white russian

mark pearce

Well-Known Member
thanks ive flushed the plant which had the lockout.i be 7 weeks on thursday shall i carry on with just plain water now?also on 1 plant the lower buds seem to have more brown pistels and the top of plant loads of white and no brown.doesnt the top of the plant ripen first.the other 3 plants have hardly any brown pistels so does that mean there not gona be ready next thursday at 8 weeks?

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
8 weeks is a little optimistic for WR. 9-9.5 is closer to fact. At least in the pheno I'm growing. I'd feed twice more over the next week and then straight water till finish. Mine also starts to ripen down low first. You can score a photographer's loupe pretty cheap. Then you can guage the ripeness of the triches. 50-70% milky and you should be ready.


Active Member
I just started grow weed, and i chose to begin with 11 white russians from serious seeds. I heard that weed plant needs an air circulating environment to grow, and the white russian produces a strong smell, so I decided to grow'em on my veranda to keep the air circulating. But I also heard about that marijuana plant needs lots of CO2 to grow and many pro growers even have CO2 tanks to supply their plants, it's kinda contrary to the air circulating theory cuz if i keep the window open, air circulation brings O2 in and blow CO2 out. So should I shut the window and put a fan there circulates the CO2?

mark pearce

Well-Known Member
thanks fred yeah i think ur right my pheno are the same as urs and they dont look like being ready until 9 wks at least which is gona b hard 2 wait that long lol.have you got pics of ur grow fred?2 of of my plants stretched real long like sativas.but the plants are so frosty and smell real sweet hope there gona be worth the money!!!!

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
That's your deficiency sign. Most likely magnesium. It shouldn't spread after flushing and resumption of proper feeding. Damaged leaves wont recover and will fall off eventually.
Few leaves recover from any major damage. In the case of minor defs in Nitrogen, Iron and a few other micro nutes, they may recover.
There are lots of books with good photos of defs and insect damage. Saw one in the head shop the other day: Marijuana Plant Problems. Seems pretty detailed. You might wanna get it for your grow library. I have a pretty large pile of books and refer to them frequently, even after being a farmer for about 45 years or so. You do have one, don't you?
Party on Garth

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
I've never posted any pictures. Too chickenshit. Ya gotta understand, I'm an old man and this computer thing pretty much passed me by. Being old as dirt also means I've accumulated a lot of shit: farm, vehicles, grandchildren, etc. Lots to loose. Paranoia strikes deep.
Makes me nervous enough just posting words. Probably pretty silly. Hard to teach an old dog new tricks.
That sativa pheno doesn't yield as well, but it'll rip your head off! It's gonna go 10 weeks easy. Hope you saved clones on all. That's the only way to guarantee you get the best mother. With two distinct phenos you may want to keep both.
Wang: Don't worry about CO2 enhancement at this point. They'll grow fine without it. Worry about smell. Check the diy section for air filters. Definitely circulate air with fans. Buy a good grow book or two and learn to grow. It's a lot easier than you think.

mark pearce

Well-Known Member
so 7 weeks 2 day.im hopin 1 will be ready next weeks its really plumped up since i flushed the plants i can see the false seed pods swelling so much thc,these white russian gona be the best smoke by far and this my 5th grow.but fred isnt WR indica dominant?so my other 3 will prob be 10 wks flower?how long did urs take?

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
I kept one that goes about 65 days. Have one growing now that's gonna be ready in about 3 weeks. Knock down stone, no matter your tolerance level. Real nice after dinner snack!
Sounds like you have a couple different ones. Hybrids like this usually will throw more than one pheno, no matter how stable.
The one that's getting ready first will probably go 56-60 days. The rest wont be far behind. 5-6 days maybe, 66-67 days tops. You can pick up a photographers loupe pretty cheap, helps examine the triches to be sure. Don't bother with those cheap hand held microscopes. You get what you pay for in this life, Always. I think I have one laying around somewhere from Radio Shack, real piece of shit.
If you look close, you will see subtle differences in the three later ones. Leaf shape, foxtail buds, slight difference in smell, etc. This is where the selection process starts.
When you dry em, keep em separated. Test drive each one on a separate morning.
Modern hybrids are bred to ripen all at once. Most seed catalogs say they'll ripen top down. IME it's the exact opposite. Nirvana strains have never been the most stable anyway. Indica, sativa, no telling what your going to get with any breeders hybrids. Sure there will be strong tendencies either way, true, this one is primarily Indica. But, who knows what the DNA soup will give up in a pack of seeds. Probably 1 in 1000 will come up almost pure Sativa.
Waitin around for shit to ripen really sucks, don't it?


