White people, particularly men:

so if you hit abandonconflicts avatar you will get a box that pops up
hit the "ignore" button.

and you will no longer see any posts from him.

this is a public forum, youre not going to like everyone you meet and thats perfectly fine. but if you skin is too thin and you get too easily offended stay out of politics

you need to stop posting graphic photos on our website.

youre on a slippery slope here, i highly suggest you use the ignore feature.
Understood I know I am the dumb one for feeding into it and i will take your advice. Thank you. Sorry if I posted any stupid of offensive shit it's easy to get caught up with the dumb shit. I guess this world just sucks some times and people are people.
These people only see things one way. White people are obviously evil because of the higher average net worth they have accrued.

We should all comit suicide and bequeath all our possessions to a minority. Just to make up for our prosperity as a people.

So.. What if you feel white people are evil for reasons that have nothing to do with "higher average net worth they have accrued".. smh.. Is that really what you think or is this tongue in cheek like the rest of your statement..

I mean if we are going by that limited logic i guess "those people" only see things one way. Black people are obviously evil because of larger than average dangalangs and the fact that the majority of women seem to love the aforementioned large members..

And I am in no way saying that i feel white or black people are evil.. or have higher average net worths.. or larger dangalangs..

Some black people make good money and white folks always got john holmes or whatever buddies name was.. and evil obviously comes in all shapes/sizes/colors/forms
Apologies to all not my normal routine first time venturing off the grow and advice section my own fault for setting myself up for failure.

Nah, don't be so hard on yerself, everyone's here for shits and giggles and to pick on the unsuspecting new guy. You just happened to be him this time.
Nah, don't be so hard on yerself, everyone's here for shits and giggles and to pick on the unsuspecting new guy. You just happened to be him this time.
Lol Yeah my wife told me the same thing yesterday. "If you cant take the heat get out of the water" its all part of being on a forum like this. Thin skin is not an option. I took shit too
personal. Part of living and learning.
So.. What if you feel white people are evil for reasons that have nothing to do with "higher average net worth they have accrued".. smh.. Is that really what you think or is this tongue in cheek like the rest of your statement..

I mean if we are going by that limited logic i guess "those people" only see things one way. Black people are obviously evil because of larger than average dangalangs and the fact that the majority of women seem to love the aforementioned large members..

And I am in no way saying that i feel white or black people are evil.. or have higher average net worths.. or larger dangalangs..

Some black people make good money and white folks always got john holmes or whatever buddies name was.. and evil obviously comes in all shapes/sizes/colors/forms
I wouldn't call it serious. I wouldn't call it tongue in cheek.

I'd call it reducing a complex issue down to one short phrase.

The concept of white guilt and all. It really can all be boiled down to white people in America have more money.

Some would say that the white man has kept all other people down. What does that mean in terms of results today if that notion is true? White people keep all the good things in life for themselves. Good things are bought with money, the tangible ones anyway.
What kind of discrimination have you faced? I want to know about your first hand stories of how hard it has been for you being a white guy.
I got in a fight with some black kid for wearing a Metallica shirt that simply said rebel on it. It was the south I guess but dumb little bastard, I guess he never listened to that rebel Bob Marley. :) The teachers broke it up but he sure as shit failed ripping my shirt off. Lol
I got in a fight with some black kid for wearing a Metallica shirt that simply said rebel on it. It was the south I guess but dumb little bastard, I guess he never listened to that rebel Bob Marley. :) The teachers broke it up but he sure as shit failed ripping my shirt off. Lol
Maybe he was a Napster fan.
Yeah cause Metallica and Bob Marley are easily compared. I particularly love to draw comparisons between "Get Up, Stand Up" and "Don't Tread on Me". Cause you know, they're both talking about exactly the same thing.

Sarcasm, in case you're unable to tell.

I want some of what you're smoking.
I wouldn't call it serious. I wouldn't call it tongue in cheek.

I'd call it reducing a complex issue down to one short phrase.

The concept of white guilt and all. It really can all be boiled down to white people in America have more money.

Some would say that the white man has kept all other people down. What does that mean in terms of results today if that notion is true? White people keep all the good things in life for themselves. Good things are bought with money, the tangible ones anyway.

Some would say? Dude do you really believe this stuff you're saying or are you just flaming? Not all white people have money and it's really more socio-economic than racial.. Do you think a rich black person somehow feels the poor white person is keeping the good things in life? Not all white people have money to buy the good tangible things you speak of. Are you saying they are unable to live a good life? Some black people have more money than they can spend in a lifetime.. Yet will still get followed at the store, or unable to get buzzed into a jewelry store after dark

This is 2016 champ.. .. not 1916.. 1816.. Racism is just as prevalent but it is no longer simply a race thing.. The rich (and therefore powerful) are keeping all other people down.. Regardless of race player..

Only color that matters is green.
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