White Lighter? Bad Luck?


Well-Known Member
I bought a Bic lighter the other day and it was .15 cents. I dont know if it was a mess up or what but it seemed like it should be $1.50 instead.

Anyway i picked up the whole tray of lighters and bought them.....i got 38 Bic lighters for $5.70.



Well-Known Member
I bought a Bic lighter the other day and it was .15 cents. I dont know if it was a mess up or what but it seemed like it should be $1.50 instead.

Anyway i picked up the whole tray of lighters and bought them.....i got 38 Bic lighters for $5.70.

damn ur lucky, they are 1.50, shit i would have done the same thing :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
This past weekend i was chillin with some friends at one of their house's. Me and my convoy decide we're going to leave because we have to catch the bus so we head out the door and we decide to burn while we're waiting for the bus. before we get to the end of his street we realized we had no lighter. I busted my ass back to the house and stole a lighter from a friend. And of course it was white. I dismissed it though as she checked to make sure it was in working order before giving it to me. I ran a caught up with my friends and we walk to the bus stop. we get there and whip out the pipe and chron. When I go to light the weed, there's no butane left. I couldn't believe it. It was windy, cold and wet out. It took me and my one fried 5 mintues to get A decent hit each off the thing. I'm pretty sure white lighters are cursed :|


Well-Known Member
or perhaps you were lighting it improperly? maybe it only lit for your friend because the remaining gas in the lighter was enough for one last hit. :P


Well-Known Member
White Bic lighterz are effing cursed

It was my last day at school so i decided to cut with my freinds to go smoke
at this time i was ignorant to the knowledge of thw whit lighter so when the question came up "who got spark?" i pulled out my white lighter and sure enough my freinds yelled at me to put it away i asked why and i herd a voice behind me saying "because smoking weed is ilegal." nd i turned around and sure enough twas a cop. My first bust was not a gewd one so for any1 that queztionz the evil of a white lighter you better beileve!!!