Active Member
Thank you Fred! forgot to mention my apartment is at 25th floor, so I can pretty much keep the air circulating just by open the window, the wind is like coming out from a jet. Seems I can save some money one fliters and fans lol... but there is also a disadvantage, too risky to use powerful lighting, I don't want my veranda looks like a damn lighthouse at night and guiding cops straight to the weed, so I'm using a 250w high pressure sodium for all 11 plants lumping in an area about 1 m2. What do u think about it? light's too low or barely enough?

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
W: Depends on how long you vegged em. More than 30 seconds or so and you're fucked.
Even way up there in outer space, if you can open your window to let out the funk, can't your neighbor open his and let it in?


Active Member
What did u mean by 30 seconds? a month?
there is only one veranda at one direction, which means mine towards south, my neighbor's towards north, oh, and the downstairs, 23rd and 24th are currently empty( Even if there were people, I don't think the funk can sink into their room before wind dissolves it away) and there ain't no upper stairs. only god can sense them now lol...
Thank you for guiding everytime man!

mark pearce

Well-Known Member
has any1 grown this strain from serious seeds want 2 know wot 2 expect in taste smell and strength?wot other great strains do they do?is it worth givin them 2 days of darkness as well?was thinkin of choppin a little bud off 2day coz im at 7 weeks shud i get a buzz off it?


Well-Known Member
I grew their ak-47 and LOVED it, prolly the strongest weed I have ever smoked. The only thing is, is that I couldn't keep a mother they went into auto flower on their own and even leaving the lights on 24 hours a day didn't help (this was before autoflowering strains came out). That's my only qualm about the strain. O and my ak smelled like the fruitiest weed I have ever had the pleasure of smelling. Quick story: First harvest we decided to go on road trip, never smoked it before but have smoked nugs for a long time so thought I'd be ok. So we r driving down the highway pack one up and I take 1 hit, didn't think nothing of it, within 3 minutes had to pull over and let someone else drive. Like I said VERY STRONG PLANT. And I'm pretty sure white russian is a cross of ak and white widow. should be some dank shit.....


Well-Known Member
I grew their ak-47 and LOVED it, prolly the strongest weed I have ever smoked. The only thing is, is that I couldn't keep a mother they went into auto flower on their own and even leaving the lights on 24 hours a day didn't help (this was before autoflowering strains came out). That's my only qualm about the strain. O and my ak smelled like the fruitiest weed I have ever had the pleasure of smelling. Quick story: First harvest we decided to go on road trip, never smoked it before but have smoked nugs for a long time so thought I'd be ok. So we r driving down the highway pack one up and I take 1 hit, didn't think nothing of it, within 3 minutes had to pull over and let someone else drive. Like I said VERY STRONG PLANT. And I'm pretty sure white russian is a cross of ak and white widow. should be some dank shit.....
good story....yep after checking all the also seed breeders for much cheaper seeds it most always comes back to Serious Seeds. Not much flash or new strains from em but quality, consistant, original strains is the way to grow...and it's not just one or 2 strains it's most all for different reasons....kali, ak47 just to start with top hybrids of others...


Well-Known Member
any advice on quick drying a little bud?

How quick are you talking? a few days? a few hours? a few mins? If you don't mind a few days hang it right in your growroom and if your want real quick put it in the oven at about 190 degrees and keep checking until desired smokability is reached. Coming from the oven it will most likely taste like shit but you'll catch a buzz, Don't turn the oven up any higher cause cannibinoides burn up quicker than the green leaves do..

mark pearce

Well-Known Member
been giving them water till the end now.is that gona affect my yeild as im not giving them nutes?is it normal for the yellowin on leaves wot does this mean?plz help

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
It means they're coming to the end of their life. The purpose of flushing is so the plant uses up stored nutes. The yellowing will start low and work it's way up.
Relax, smoke a bowl.