White privilege sets Oregon militia members free

The dullest, least educated, most paranoid and least self assured flock to the racist bait like seagulls to spilled fries.

@MuyLocoNC @choomer @Flaming Pie @Illinois Enema Bandit @StillNotGOP @Freddie Millergogo @desert dude together you form one perfectly engineered device which has infinite usage within your circle of the bloated and blocked enfeebled

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Damn, I assumed that HALF of those cockroaches had been BANNED! Kind of wonder why they are still permitted to post/spread sickness here, eh? It's been said that protection = acceptance, but feel free to draw your own conclusions....
Aww...you need a Safe Space bro? LOL! You don't want to hear differing opinions. So sad for you. Enjoy.

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Public hate mongering isn't a matter of "opinion", dummy. Then again, as a war sock/slave bitch belonging to one of the (too many) deplorables infesting this site, you certainly cannot be expected to comprehend this. Kind of like trying to explain to a maggot why it's a maggot - no need, it's just a maggot.
Public hate mongering isn't a matter of "opinion", dummy. Then again, as a war sock/slave bitch belonging to one of the (too many) deplorables infesting this site, you certainly cannot be expected to comprehend this. Kind of like trying to explain to a maggot why it's a maggot - no need, it's just a maggot.

What is this war sock meme? Ha ha. Hillary, Obama, Clinton Foundation, Bill, The Bushes are all war mongering NeoCons. You want to talk about war mongers - Hillary is your poster girl and Soros puppet for wars and proxy wars.
Damn, I assumed that HALF of those cockroaches had been BANNED! Kind of wonder why they are still permitted to post/spread sickness here, eh? It's been said that protection = acceptance, but feel free to draw your own conclusions....
Bearkat offended their sense of entitlement. And so they feel they have the right to belittle people who don't think gratuitous insults are something that are tolerable in society any more.