Well-Known Member
Hi one and all, now I know HDTV's have pretty much nothing to do with 'POT' unless its to view awesome movies when your high as f*%k! or to view Trichs in ultra hi-def etc... Point is I am after the 'BEST' HD-TV in both a 55" and another in a 32" the 55" needs to have the 'SMART' function and also '3-D' but the 32" only needs to have the 'SMART' funtion..
I am looking for TV's with a really high re-fresh rates for silky smooth movement on the screen. I have looked at a couple of LG's and a couple of Panasonic's but can't make myself hand over thousands of pounds on something when I have a gut feeling there is a newer better one just around the corner.
Feel free to discuss, Pro's & Cons, Prices I'll upload PICS n LINKS shortly of a few I have checked out and/or almost bought - Card in hand' I really want the newest bested HD-TV available either right now or sometime this year.
"I'am sure there are at least a few...hundred other RIU Members out there, that share my enthusiasm for enriched HD/3-D movies whilst high as balls". Please feel free to mention your HD-TV and a brief/in-depth overview of its performance and whether or not you've had any problems with it.
I will be using both an X-BOX 360 and a SONY PLAYSTATION 3, a WII, PC, SKY HD/SKY HD-3-D, HD Cam-corder, and HD-Microscope and want the most enjoyable viewing pleasure for all of these.
Its a toss up between LED (Back-lit) and PLASMA both have there Pro's n Con's... I can afford to pay approx say... £2500 on the 55" HD-TV and around £1000.00 on the 32", these are Maximums if you like?!!
I'd obviously prefer to spend less, but at the same time am aware 'Quality' usually comes with a 'High price-tag'
It will be connected to a full Technics surround sound seperates for now inc Tecnics Sub, but once the HD-TV's have been sorted I will upgrade to a 'KEF' on DENON setup for ultimate sound...However for now I just want the best of the best HD-TV's for my money!!
I think this should be a great thread and attract at least a few replies/responces.. as always best answers/replies will be rewarded with +REP! I hope this not only helps me but any other Movie/Game buff's out there!! ..that are looking for awesome HD-TV's from 2011-2012 onward.
Look forwrd to chattin' on topic soon
I am looking for TV's with a really high re-fresh rates for silky smooth movement on the screen. I have looked at a couple of LG's and a couple of Panasonic's but can't make myself hand over thousands of pounds on something when I have a gut feeling there is a newer better one just around the corner.
Feel free to discuss, Pro's & Cons, Prices I'll upload PICS n LINKS shortly of a few I have checked out and/or almost bought - Card in hand' I really want the newest bested HD-TV available either right now or sometime this year.
"I'am sure there are at least a few...hundred other RIU Members out there, that share my enthusiasm for enriched HD/3-D movies whilst high as balls". Please feel free to mention your HD-TV and a brief/in-depth overview of its performance and whether or not you've had any problems with it.
I will be using both an X-BOX 360 and a SONY PLAYSTATION 3, a WII, PC, SKY HD/SKY HD-3-D, HD Cam-corder, and HD-Microscope and want the most enjoyable viewing pleasure for all of these.
Its a toss up between LED (Back-lit) and PLASMA both have there Pro's n Con's... I can afford to pay approx say... £2500 on the 55" HD-TV and around £1000.00 on the 32", these are Maximums if you like?!!

It will be connected to a full Technics surround sound seperates for now inc Tecnics Sub, but once the HD-TV's have been sorted I will upgrade to a 'KEF' on DENON setup for ultimate sound...However for now I just want the best of the best HD-TV's for my money!!
I think this should be a great thread and attract at least a few replies/responces.. as always best answers/replies will be rewarded with +REP! I hope this not only helps me but any other Movie/Game buff's out there!! ..that are looking for awesome HD-TV's from 2011-2012 onward.
Look forwrd to chattin' on topic soon