Well-Known Member
I sometimes think of AA and NA as a cult like atmosphere. For my brother it seems to work ok. But they would have you believe that people can't quit their drug of choice without following their program, and somehow if they could, they wouldn't truly be clean or sober despite being clean and sober.
But we're not discussing the merit of the 12 step programs.
We're discussing what the difference between addiction, physical dependence, and if weed has the ability to lead to either. And the reality is, it does, although in doing so it pales in comparison to other drugs.
Weed is addictive because some people display an inability to stop using it, despite an expressed wish to stop, and severe consequences for failing to do so. That does not mean any of you are weed addicts, although I'm sure some here would be.
Weed can create a chemical dependence. No where does it say that a person in withdrawal from weed need to be violently ill like a heroin withdrawal. No sir, difficulty in sleeping or irritability is enough. It is hard to argue that the brain does not become used to functioning with THC and the sudden lack of it changes something.
It is also possible to have addiction without dependence. They are related, but not the same thing.
What non addicts can't understand about addiction is the feeling of being compelled. Are you arguing that non addicts cannot observe and recognize this in others? We can, we just can't relate to it.
Even by their numbers, addiction from weed is exceedingly rare, but rare does not mean nonexistent.
Everyone who uses heroin for a month would be an addict, I presume. While only one in six long term weed smokers become addicted. It's probably lower. Therefore it is hard to put it in the same breath as heroin, meth or crack that would have addiction rates approaching 100%.
But just because the withdrawal is not highly visible, and the addiction rate is very low, does not mean it is non addictive and non dependency forming. In fact it means it is addictive and creates dependency.
Dependency is a poor word to choose. A heroin addict isn't truly dependent on heroin. They're just sick for a few days when they stop. They're not going to die. Their heart still beats. They just get the shits and leg cramps.
Weed smokers who quit after long use would probably chalk their difficulty in sleeping to nerves. It's withdrawal. Their ability to fall asleep easily has depended on their weed.
I think I recall addiction rates, heroin was one in four. Twenty five percent of those who try heroin become addicted . the percentage is higher for nicotine which is one of the mist addictive substances on earth. Of course the roa makes these numbers variable but if there is such a thing as addiction to pot, the incidence must be very low, far lower than coffee, far lower than any I can think of.
if one takes the term addiction at its most fanciful then indeed, pot can be "addicting". Given this, then it becomes a matter of how one manages ones addiction.
I hold that addiction is really a measured level of laziness. (you could call it motivated drug seeking behavior).
it could be argued that one who spends months and thousands on growing a few plants could be addicted to his result, but.. Craft brewers could be accused of the same thing.
I knew a man who, when told there was a single good hit of crack waiting for him some five miles away, discovered his car wouldn't start and peddled his bike there, for that what? 9 minute experience only to ride back.
addicted? I don't know.
every drug has a set of negatives and positives that each must balance. No psychoactive that I have encountered has the favorable profile of pot.
I know many who smoke compulsively, I really don't know if they are affected. All day, every day. But I have yet to see any of them affected for very long or very profoundly when they were without.
I did watch a friend reduced to eating a cigarette on a long plane flight.
and I knew three people who when confronted with the prospect of imminent death if they did not quit drinking, chose death rather than quit.