White people, particularly men:

What kind of discrimination have you faced? I want to know about your first hand stories of how hard it has been for you being a white guy.
Just the other day, I was asked to discriminate between two dessert choices: A. A chocolate torte and B. a vanilla creampuff. I went with the creampuff because the lighter color represented good taste, happiness and sunshine and success. The chocolate one made me think of filthy neighborhoods and lazy, stupid, smelly people sitting on cars blasting music so that someone (anyone?) will look their way....

As far as being discriminated against...Listen...a few people thought I was crazy to not go with the torte. I dunno...I just don't care for chocolate. What can I say? I don't like it. I don't want any of it, but it's everywhere! Everywhere I go, there's chocolate, now. Some people can tolerate it, I guess. I try to avoid it at all costs. I even cross the street to avoid it....

It was never my intention to dislike chocolate when I came into this world. It was the result of trying many flavors and deciding that there were some I didn't like. I never felt obliged to force myself to like chocolates...never really thought about it much. If chocolate had the brains to communicate, then it would be likely that chocolate wouldn't care for me, either. I mean...who wants to be around someone who dislikes you, right? Feelings mutual, right? But sometimes, I feel like there are people out there trying to steer my future dessert-choices towards the dark side -the dark chocolate side, that is...and that makes me even more intent to reject them.

One time, I got this marshmallow thing...looked delicious on the outside -so pure...Then I bit into it and goddamn what do you think was on the inside of it? yep! CHOCOLATE! I almost puked. So, now I can't stand those marshmallows with their chocolate souls, either...deceptive as fuck, man!

THIS is how I have come to deal with discrimination.

but searching the website for the word "honour" narrows it down to a few sad little jars of mayonnaise.
its hektos again. he got sad sore sandy little vagina. could you imagine being so fucked in the head that you keep coming back to place where noone likes you, just for some attention from complete strangers
