White Widow Hydro Fog journal


Well-Known Member

i took the others out yesterday, its all good, i left one net pot with two in them because they both were so strong, i couldn't throw them away. Anways heres...

Day 9 Cont'd

Removed the one seedling that i added which sprouted last, and two other not so strong ones, so now i have one plant per net pot in the corners and two plants in the center. I added another soil bag with one of the seedlings i removed from the hydro.

When i was moving seedlings out i noticed the the root system was not really developed at all, however some of the roots did have the fuzzy white hairs on them, this is a good sign, but i want to see long roots. its day 10, how much longer should it be? the plants are truly healthy.

The power went out @ about hour 12 of the lighting cycle for about 45-60minz. This im sure hurt my plants. All i had for backup lighting was was flashlight. the sad thing is that also on Day 8 the lights went out due to a circuit trip (overload). Someone plugged up something they shouldn't have and my lights went out. This wasn't as bad because all i had to do was unplug the ballast and hook up my flo's. I didn't plug up the ballast back right away because you are supposed to let it sit for 30 mins before turning back on. So the plants were in darkness for about 2-3 minutes, hopefully this hasn't effected it that bad. But the combination of day 8 and day 9 outage, man! I don't know

Day 10

Checked out the plants this morning, they all look good except one,there is one with the leafs curled down, all the others the leafs are straight out or upwards. The one that has the curled leafs is also the one that experienced the most stretching, however i think i will be fine.

The seedling i transplanted into soil somehow looks super awesome, im surprised at FF Ocean Forest Potting soil

Lowered the lights to about 16-18" above the top of the plants (running 600watt MH) and turned on the AC that is hooked to the hood.

Didn't hand water the plants at all today, i think im not going to all day, let the medium dry out and the roots search for water. The soil clone is doing excellent, foilage is poping out more and more each day, and the leaves are full of luster

Hopefully i will see some more growth by this weekend.


Well-Known Member
Day 15 Hydro (11/30)

Took some pics today, things are still going well. some of the plants droop a little, but nothing severe, i believe it is due to the roots are not totally in the water yet. 4 of the 5 pots have roots touching the water but nothing prolific. The plant with the roots not touching the water is still doing well, no signs of deficiencies yet. However there is a very small amount of purple on leaf stem, i think this is because they want a little bit more nutes than they are getting (i guess they are just going to have to grow those roots then huh)

This is day 15 from when i potted them into hydro and gave them 1/4 strength nutes, i started giving them full nutes on day 6, so i think i'll wait a couple more days before i do a water change and increase the dosage.(what do you guys think?)

the soil plant (clone) developed rust brown spots on two of the fan leaves, just two. So im thinking i put too much superthrive or catalyst. The plant is still growing, next time i'll use only one drop of super thrive instead of three per gallon. I also flushed the soil clone on day 14 with 3 gallons of water, and then today watered it with 2tsp/gal nutes. The ocean forrest potting soil i have does not hold water at this period during growth, so it was dry enough for me to water it. I have no idea what day i am on this plant so im playing it safe and giving it nutes sparingly.

The soil WW i planted from seedling lookgs great, it looks comparable to my best hydro plant only a tid biit smaller.

take a look at the pics and let me know if there is anything i can do to make the grow even better. Oh yeah, i also have constant air blowing in from outside which helps keep the room cool and also gives the plants fresh c02 always.



Well-Known Member
They are looking good!

In regards to the "rust" spots.. Are you sure you didnt get nutes/water on the fan leaf? I find sometimes when i get moisture/water/nutes or anything on leafs it magnifies the light and burns the leafs.

In regards to the nutes. Once again its not the "norm" but i've been going full strength with nutes once i have roots about 1 ft long. So my PPM is like 1600-1800 from about week 3 on. I've never had any problems.

keep it up man!


Well-Known Member
I like the amount of oxygenation you got going on in that tub. Where did you get that air pump and what brand is it? 110 liters per hour, right? That is some serious bubbling!!!


Well-Known Member
I like the amount of oxygenation you got going on in that tub. Where did you get that air pump and what brand is it? 110 liters per hour, right? That is some serious bubbling!!!
no no, 110 liters a minute, lol. its a pretty strong one, the brand is activeaqua, i got it off ebay for under 100. It works great with the micro-pore air diffusers i bought from thebigtomato.com. These air diffusers don't clog PERIOD. Any buildup will look like salt buildup on hydroton and it easily washed off during water change(best to soak in hot water for a short period of time). These air diffusers allow throughput of 5psi, thats a lot of power, the air pump i have puts of about 3psi. So just think if i could get a air pump that puts out like 10psi, that would be great for my 3 air diffusers, but this works just fine for now.

