes you feel better then go for it. I'm gonna stick with the meat though. Hasn't seemed to hurt anyone I know.
Not being preachy, I know, hard to be taken seriously in a troll thread.

Problems with meat:

Not enough fiber, your stool becomes too hard with any amount.


Too acidic.

Takes too long to digest and putrefies in your system.


Meat proteins have been linked to many types of cancer, including colon.

" High level of creatine; avoid eating meat.

Glutamate (glutamic acid is neurotranmitter). If there is to many of it, avoid its sources in diet: avoid all meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, soy sauce, kombu. Avoid any product with monosodium glutaminate (natrium glutaminate), found in flavor enhancers. Monosodium glutaminate is causing anxiety and aggression, it is poison for body and emotions."



Casein is a milk protein. It's the reason people can't tolerate dairy. It also must be PH neutralized with calcium. As a grower, you should know calcium is a PH buffer used to raise more alkaline levels. Countries who eat lots of dairy have more cases of osteoporosis than those who don't.


If you think it's hooey, fine. Your choice. But that's just a bit of why animal products are bad. If you look those up, it's a great starting point.


Well-Known Member
i saw on the dicovery channel that monkeys and bears and other somewhat bipedal animals thrive when they have a constant source live protein... this plays into the fact that a healthy wild human would have meat in its diet will an unhealthy one would not(look at a true VEGAN GAZELLE BOY). if meat make you stronger it must be good for you.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Does Phillip really use AN? Or is it just a troll? Mixing your own will give perfect PH with no to little adjustment. The problem is not enough magnesium carbonate and too much potassium carbonate. Nutrient companies want to make money with "supplements," when reality is you only need a proper A+B nutrient and a PH up grow and PH down for bloom. Growing is so damn simple. Nutrient companies make it hard with all their marketing bullshit.


New Member
Does Phillip really use AN? Or is it just a troll? Mixing your own will give perfect PH with no to little adjustment. The problem is not enough magnesium carbonate and too much potassium carbonate. Nutrient companies want to make money with "supplements," when reality is you only need a proper A+B nutrient and a PH up grow and PH down for bloom. Growing is so damn simple. Nutrient companies make it hard with all their marketing bullshit.
according to one of his B.S. claims, he gets it wholesale, how he does that in costa rica is also a good question.


New Member
Does Phillip really use AN? Or is it just a troll? Mixing your own will give perfect PH with no to little adjustment. The problem is not enough magnesium carbonate and too much potassium carbonate. Nutrient companies want to make money with "supplements," when reality is you only need a proper A+B nutrient and a PH up grow and PH down for bloom. Growing is so damn simple. Nutrient companies make it hard with all their marketing bullshit.
These guys got all pissy cause I said that you need to use what works for you. I flat out said that the Advanced line that I use works best for me cause I tried it against GH and B.C. when I used them and it outperformed them in my room. Then I tried it against FF and it outperformed that as well so that's why I use it. Then he came in screaming that they were shit and that I didn't know anything about growing and blah blah blah. All I said to the OP was that you have to use what is best for you. I actually recommended and different nutrient company to him. After talking with another 2 guys in the thread they decided to try a grow or two using AN on half their crop and I decided to try one with Dyna. Problem is no one pays attention to Harrekin cause he comes in screaming that we are all idiots and AN shills or whatever. Screaming the same regurjitated Dept. of Agriculture bullshit article that he started a thread about. He wants everyone to just get rid of whatever nutes they are using that minute and do exactly what he says. If not, then he throws a temper tantrum. You can't find 1 post on this entire forum that shows me recommending that someone (especially a newb) use AN or a single post where I say AN is the best. I always say the same thing...gonna keep testing out different companies until someone give ME the same or better results. Harrekin's just an idiot who likes to scream a lot. The thread is still near the top of the Nutrient sub-section.

As far as ghost accounts go; those guys just got pissy cause we started ignoring them because they were trolling. Then when another AN thread came up I told the OP he had balls for stating he was gonna use them cause on this forum as soon as you say AN then the haters show up in full force. Made a joke on a thread and now they say that I made up that account. Why would I make up an account to say I am using AN when I have already admitted to using them? I guess logic is not Harrekin's strong suit.
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