White privilege sets Oregon militia members free

Bearkat offended their sense of entitlement. And so they feel they have the right to belittle people who don't think gratuitous insults are something that are tolerable in society any more.

We all know the concern of Black Lives in Obobamas home town with Rahm Emmanuel as mayor and a city run by Democrats since the 1920s.

629 Homicides year to date and mostly young black males shooting other young black males but the Rahm/Obomba/Soros/ Pritzker Chicago spice (drugs) must flow.

I guess these 629 Black Lives don't matter too much. The failing govt workers pensions in Chicago and Illinois matter more.

Illiterates don't understand irony. Enjoy.
We all know the concern of Black Lives in Obobamas home town with Rahm Emmanuel as mayor and a city run by Democrats since the 1920s.

629 Homicides year to date and mostly young black males shooting other young black males but the Rahm/Obomba/Soros/ Pritzker Chicago spice (drugs) must flow.

I guess these 629 Black Lives don't matter too much. The failing govt workers pensions in Chicago and Illinois matter more.

Illiterates don't understand irony. Enjoy.

No, actually a jury set them free. The jury did their job. The jury's first job is to judge the law itself.
The jury found them innocent of the conspiracy charge, which probably was the worst they could be charged with. They did a lot of damage while there, especially to grounds that are of religious importance to the First People. The Bundys are still locked up awaiting trial in Nevada and there is plenty of time to visit other charges on them. While I accept the verdict of the jury trial, I think the gang still has things that they are answerable for. Maybe it won't happen, but I'd like to see them pay up.

The people in the area, most of them, are not happy with these hapless outsiders making trouble for them. They are armed too. Just saying, the losers who occupied MWS don't have a lot of friends in the area.
We all know the concern of Black Lives in Obobamas home town with Rahm Emmanuel as mayor and a city run by Democrats since the 1920s.

629 Homicides year to date and mostly young black males shooting other young black males but the Rahm/Obomba/Soros/ Pritzker Chicago spice (drugs) must flow.

I guess these 629 Black Lives don't matter too much. The failing govt workers pensions in Chicago and Illinois matter more.

Illiterates don't understand irony. Enjoy.
Yep. You have a wounded sense of entitlement and just can't stand it, can you, entitled white boy?
i love the fact that this boiled down to intent (like KKKHITLERY'S EMAILS).

they did not intend to mount an armed insurrection or impede federal officials, that all just happened by accident. they just wanted to do a little protest and brought guns along to protect them from that mean old FEDGUV.

the right has gone from complaining about intent in july, to celebrating it in october.

these retarded racists spin like a finely greased weather vane in a hurricane.
Malheur protest is the exact opposite of DAPL protest.

Malheur protesters are funded by big money (Koch Bros) who wish to privatize land so non-elite Americans lose access to hike, fish, hunt, graze cattle, etc. and private companies can destroy the land, water, and wildlife with no accountability. And that's just the tip of shitberg that is the Bundy et al story.

DAPL is a case where a foreign private company has corrupted our government so much that they can do whatever they want, to whomever they want, leave the people they harm with no voice or recourse, and then despite all morality use the government's law enforcement officers to brutally, violently enforce their will on those people when they try to protect themselves and hold the government/oligarchs accountable.

DAPL and Bundy et al are the same team.
We all know the concern of Black Lives in Obobamas home town with Rahm Emmanuel as mayor and a city run by Democrats since the 1920s.

629 Homicides year to date and mostly young black males shooting other young black males but the Rahm/Obomba/Soros/ Pritzker Chicago spice (drugs) must flow.

I guess these 629 Black Lives don't matter too much. The failing govt workers pensions in Chicago and Illinois matter more.

Illiterates don't understand irony. Enjoy.
"What about Chicago?"
Oh, I get it now. Armed takeovers of government buildings is OK as long as you don't break any windows. Rumor has it, they'll even let you stay for up to 41 days.

..another perspective

Can you name a government building which was ever constructed that didn't involve the force of arms to fund the building and maintaining of it ?

If the circumstances of how "government property" comes into being are viewed as they actually are, rather than how most are taught they are, a great deal of irony becomes apparent.
..another perspective

Can you name a government building which was ever constructed that didn't involve the force of arms to fund the building and maintaining of it ?

If the circumstances of how "government property" comes into being are viewed as they actually are, rather than how most are taught they are, a great deal of irony becomes apparent.
Every word of what you say may, in fact, be true. Being a black man though, that type of thinking could almost assuredly get me killed or imprisoned. Being white, however, seems to allow you to think this way and even call those thoughts to action. Some people will even label you as "patriots". What do you think they'd label my crew if we pulled the exact same stunt? "Thug" is the nicest moniker that comes to mind, while on the other (and more realistic) end of the spectrum they'd call us "dead".
Every word of what you say may, in fact, be true. Being a black man though, that type of thinking could almost assuredly get me killed or imprisoned. Being white, however, seems to allow you to think this way and even call those thoughts to action. Some people will even label you as "patriots". What do you think they'd label my crew if we pulled the exact same stunt? "Thug" is the nicest moniker that comes to mind, while on the other (and more realistic) end of the spectrum they'd call us "dead".

I don't dispute that there has been systemic racism and black people have been and often still are victimized by it.

I don't align 100% with the Bundy crowd either, as their arguments sometimes amount to, "don't tread on me, tread on those guys over there".

I do appreciate that more people are questioning authority nowadays too, but I wonder about what some people propose as solutions.

Patriotism isn't my thing either, as it sort of becomes sychophantic and contradictory to freedom for individuals, which IS more my thing.
I don't dispute that there has been systemic racism and black people have been and often still are victimized by it.

yes you do, you have denied for years that the type of racial segregation you favor, which existed before civil rights laws (which you call "slavery" and "rape" and "offensive"), did not harm black people at all.

Oops! Trump Mistook a Black Supporter at His Rally for a Protester and Called Him a “Thug”



Sunday, February 28, 2016, 5:54 PM
Racism reportedly runs in the family, when it comes to the Trump Klan.

Trump’s late father, Fred Trump, was arrested following a Ku Klux Klan riot in Queens in 1927, according to a bombshell report that further suggests unusual ties between the 2016 front-runner and the notorious white supremacist group.

Fred Trump Sr. was among seven men arrested following a May 30, 1927 brawl between members of the KKK and the New York Police Department, according to The Washington Post, which unearthed news articles from the June 1, 1927 edition of The New York Times.