White Widow Hydro Fog journal


Well-Known Member
I wanted to do a follow up on the clones i made from the sour disel mother plant. Please keep in mind this is my first attempt at cloning so therefore they are not perfect. I took a total of 11 cuttings and so far from the looks they all survived, some look better than others. I took the clones on 12/20/08 and today i started week one full strength veg schedule with canna nutes, take a look see...:leaf:



Sector 5 Moderator
I don't know what you are doing that is so different from what I'm doing but not a damn one of my clones have roots yet. Same pheno too. I don't get it.


Well-Known Member
i know how frustrating i can be, i don't know what your solution ratio is, but i used RO water (tap is just fine) then i used 1/2 tsp/gal of B'cuzz (i'd suggest using rhizotonic instead).

I've come to the conclusion that the water temp can be higher than DWC because its the roots you are worried about. The roots cannot be in water with a constant temp of 75F+. BUT since these roots are hanging in air, after the warm water 75F +/-2F hit the roots and the misters are cycled off the roots cool back down, not instantly but over the 15minute off period to a reasonable temp probably 3-5F lower than res water temp. my res water has been sitting at 70-73F, i have no brown roots nor do i have leaves that indicate shock. Im truly surprised how well aeroponics works


Sector 5 Moderator
I don't have even a suggestion of a root on any of them. I'm using a fogger so it makes the water pretty warm but the only thing that does is give it a warm environment for the roots. I added some Advanced Nutriends "Jump Start" to the water. When I took them I dropped them immediately into a water bucket (with the rez water). Then I picked them up, one at a time, and cut the 45 degree angle and scraped off about 1/2" of the outer skin, dipped it in RooTech gel, put it into a neoprene collar and put it right into the cloner. I've got a 65w CFL on them and they are in a nice warm cabinet. Should be a perfect environment for them but they are just not responding to growing any roots. This is really pissing me off.


Well-Known Member
i heard that the best hormone solution to use is dip-n-grow simply because it is a liquid rather than gel, and you can also put drops of that liquid into your res, thats what i did(forgot to add that part in the previous post) i put 6 drops of dip-n-grow into my 5 gal res.

also, as far as the fogger goes, is that one of those nutramist foggers, the one that costs way too much money? i bought a fogger too and was initially using it, it works AWESOME for starting seeds, just awesome. But once the roots poped out of the rapidrooter plug the roots got baked. I concluded that this was because the fog was dry, there was no moisture getting to the newly poped out roots. How is that possible? I believe it has something to do with the microns. Its similar to dry ice, when it boils in water the fog is dry. If i were you i'd scrap that, sell it, something, i still have my fogger and im going to sell it along with a ton of my other hydro stuff that i found does not work for me. best bet is to use the same method you are using now, misters. I mean damn, i got mega roots in 16 days. If i had used rhizo from the get go i probably would have been able to start veg 2-5 days earlier


Sector 5 Moderator
I bought the single unit Nutramist fogger which was about $25. They have one that's about $75 or so but it has 3 units. These have Teflon coated doo-dads so they don't get funk on them. As far as the fog being dry - it isn't. When I pick up one of the neoprene collars (or remove a dead clone) it's totally wet underneath. I can wave my hand back and forth thru the fog and feel the wetness. If these clones die in the next few days I might rig up an aero unit and put my shortest plant in it just to see what happens. I'll have to rig up something to keep the roots out of the water; I'd guess the water in the rez is about 90 degrees or so - way too hot to let the roots sit in. Anyway, the roots are not supposed to be in water in true aero and that is what I want to test out. I love the experimenting part of this; I think that is my favorite part of growing.


Well-Known Member
wow, 90 degrees?? i think we've found the problem. Now i know your roots are not sitting in that water, but still that mist is going to be no less than -10 of that temp, 80f is too hot, way too hot. that is one of the problems i found to, the water gets heated up too much, this is why i purchased a water chiller. but i never used it and its sitting there collecting dust, 350 bucks down the drain.

As for your fogger, you're lucky, my fogger sucks!


Sector 5 Moderator
Damn... I think I'm going to call the company that I bought it from and ask them about the temp thing. I'm also going to stick a thermometer in there to see what the ambient temp is. There are no roots to hang down yet; that's what I'm perplexed about. They should have roots by now. I've not foliar fed them or anything; just threw them in there and told them "root or die" - just like stinkbud said to do. Oh well... maybe I'll just do the regular sprayer unit with the 390 pump. I could put that on a timer but geeez, that's another $80 for just that thing. I guess I could run both off the one tho.


Well-Known Member
yeah, this is an expesive hobby....potpimp i had a question for you maybe you know....when you clone a plant and then develop roots to the point where you can give full strength week 1 nutes, at what dosage(percentage) do you give the clones if you want to put them into flowering

this perplexes me...


Sector 5 Moderator
I've never actually been successful enough at cloning to get any to root. I tried Olivia's Cloning gel with no luck and someone said I should be using RooTech so I got some of that and still no luck. I'm really getting tired of starting from seeds - and having to buy more seeds every time; those are expensive, especially when you consider that about half are boy plants - if they germinate at all. I have GOT to get this cloning shit figured out.