The only thing is that this thing heats up, which in turn heats up the air which it outputs, so you'll have to find a way to cool it down, even if your res is cool starting from water change over time the air pump will heat it up. as for vise versa, if you keep the air pump chilled the air coming out will be chill, chilling your res too

i just checked the roots again tonight, more roots are poping out, that one i showed with no roots popping out at all now has one coming out, i figure by the time i do a water change i should have roots coming out of all of them.

The plants are growing quick, even the soil seedling i planted. I'll have more pics either right before or after water change. Cheers!


Well-Known Member
I think next time i do a water change im going to use a glad garbage bag to line my res, that way i minimze cleaning.

All i'd have to do is drain with my sumergable water pump, flush out my grow medium (hydroton), drain again, and then remove the bag, remove pump and air diffusers and clean them, put in new bag, put back in air diffusers and water pump, fill back up with water and nutes.

thats a lot easier than removing the res to go clean it, because then i'll have to find a place to put the plants while the res is being cleansed which in turn makes room for error of damaging roots and in my case since i plan on using string to bend me plants, makes it easier to keep things as they are while cleaning everything....what do you guys think? has anyone every tried this?

i don't want to do a search, i want to type it out and talk it out ok, lol


Well-Known Member
day 17 (12/02)

did a water change last night, i took the top off my res and put it on an empty res while i cleaned out my system. I thikn i may have taken too long to clean, mostly because i was waiting to get a plastic glad back to line my res which didn't work, lol. however after about two hours my plants started smelling, like normal plants smell but really strong, like they've never smelled before so i don't know why that was.

So after i got everything cleaned i put everything back and kept the dosage at 2tsp/gal nutes, i don't want to go stronger because i don't think they are ready yet. I also added some silicon 6tsp for 11 gallons and 5tsp of EJ catalyst which equals about an extra +/- 1.5 for potassium (grow big is 3-2-6).

when i went to put the water back in almost 3 hours had passed by since thye had been in any liquid. Does anyone know if this harms the plants, leaving them out of liquid for this type of period of time??? I looked at the roots and they were starting to dry up and brown. But when i put the water back they came back to life but didn't look the same. This morning however they looked a little better. I hope i didn't mess up my grow.

Like i was saying, up top there is only one plant that has the leaves drooping, i hope it revives by the time i get home. The thing about that one is that the root looks just fine, still nice and white, only discolored due to the nutes tinting the roots. I think next time i water change im going to have the roots sitting in some water rather than just hanging in an empty res for almost three hours.

I will take some pics soon, maybe tonight, and post to show you guys, hopefully things have repaired by then, keep the fingers crossed.

any info on leaving roots hanging in air for a period of time?? Anyone use silicon?


Well-Known Member
these ast couple of days have been hellish.

day 17 cont'd (12/02)

i think i put too much supervit in my res so i went to do a res change again, this time i didn't leave the roots out of water. when i changed the res again i used superthrive. I seen somewhere on here were someone of experience said to use 1ml/gal.

day 18(12/03):cuss:
Well i should haven ot listened to them, that was WAAAAAY to much, my roots were ugly, i came home today(did res change in morning before i left) and my roots were all messed up, residue was on everything, my pump, sticking to my res walls, on my air diffusers, and this is only one day in 65F water. This is all bad so i do another res changebongsmilie

Day 18 (12/04)

res change, back to basics. I cleaned off the roots as much as possible, some of the roots died, but not all. I still have a good amount of roots, enough for the foilage to still be healthy and not droop. I also flushed out the hydroton to make sure nothing was in there. Cleaned out the res with a 70% iso alki/HOT water solution and ran the pump in that for a while, then did a hand cleaning job on all part that were affected. Put everything back together

2tsp/gal Grow Big, 3 Drops of superthrive..i wanted to put hygrozyme but i think i'll wait for a couple week before i introduce that.

