Well-Known Member
LOL!!! I got past my 6th month coin by going to AA every day. I went to Alanon meetings with my sister. Well, I tried but I was an alcoholic so they didnt allow me to go even though it was support for my mother. They have some weird rules. AA didnt get me sober, deciding that I didnt want to destroy my physical health and that I wanted to live a healthy life made me decide to stop.You discount your own experience when you say you "WAS" an alcoholic.
My dear friend, you still are and will be until you die.
You seem to contemplate your alcoholism as the period in which you were drinking, and the few days thereafter when you experienced alcohol withdrawal, if it got that bad.
I'm happy for you if you're still sober.
If you read the big book you don't remember much of what it taught you.
For the umpteenth time, physical addiction is a misnomer and not at all indicative of what addiction is. What you call physical addiction is chemical dependence and i agree with you, it is borderline insignificant in marijuana.
But just because you don't get violently ill when you stop weed after extended heavy use has no bearing on addiction.
Are you an alcoholic? Have you ever experienced DT's?? You talk like you think you are an expert on the subject and then provide some first hand experience of a family member. LOL!!!
As for myself, maybe I never was an alcoholic... Maybe I just drank alot. Do you think that is possible?? Do you ever wonder why all the treatment clinics and AA meetings tell you that you are never cured. Do you ever consider that it might be linked to all the cash they rake in at the expense of the addict? Maybe it is all one fucking lie based on a pity party for a bunch of drunks...
The big book is bullshit. You can go to those meetings (well, you cant unless you are actually an alcoholic, but I have a lifetime pass
You dont know shit about addiction. You read a few books about it and have a family member that is an addict, LOL!!! Try living it and then come talk to me.
Almost all addicts are addicts because they are running away from reality. The funny thing is that there are acceptable and unacceptable ways of running away from reality and the things that feel the best in the moment are the ones that are the most unacceptable/illegal. You can thank your power and control government for that bullshit. The problem isnt the addiction it is typically the underlying reason for the addiction, the reason that the person wants to escape reality.
To become healthy, to become cured the person needs to figure out what pain they are trying to escape from and learn to eliminate or deal with it. Once that happens then the addiction can naturally go away without any after effects. Confronting reality is painful and addicts are experts at avoiding pain so it is a continuing circle. The addiction continues, or it kills the addict or the addict confronts reality and deals with it.
The books you read and the AA groups and the workshops and all the other bullshit do nothing to solve the problem because they make money off of the problem. Solving it would cause them to lose income and who would be insane enough to do that??
Once you figure out the enormous lies that society tells you everything becomes much more transparent. Look at our culture, it promotes addiction and dependence to alcohol. What do you do to celebrate anything?? What is the most prevalent item at any party?? Why are there so many bars around?? Money money money... Once they get too much money and you become a problem there is rehab and AA and counseling and books to buy and more fucking money to spend on it all... Round and round we goooo!!
I faced my demons and defeated them. After that I did not need to try to escape reality anymore. When I go shopping I dont even notice the alcohol aisles. Beers have sat in my fridge untouched for months. I have a bottle of some fancy liquer given to me like 2 years ago as a Christmas gift still untouched somewhere in the kitchen. You know why? Because the reality is that I can have just as good a time doing everything I did before but simply without alcohol. I can go to a bar with people who are drinking and not feel the need to join in. I can have a great steak with a soda at lunch and it is as good as if it was a beer.
As far as my sobriety it is like 8 years or so. I dont really know how long cause I dont fucking care. I dont need a coin to remind me of the crappy side of alcohol.
So, feel free to call me an alcoholic and chant that continual bullshit about how once an alcoholic always an alcoholic and I will laugh and point to the fact that about 5% of people quit their addictions whether they are going to a treatment center, AA or not and none of the institutionalized bullshit seems to have one tiny bit of an effect on the overall percentage of people that are cured. Do you find that a bit interesting??
That being said, I am not out to bash AA if it works for some people. I just realized that God was not going to take care of my life, that was my problem.
None of that is to the point that you are now trying to clump all addiction together to try to muddle the conversation between physical and psychological addiction. It isnt all in addicts heads.