white russian

mark pearce

Well-Known Member
ok im at 8 weeks now checked the trichs and there milky,shud i let them go 9 weeks?wot will lettin them go mean 2 the smoke?

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
If they're all milky, chop dat bitch!
Just for fun, cut the top 2/3 and let the rest go another week. You'll be surprised at the difference. The later shit will chain your ass to the couch for a long time.
Before you smoke any of it, clear your schedule for a few hours cause you ain't going nowhere for a while.
Have fun. Don't forget the smoke report.


Well-Known Member
Never hurts to go an extra day or 3. The plant needs to look tired and finished along with the trich color. After several grows you will know what I mean. Most take plants a little early.

Ms. Burns

I have 3 W.R. from Serious Seeds, in a Bubbleponics setup (1 pre-fabbed unit, 1 homemade) with a Blue Widow and two Delahaze, 6 feminized plants total.
400W HPS, two 1.5' fluorescent tubes and one CFL, totaling about 52,000 lumens. It's all crammed into a meter-squared closet with adequate ventilation, i think (temp is always 75F-82F, 48-51% humidity
All 6 are from seed, vegged for 8 wks (longer than I really intended), and are now in 10th week of flowering. I will probably flush them tomorrow, although I must say Delahaze has been a severe disappointment, and the W.R.'s and Bl.Widows are fluorishing. No nute problems, though I realize I should have been flushing between feeding (did it twice in last 18 wks!! I'm a noob)

U want to know about my W.R.s? Well I topped 2/3, the untopped one is about 5 1/2 ft, with more colas than any other in the set, and the biggest cola in the closet. I may have to put a Russian flag in there to reassure them they have claimed it. They crowded out the other plants until flowering, then exploded as quickly as its indica litter-mate, BW.

I am disappointed in the time it's taking all of them to finish. I'm around day 70, and would have liked to see much more frost on the Big'un W.R. and one of the topped ones,
and little to no frost on most of the Delahaze.

Delahaze advertises approx. 9 wks flowering and high yield, and even said this was good for indoor grows, but at 10 weeks the colas have barely formed, I'd say only about 10% filled out, with the other strains between 70%-80% filled out, the exception the Blue Widow which is pretty much ready now. Anyone got ideas of why taking so long?

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
How big are the pots? They may be potbound. Those are awful big plants for that small space.
The breeders estimate for ripening is based on very intense lighting in an ideal environment. Your results may vary. Particularly in low light or cramped conditions. But yours sound like something is very wrong. 10 weeks is the longest I've ever heard of a widow of any type take to finish.
But then, I never grew Blue widow, just white.

Ms. Burns

How big are the pots? They may be potbound. Those are awful big plants for that small space.
The breeders estimate for ripening is based on very intense lighting in an ideal environment. Your results may vary. Particularly in low light or cramped conditions. But yours sound like something is very wrong. 10 weeks is the longest I've ever heard of a widow of any type take to finish.
But then, I never grew Blue widow, just white.
Yes I am quite new to hydroponics, did not realize how huge they were going to get before it was too late.. but anyhow there are 4 plants in the 6-plant unit, held in hydroton pots and rockwool cube that they were sprouted in. I should be more clear..
with the added height of the 10 gallon container, they are all about 5-5 1/2 ft, so like 60-66", except 1 W.R. that stopped at about 50".
I would agree that the light is not optimal for their size, and they are cramped but I can't really make the space any bigger. I'd put more lighting in if I had the cash, though.
Blue Widow is a hybrid but I agree it shouldn't be taking this long.. either way Thanks for the reply

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
Didn't see that you were in DWC. Mad cow disease maybe. That kinda rules out potbound. Probably just the tight space ihich is causing a little light starvation.
Next round should be easier to control size starting with clones. Untopped, 8 plants should fit. Topped, maybe four. Indicas seem to respond to topping very well.
Good luck,

Ms. Burns

Didn't see that you were in DWC. Mad cow disease maybe. That kinda rules out potbound. Probably just the tight space ihich is causing a little light starvation.
Next round should be easier to control size starting with clones. Untopped, 8 plants should fit. Topped, maybe four. Indicas seem to respond to topping very well.
Good luck,
Mad cow disease lol. Yeah I was wondering if you knew it was DWC.
We manage to keep very little shadow in the grow area, but the irony is the fact that parts of the plants that get little light (i.e. lower buds, buds not near a light) look finished(50-70% red hairs, mostly cloudy with a few amber trichomes) but the top buds getting adequate light have like 1% red hairs, mostly cloudy trich's on whole plant. Is this normal/okay to harvest?
Also, Fred, do you personally like to top? I topped 3 out of 6 plants, waiting to see yield differences but they are different pheno's anyway.. just wondering your preference/reasons

Ms. Burns

BTW Mark I'm in the 11th week of flowering now and haven't even flushed one of the White Russians yet.. 2 others are good 2 go now though- they were more indica dominant than the monster I have. My favorite strain to grow aside from the Blue Widow, but it gives way more yield.

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
I top like a sonovabitch. I grow big bushes that I train to be wide with bamboo and plant ties. I put em in a Northern Farmer style stadium with 5 vert 600's. In a 10 foot stadium with the average Indica dom, 12 down each side, 6 to a level plus a few more on the ends. In full bloom, it's like a jungle in there. I built the racks on casters so I could get my giant ass in there to work. Topping is the key to my yields.

Ms. Burns

I see. Now is that because of the light coverage possibilities that topping increases your yield or does having multiple colas in itself increase yield? I have read arguments both ways that multiple, smaller colas instead of one big cola and not slowing the plants' growth by hacking at it, affects yield. It seemed the consensus was that topping them made them take up more space than usual, also.

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
Taking up more space is the point. Fills in the canopy, or sideopy? in my case. This allows me better yield with fewer plants. They fill in completely as the lower branches rush in when the primary( meristem) is removed. Not all plants respond well to topping with much better harvests. It will increase your yield on most Indica doms. The trade off is longer veg times, which by itself makes bigger plants. But topping helps control height.
Not sure if that made sense. Smoked a big lunch today.