White people, particularly men:


Well-Known Member
i will even cite your own graph, which is incomplete, to prove you wrong.

there is no correlation on this graph between the two items being shown.

if you were to synchronize that graph with recessions and booms, it would show a strong correlation.

you are an idiot, through and through.

subway sandwiches.

You're wrong twice...

You said I missed your intent when I said you said the graph matched up to bull and bear markets.

Well you said "strong correlation with booms and busts."

If that's not the same meaning we're talking different languages.

Second. You say here there is no match between high rates and lower revenues.

Notice how revenue remains steady until the rate is dropped, then it goes up?

I never claimed it was a perfect 1 correlation. But it's pretty strong.

You cant even read words or charts.


Well-Known Member
Seriously oppressed white guy. I bet you have a black friend and everything.
So this is basically a platform for you to make everyone feel stupid cause you have the world figured out I'm assuming? Your last comment just seemed kinda stupid to me. And didn't reflect what I said in anyway. I actually dont have any black friends not too many where I live now. Glad there are places like this so people like you can talk shit without having to be face to face with someone. Listen more speak less you might learn something.


Well-Known Member
The threads taken a few turns but in the reality of it I've had the shit kicked out of me a few times for being white in a black neighborhood is all I could correlate (also a Latin one those dudes are relentless).

Also I was told I don't need coco butter because I'm white.. But my wenis was chapped and I wanted that shit


Well-Known Member
The threads taken a few turns but in the reality of it I've had the shit kicked out of me a few times for being white in a black neighborhood is all I could correlate (also a Latin one those dudes are relentless).

Also I was told I don't need coco butter because I'm white.. But my wenis was chapped and I wanted that shit

You poor oppressed white guy...


Well-Known Member
funny how you do that. this is the whole purpose of this thread, basically to make light of anything that has happened to anyone. Does it go both ways? If a black guy is beaten up for being black do you say ... "You poor oppressed black guy"
These people only see things one way. White people are obviously evil because of the higher average net worth they have accrued.

We should all comit suicide and bequeath all our possessions to a minority. Just to make up for our prosperity as a people.


Well-Known Member
Never had my ass beat for being white. Had people of all skin color try me. Then I put them hands on them. I got a mean left hand.

Dude said he got a gun because he got jumped. Haha. Did you run around letting even black guy you seen know you got a gun because you got jumped?

I live in South Carolina, born and raised. Black men and women are treated unfair as fuck and most white people are nothing but mouth.

White people are really afraid of black people for no reason.

And islanders, Jamaicans, Haitians, people from Trinidad and Tobago are not "African Americans" white people.

Fucking white people.