white russian

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
A plant will shed leaves it doesn't need. They're probably not getting much light down low, hence the leaves dying off. 400w doesn't penetrate very deep,about 2' at most. Put the other light on too. More light = more bud.
82 is a bit high. 78 would be much better.
White Russian has very dense, large buds. Keep the humidity in check (50%) to avoid bud mold.
9-10 weeks from the flip is about right.
Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
How is 82 high? Its over 100 in Mexico and some of the biggest plants in the world come from there.

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
Tropical Sativas that are acclimated to the temp do grow in Mexico and several other places on Earth. The key word is acclimated. Most modern hybrids grown inside are not capable of surviving those temps (90+) for very long.A Landrace grown outdoors is an entirely different game than indoors under lights. Do a little research, like some of the stickies in the noob section and you'll see this to be true. Any good grow book will tell you the same.
Better yet big, turn off all your ventilation and circulating fans and see how long your plants survive at 100 degrees.

mark pearce

Well-Known Member
thanks fred.ive got some small branches at bottom with small bud,the light wont reach them so shall i snip them off so more energy is used on the top buds?ive got the 4 buckets touchin each other so there all close 2 the light,wud it b better 2 spread them apart so the canopy is more open and light can penetrate deeper?also my mate trims all the fan leaves off apart from a few at the top right near the end of flowering,he says it allows the buds 2 swell more and put on more wait any advice plz?sorry 4 all the questions guys

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
Trim that little stuff down low if it's not getting light. The bud it produces isn't hardly worth trimming most of the time. You're correct that it encourages the plant to focus energy on the uppermost buds. This is commonly referred to as lollypopping. It also helps with air circulation.
If you have another light, put it in there. Doesn't matter if it's MH, it'll work fine. You'll get a lot more coverage. You can lightly prune the center to allow more light to penetrate. You can get bamboo stakes and plastic plant ties at any good garden center. These may help to open up the plant some. A 400W is only gonna effectively cover 3'x3' at most. If you raise the lights to try to cover more than that, the stuff around the edges will be puny and the center will suffer from being so far from the light. Two 400W's will cover about 2.5'x5' very well. Four plants in this situation, will get a lot of intense light and yield well, especially at 4wk veg and well trained.
I also cut off all the fan leaves about 3 days before harvest. I don't think it helps production, probably hurts it a bit. I do it so I don't have to sort the big fans out when trimming. No fan leaves makes the bubble hash processing easier.

mark pearce

Well-Known Member
ok was a bit worried about stressing them 2 turn hermie.has any1 used vitalink buddy?also wots the opinions about giving them 2-3 days darkness b4 harvest?has any1 else grown this strain?

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
i'm currently growing serious seeds chronic and they're looking good there in coco in air pots and i wish i had stuck to soil with them rather than experimenting on them but none the less after a few minor probs earlier on in veg they're doing great and the buds are atarting to look lovely 4wks since the flip and there crystals showing on the leaves and from my understanding they got another 6wks or so left i'm going to buy another couple of packs and run them against serious seeds ak47 and white russian even though the chronics still in flower and have a way to go i can guarantee they are in the line up with the other 2 for the next cycle after the 1 that just started so i should be ordering the 3 strains in the next month or so and i can't wait the chronic is a lovely plant that likes a light feeding schedule less is definitely more with these babies, as for yeild only time will tell but they are looking very promising imo

mark pearce

Well-Known Member
thanks i had a few probs at the start 2 with the leaves yellowin think it was coz i had shitty soil.i was thinkin of doin serious bubblegum next.serious seeds only concentrate on 5 strains and the genetics on my wr are lovely even the stems and branches have thc covered on them.even over each day u can see the buds swelling there gona b so dense and sticky

mark pearce

Well-Known Member
any help on my qs plz.ive just found a few rusty type spots on a few leaves wot cud be causing this and how do i rectify it?


Well-Known Member
I've heard people say to replace bulbs after 3 or 4 runs. I have one that's been through 4 runs going next to a brand new one and can't see any difference in the plants.

I had rust spots on my leaves once and a friend recommended Calmag, which took care of it for me... though I suppose there could be other things that cause it.

mark pearce

Well-Known Member
thanks 4 the help this is my 4th grow.my humidity is at 60 at mo any way i can get that down normally its 40 but its the first time ive had 4 plants in there

mark pearce

Well-Known Member
i got a few burnt tips on the ends of the leaves and rusty spots on the fan leaves.wots causin this?is it ok 2 carry on feedin?plz help

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
If you have tip burn, a sign of over feeding and a deficiency indicator, most likely magnesium, it's probably caused by a lock out. Flush well. Then start to feed with half strength nutes for a week and then back to full strength. Even though Rhino is somewhat of a heavy feeder, you may want to dial back full strength a bit.