I also added more lights, hopefully its not too much, i added 5 48" Flos 6500k, the extra light makes a big difference, a noticeable difference. temps are still great 75-79F:mrgreen:

Watered with a nute solution the clone soil sour disel, she is looking good, smells good too(sour disel has a slight skunk to it when up close and personal). The WW soil is doing well too.:bigjoint:

So i can't wait to see what everything looks like later today, hopefully things can get back to normal by the beginning of saturday, wish me luck:weed:


Well-Known Member
day 19 (12/05)
I did a res change yesterday because i couldn't wait for my roots to get better h202 is crap, im sold on that. So this time i just used FF nutes and Canna Rhizotonic. Checked it this morning the plants are looking better, no more droop and there is actually a little foliage growth.

Does anyone know if too much light on plants with underdeveloped root systems will cause droop?

That rhizotonic seems to work well, i see roots poping out that weren't even clsoe to being that developed yesterday, its crazy. I thought my plants were doing really bad, but this rhizo stuff brought that champ out of my most wilted plant.

Rhizotonic is a root stimulant which also bring stressed plants back to vigorous growth, this shit is crazy expensive, 60 bucks for 1 litre, i used 3/4 of the bottle in one dosage and it stinks bad, like a barrel of fish

Im going to add another dosage of rhizo tomorrow, two days after the initial dosage. That will hopefully be the last dosage. Two days after that i will be adding hygrozyme to eat away the rest of the rotted root. I am no longer using h202, i knew i should have never went back to that filthy whore!


Sector 5 Moderator
Hey Bobby, I'm doing a WW hydro grow too and I'm using a Nutramist fogger for my clone unit. I'm going by Stinkbud's system for the veg and flower systems but I've always wanted to give the fogger a shot for true aeroponics. Best wishes with your grow!


Well-Known Member
Day 21 (12/07)

pics of the sour disel clone and my first soil plant from seed (white Widow), i think these plants are going to end up being my mother plants to practice making clones with in the new Brute Areo system using misters i am currently building, more info to come on that soon.



Well-Known Member
Day 26 (12/12)

Can anyone tell me what the problem is with the plants in picture 4, my tallest plant looks healthy its just really tall, like 3 inches taller than the rest, no where as busy, and the leaves are not strong. I had the fan blowing on the plants, the air hit this plant first, could it be because of that? if you look at the leaves closely on the plant on the right you will notice some discolor, i have yet to find out what this is.

roots look much much better, im going to start giving them a dosage of rhizotonic every water change and then add another two days later and then the next day add hygrozyme, this seems to work well.

I used foxfarm liquid plant food instead of the hydroponic plant food, the one i used for this past water change on day 25 was 6-4-4, instead of the hydroponic 3-2-6, the plants yet have shown no sign of stress. I used regular tap water this time rather than RO water because the FF nutes do not have Calcium in it, which can cause stems, branches to be week and plant to be stunted, the tap water show have some in it along with other trace minerals that are not in FF nutes like Molybdenum, Cobalt, or sulfur. Does anyone know of a nute brand that has ALL the nutes cannabis needs??

sorry for the delays, these past two weeks have been crazy and this last one has just been down right WHOA! any input would be great, thanks guys!:weed:



Well-Known Member
The roots look very healthy.. Might be a tad small, but they are very white and look great! Im sure your yellow condition is not nutrient related. If it were the discoloration in the leafs would start at the tips and work its way towards the center. Yours is the opposite; starting at the center and working its way out. I doubt the fan would be the cause of this... Im keeping my eyes on this thread. Im curious to see what the vets think. GL, and nice job so far.


Well-Known Member
I think you may wanna get a timer and do a 5 on 15 min off with the air pump..You may wanna try lowing the water level bit.


Well-Known Member
Day 27 (12/13)

plants are still doing great, my tallest one is 13 inches now. I've been ordered my HPS bulb so i can start flowering, but the company messed up my order and sent me a MH bulb. So it looks like im going to have to wait about another week.

I made mention before about a new Brute Aero system i am working on. Yesterday i actually finished making the cloner/veg unit. Im going to use it for both cloning and veggin. Once the clones have developed nice roots im just going to start added nutes. For cloning i'll be using RO water and B'cuzz. I'll be using a 3x3 homebox with 4 12"x12" led panels to make a 2' x 2' square and then add 1 2' HO flo on each side of that square. Take a look at the pics of the Brute Aero system, i'll post pics of the entire setup once i get it ready. hope you guys enjoy.:weed:



Well-Known Member
how did you connect the pump to your pvc? did you use a special grommet?

I got a eco plus 396 pump and I'm using 1/2" pvc tube and I can't figure out how to connect the two without tons of leakage...