White people, particularly men:

your o-ring gets blown out from having something constantly penetrating an orifice that was designed to keep the poop IN until it's time to open for "exit-ONLY" biological function...
all the reaming your stretched out asshole gets from people with a different skin color....

are you erect right now?

or do you have to take a pill to cure your limp-dick disease, like arctic spaghetti noodle?
Your gayness is very loud. I hear it, already. You don't need to yell all your prissy insults to prove how proud you are to be gay. But don't chastise me for being a heterosexual, white male. I was born this way.
Sure...Thats the typical response, isn't it? In other words, if I say I'm straight then I am automatically a closeted gay guy...right? Because anyone who isn't openly gay is in the closet...right? Isn't that the way the game works?
I guess it would be that you shit your pants when your o-ring gets blown out from having something constantly penetrating an orifice that was designed to keep the poop IN until it's time to open for "exit-ONLY" biological function...???
Sure...Thats the typical response, isn't it? In other words, if I say I'm straight then I am automatically a closeted gay guy...right? Because anyone who isn't openly gay is in the closet...right? Isn't that the way the game works?
Dude, read your own post before crying about how unfair people are for pointing out your perhaps unrecognized desires for men.
See, OP? Clearly I, as the white, hetero man here, am being discriminated against...and all because of things I can't help....wow...sound familiar?

Look at all this name-calling and nastiness...Shame on you hypocrites.

You all cry when people put you down for being gay...or for being black ...or whatever...And now, your only concern seems to be to rail back with some suppressed aggressive urges and take out your confused-revenge on a perceived enemy. Most of you don't even have any social enemies out there, anymore...and yet some of you still can't get your shit together...not because of what white men do to you, but rather because some of you are just worthless pieces of shit no matter what!

If someone doesn't like you or what you say, then it doesn't necessarily mean they are racist or homophobic...It could be that you're stupid and ugly.
See, OP? Clearly I, as the white, hetero man here, am being discriminated against...and all because of things I can't help....wow...sound familiar?

Look at all this name-calling and nastiness...Shame on you hypocrites.

You all cry when people put you down for being gay...or for being black ...or whatever...And now, your only concern seems to be to rail back with some suppressed aggressive urges and take out your confused-revenge on a perceived enemy. Most of you don't even have any social enemies out there, anymore...and yet some of you still can't get your shit together...not because of what white men do to you, but rather because some of you are just worthless pieces of shit no matter what!

If someone doesn't like you or what you say, then it doesn't necessarily mean they are racist or homophobic...It could be that you're stupid and ugly.
It's the white man's burden. That sense of entitlement is so tender and easily bruised.