White privilege sets Oregon militia members free

Every word of what you say may, in fact, be true. Being a black man though, that type of thinking could almost assuredly get me killed or imprisoned. Being white, however, seems to allow you to think this way and even call those thoughts to action. Some people will even label you as "patriots". What do you think they'd label my crew if we pulled the exact same stunt? "Thug" is the nicest moniker that comes to mind, while on the other (and more realistic) end of the spectrum they'd call us "dead".

Eric Holder occupied a government building. He seems to have done OK for himself.

Oops! Trump Mistook a Black Supporter at His Rally for a Protester and Called Him a “Thug”



Sunday, February 28, 2016, 5:54 PM
Racism reportedly runs in the family, when it comes to the Trump Klan.

Trump’s late father, Fred Trump, was arrested following a Ku Klux Klan riot in Queens in 1927, according to a bombshell report that further suggests unusual ties between the 2016 front-runner and the notorious white supremacist group.

Fred Trump Sr. was among seven men arrested following a May 30, 1927 brawl between members of the KKK and the New York Police Department, according to The Washington Post, which unearthed news articles from the June 1, 1927 edition of The New York Times.
Please allow me to be the first to laugh at the coon. :clap::lol::lol::clap:

yes you do, you have denied for years that the type of racial segregation you favor, which existed before civil rights laws (which you call "slavery" and "rape" and "offensive"), did not harm black people at all.

You are trying to combine two separate things as if they are the same thing, Poopy Pants.

I can personally dislike how a person chooses to use their property, while still respecting that it IS their property. If their actions are confined to their property, that is one circumstance. If a racists actions aren't confined to their own property that is a different circumstance. Even a racist deserves to be able to determine the use of their own property, and their own body.

I favor voluntary human interactions based on mutual consent. You do not, you favor the kind where one party can forcibly create an interaction, on property they do not own, the kind where one party can insist the other use their body and property in ways they do not agree to...like a rapist does.

How does a person create an actionable harm to somebody else if they don't associate with that person? That would be like you accusing me of robbing you of all your man porn, based on my inaction of leaving it alone.
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I favor voluntary human interactions based on mutual consent.

well isn't that just the most adorable euphemism there ever was for racial segregation and denial of service to black people.

you oppose civil rights. that is the more accurate way to put it.

another way to say it is that you, like the KKK, think it should be OK to hang a sign that says "no negroes allowed". you even called such an action "reasonable and polite".

you are a racial segregationist.

How does a person create an actionable harm to somebody else if they don't associate with that person?

you just said that you "don't dispute that there has been systemic racism and black people have been and often still are victimized by it".

a prime example of this systemic racism is when segregationists like you thought it was OK to deny service to people based on their skin color. it caused lots of harm. and yet you think it is OK.

you are a mountain of failure, but at least you got a like from a guy who once joined a white supremacy and holocaust denial group.
Another perspective on the North Dakota pipeline. The Natives who live there want the Kulaks and wreckers who don't live there to leave.

didn't read it. Why do the the Washington Times use the word "some" in their headline yet you say "The Natives" -- as in all of them?

By the way, "The Natives" refer to themselves at the First People, not "The Natives". Why do you always get it wrong?