White Lighter? Bad Luck?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Yellow. ^ I'm with stoney mcgee above. If I don't have a lighter, I don't give a fuck what color it is. I would actually get kind of annoyed by people saying not to use a yellow one.


Well-Known Member
one saterday night i was at this kids house just chillin cuz he had an open house. we get a call that the cops are there from a kid who just left, so everyone runs out the back of his house and runs onto the lake(it was frozen). so i run onto the lake also and decide to run away from everyone else and go my own way. so i run to these peoples front yard in front of bushes and called my buddy and had him pick me up. the one kid who stayed at the party had a white lighter.

the very next weekend the cops busted a party we were at and i was arrested. people had been using a white lighter all night with the bong


Well-Known Member
OMG NO WAY. Maybe everyone had a small penis too? Coincidence? I don't know, but I would stay away from people with small penises.


Well-Known Member
Its a smokers tradition, if you dnt believe in it, then i guess your are a disgrace to all of us :D :peace: :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
OMG NO WAY. Maybe everyone had a small penis too? Coincidence? I don't know, but I would stay away from people with small penises.
Probably if they are all running from the police at parties . . .

[QUOTE="SICC";1576288]Its a smokers tradition, if you dnt believe in it, then i guess your are a disgrace to all of us :D :peace: :mrgreen:[/QUOTE]

Not tradition bro superstition . . .

I smoked a blunt when Obama got elected I don't usually smoke blunts
I was going to smoke a cigar if Mccain got elected . . . I'm glad Obama did instead. Now that is a tradition :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
honestly, I don't really think the lighter color matters, people who believe that it does are just people who occupy their heads with rental space.

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
Well i was at my friends house the other night, drinking and smoking when i go to light a bowl with a white lighter...

Apartently its bad luck to even hold a white lighter.. So my friend slapps it out of my hand and proceeds to stomp on it with his boot while yelling "GET THAT FUCKING BAD VOODOO LIGHTER OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!!!!".. needless to say this isn't wasn;t a good thing to do with a lighter full of butane

BAM!!!! the lighter blows up in his kitchen and he says "FUCK DOOD I TOLD YOU THOSE THINGS WERE BAD LUCK... LOOK WHAT IT DID!!"

WHY ARE WHITE LIGHTERS considered back luck?
That sounds like a bit of a self fulfilling prophesy to me, but I have a weird anecdote of my own. I purchased my first glass on glass water pipe a few weeks ago, and when I got home from work, I fired it up with a white lighter. When I went to rinse out the pipe, I forgot to take out the bowl--it fell out and shattered on the floor--talk about bad luck! :cuss:

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
I also go with the white lighter = bad karma thing. It always does. When my parents used to find my lighters and keep them, they were white. When I got run over by a car, I was lighting a cigarette with a white bic lighter.(this might not have been the lighter, but the fact that lighting a cigarette in the middle of the street at night is a bad idea)

Last weekend me and a friend were making a drive to get a brick of some mids out of state. on the way back we stopped for munchies and gas. I'm in the car waiting, when my friend(Who is a leftie...) comes out of the store with a big bag of goodies and a white lighter. When he got in the car, I put a cigarette in my mouth and asked for his lighter, when I got it I lit up and threw it out the window into a ditch. then he just yells out "WHAT THE FUCK I JUST BOUGHT THAT FUCKING THING!" I just said to him "so fucking what, Its white, and we have a big bag of weed in the trunk."
I was expecting you to say that a cop nailed you guys for littering the white lighter, how freaky would that have been?


Well-Known Member
both situations on this page involving a white lighter are both the user's error, not the lighter's fault. the lighter can't make you "forget" stuff.


Well-Known Member
both situations on this page involving a white lighter are both the user's error, not the lighter's fault. the lighter can't make you "forget" stuff.
how can you call your self a smoker and you dont believe that white lighter is bad luck, all you nay sayers disgust me :spew: :peace:


Well-Known Member
naww... I have a white lighter in my pocket, I've had a pretty lucky day too, found a 2 dollar bill in my closet, and my friend from far away called me. plus, I don't feel all fat today, I feel fit and lean, like a fucking machine. :D

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
both situations on this page involving a white lighter are both the user's error, not the lighter's fault. the lighter can't make you "forget" stuff.
Agreed, but the last story (about throwing the white lighter out the window), is a good example of how superstition can have a real effect our lives, even if it isn't by supernatural means. It reminds me of these stories of people dying from voodoo. The social anxiety and stress experienced by the voodoo victim is very real, and sometimes results in sickness or death. The irrational fear of white lighters is what leads you to do something stupid like throwing the lighter out the window or stomping on it until it blows up.