White Rhino/DWC,12/12 from Seed-PICS!


Well-Known Member
lol L2B! Ya shes cute, shes a handfull though! she likes to help grow : )

Thanks for the compliments on the plants! They are looking great! durring the first 2 weeks is the most nerve racking. Watching for problems and trying not to kill them! lol!


haha thats is true, the first two weeks are the worst, but its smooth sailing after that.

They lookin just fine, the other ones will open up, keep us posted :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
YOYOYO! SICC Thanks for commin by! always nice to have you in here!

I have a ?, Do I water the RW just like I would water soil? Like do I treat it the same?



Well-Known Member
Yo DaC dont over water it them like I did my last two but you do want to keep them moist and warm


Well-Known Member
i had my sprouts in RW in ebb&flo system and flooded them every 6 hours and they were fine, just don't let them get bone dry or stay soaking wet to long


Well-Known Member
Ya ive just mainly been winging it! doing finger test. If I had to guess it would be about 1/2 cup water/day

The babies are looking great,just wanted to update!



Well-Known Member
its better to be safe then sorry, i would just stay with what your doing, you'll pic up your own lil tips and triccs here and there :weed:


Well-Known Member
hey DaC...sorry took me so long to get over here...wifey hates me being on RIU...I'm really impressed with your setup. I wish I could be here more often, but you know you gotta keep wifey happy. How old are your sprouts now? i'm anxious to see how this grows out! keep in touch!


Well-Known Member
JB!! YAY your alive!!!! lol!

Its ok I understand the wify thing, mine doesint like RIU either. My main defence is "I could be out doing far worse things" lol! It works for the most part..ha

and thanks you I impressed myself with this setup! I didint think we had it in us!

Sprouts are 3 days old? im keeping them on 24/0 until their first leaves form. then Ill stick them in the buckets with full strength nutes. It shouldint nute burn I dont think. lol!

Thanks you for stopping by JB, I understand that you get on when you can! : )



Well-Known Member
I wouldn't put them in with full strenget nutes, you will kill them!!!!! do you have a ppm meter and a ph meter? you have to increase the strength over a couple weeks untill you get to full strength or they will die. and you have to give them plain water for the first week and a half to two weeks


Well-Known Member
Oh well no biggy! Ill just leave them in the germ box for a week and just give them pure H2O, Then week #2 ill start feeding 1/4 nutes in germ box. Their just in RW cubes sitting on plastic now.

Then at the start of week #3 ill put them in the bubbleponic system and go with full strength nutes, Whatcha think?


Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
I wouldn't put them in with full strenget nutes, you will kill them!!!!! do you have a ppm meter and a ph meter? you have to increase the strength over a couple weeks untill you get to full strength or they will die. and you have to give them plain water for the first week and a half to two weeks
dac just do 1/4 for like first weeks than go full if you wanna do it so early


Well-Known Member
Ya I did some reading last night and realised that I was doing this whole thing wrong.

Me and DLC went out last night and spraypainted all the buckets and got the airstones soaking in pH balenced water.

The sprouts have been alive for like 5 days now,so Im going to go ahead and put them on 1/4 nutes in the bubbleponics system.
Ill keep them on 1/4 until the start of week #3 then ill switch to 1/2 nutes.
At the start of week #4 Ill start full nutes. and keep on full nutes until the last three days before harvest.

Thank you all for bringing my mistake to my attention and I will be correcting it today! I will be force to clip the current bagseed grow im doing now before she has even formed buds. But its either save one bagseed girl or save 4 White Rhino Girls.... The choice is simple.

Me and DLC will be constucting a new lighting fixtures in the box also to accomidate the 3 extra plants.

Again I Thank yall for lighting a Fire under my ass and making me see That I was about to kill them!
Ill be doing alot of work today and posting what all I got though at the end of the day!

P.s. Sorry about the book! LOL!



Well-Known Member
lol id save the rhino before i saved that bagseed, although it is our first grow .... gonna be hard to cut her down! but it needs to be done :(

and yeah! its a wonder we didnt get caught by the five-O painting those buckets in the middle of the night lol!


Well-Known Member
you guys have no where to put the ladies?

and you stated full nutes until the lest three days of harvest, you should give your plants a 2 week flush period

Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3239666]you guys have no where to put the ladies?

and you stated full nutes until the lest three days of harvest, you should give your plants a 2 week flush period[/QUOTE]
it doesnt take as long for hydro but i agree it should be longer..
Im thinking like a week at least!!!
Just put the bagseed in the woods somewere if you cant do it in your backyard
Try to find anywere to put her, you dont wana pointlessly kill a healthy plant,


Well-Known Member
oh aight, i never knew that, i grew in hydro and thought it was a 2 week standard to any medium.