Well-Known Member
I've never actually been successful enough at cloning to get any to root. I tried Olivia's Cloning gel with no luck and someone said I should be using RooTech so I got some of that and still no luck. I'm really getting tired of starting from seeds - and having to buy more seeds every time; those are expensive, especially when you consider that about half are boy plants - if they germinate at all. I have GOT to get this cloning shit figured out.
what are you doing to the cuttings? man cloning is the easy part,
heres what i do when i need cuttings for sure and dont have money to buy clonex soultion for my aero cloner. I have been having issues with my aero cloner so I had to revert back to the basics to keep my sog going.
Use any cloning gel( i use clonex but any kind will work some better than others thats all ), peat pellets, water and B1 (any brand, superthrive, techflora etc..) and a clear or transparent top or tub, i have one of those rubbermaid trays you put under your bed, with a lid all clear(ish) that holds 50-75 clones, you put the pellets in the tray, add water till the pellets expand to their max, drain excess water, take a lollipop stick to poke a hole for clone.
take cutting above internode at a 45 degree cut, dip in gel, put in pellet , mist the clones, close the lid, mist once a day for 2wks, roots no mess!! no work other than misting with the B1 at a really low dosage. near the middle/end you may have to add more water to keep the pellets wet. just keep an eye on them. if you cant get peat pellets, you can use 50/50 perlite vermiculite as a medium that is 100% as well.

hope this helps you out


Sector 5 Moderator
I've got a bag of jiffy pellets, cloning gel, superthrive, etc. and I've got a clone dome too. When you say "take cutting above internode...", what exactly do you mean? I cut my clones right next to the stalk then trim that to a 45 degree angle. Am I doing it wrong? I've got to get something going here or I'm going to be buying more seeds.


Well-Known Member
ok the internode it the place where 2 branches will stem out from the main stalk, you want to take your cutting from just above that place, cuttings should be no smaller than 2" and no bigger than 6" really. cuttings from top of the plant tend to take a lil longer than cuttings from the bottom of the plant, where the stem is more soft, as compared to the more woodier stalks off the top. I make my 45 cut str8 on the plant with my razor blades, i put my finger on the backside and press my blade at a 45 into the stalk and use my finger for a stopping block and guard as to not cut the lil branches coming out of the internode, cause those 2 lil sprouts will b 2 cuttings on your next cloning session. I put my tray on the farthest end of my veg table, that has one 400MH so the clones dont get very strong light, my aero-cloner has a 4blub floro over it, that is about 5" above it, your tray temps should be a few degrees warmer than rest of the room, no fans, no nutes untill you see roots.
what is your area setup like for your clones? ie, temps, airflow is your tray on a table or sitting on a floor or cool area? that will cause the clones not to root up, and if your have air blowing over the clones it will dry them out to fast. thats all i can think of right now, let me know if this helps ya!! im going to upload a couple pics of my veg area and the last clones b4 i transplanted them into gro bags, go check out my journal to see the pics


Sector 5 Moderator
OK, I've stopped laughing now so I can continue. You're talking about topping the plants. Honestly, I'm very Leary of doing that considering my 100% success record of killing my clones. They are in the second week of flower cycle and should be showing some bud sites very soon. Do you think it would be smart to take clones from them at this stage? I FIM'ed them so I guess if I took clones from the top and they survived, they would be bushy little monsters - if the lived. I would consider taking the top clones if you thought it would work out for the existing plants. I am scrapping the aero idea; it just isn't working for me. I'm going to whip up a clone unit with the 396 pump. I've got a great little cabinet with no airflow, warm, a clone dome I can put over it and I've got all the other things to make it work.


Well-Known Member
Day 53 ( 01/08 )
Flowering Week 1 Day 1

I couldn't wait any longer, the friggin hydro store i went to online to buy a Sunmaster HPS bulb never came through. Man, I ordered that thing like the third week of December. So i called them to asked the status, they still hadn't shipped it, so i asked for a refund. I went to the store yesterday a bought hella crap, i decided instead of canna line flowering nutes to go with Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur. The reason is because it is said to yeild the most amount, most dense, most potent, best smelling, best tasting buds of all nutrients. They call it the only ultra premium nutrient available....well lets hope so. So for flowering i will be using the following:

-Advanced Nutrients-
Connoisseur A & B
Bud Blood


The thing with Conno is that it is very potent, i hope i don't overdose and burn my plants. For that reason i bought a tri-meter as well by CWP. When i mixed the nutes last night the ppm read 790, but then this morning it jumped all the way to 1400...WOW. Now im not sure what my ppm was on my last stage of veg because i didn't have a ppm meter, but i hope this isn't too much. according to the Canna feeding chart i had put in about 840-920 ppm. Jumping from that to 1400PPM sounds like a lot, im thinking about doing a nutrient change because i don't want to burn my crop.

As for the bulb i went with a GE HPS @ 92000 Lumens. This bulb has a lot of red in it, it doesn't have that yellow hue. This bulb is exactly what i was looking for. So i put that into my reflector and also hooked up two 48" 6500K HO FLO's @ 5000 lumens/ea. Hopefully this will add both a little energy and some foliage growth ability.

Back to AN nutes, the conno is supposed to be great, do some searches on youtube about conno and on google as well, from what i read the shit is awesome. The carboload is for plant energy, its basically a bunch of different sugars, but no nasty nasty caacaa molasses. The Bud Blood is a high P/K bloom inhibitor, it is supposed to tell the plants, come on go into bloom now, rather than waiting for the plant to get used to the 12/12 and blooms nutes. Only supposed to use Bud Blood for the first week of flower. The shit is expensive but you only use it once per crop so its really not that expensive. I will post picture later today or tomorrow. im so excited i can't wait to see buds pop out, to tell you the truth im more interested in seeing the amount of resin produced on the leafs than i am with bud, but the combination would be astounding.