Where you at rep wise?


Well-Known Member
Oh, come on now, I'm merely introducing an interesting spin and thought provoking ideas, I wouldn't WANT to live forever. I'm all about enjoying what you have, and doing what you love in the limited time we get. But these things are enjoyable to think about. So I do. Part of trying my best to enjoy every day I can, no different than you.
i would want to live forever. i just know it's not even remotely possible within my lifetime, so i tend to ignore the possibility/topic.

i guess i don't find it as enjoyable to think about as you do. to me, it's like thinking about something i could never have. why tease myself that way?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
If we could live forever at the ideal age range 18-30 the government would have a population that never collects retirement SS and every member would be paying taxes. So maybe....

you know what, i am fucking tired and just...yeah. Forget it lol.


Well-Known Member
i would want to live forever. i just know it's not even remotely possible within my lifetime, so i tend to ignore the possibility/topic.

i guess i don't find it as enjoyable to think about as you do. to me, it's like thinking about something i could never have. why tease myself that way?
I suppose the difference comes in where I don't want it and you do, I certainly don't mean to tease you with the idea.


Well-Known Member
It is interesting to point out, that there is a point in rational thinking that the explanation of things goes from science fact to science theory, or science fiction. allowing ourselves to think outside the box is one of many steps to discovery


Well-Known Member
Dreams to reality. Scifi to scifact
Dreaming is the mother of invention. However, in my hypothesis, I am pointing out that not everything can be "explained" and therefore a bit of faith in theory is required. Some people take a deeper leep into faith than others. I happen to err on the side of UB. But others may argue differently.


Well-Known Member
Well, what I gained from this is that UB is a completely rational person whom I can talk to without fighting. It seems lots of people fight with him, I dunno why. I guess it's like me getting along with Beardo, I just accept people for who they are and roll with it.


Global Moderator
Staff member
In relation to the geographical location of your comment to his, it's actually above you. And if on a different page, potentially parallel.

I just blew some fucking minds right thur.
Actually no - the way my browser is set, newer post's are above the older ones.


Well-Known Member
Good Grief... why the debate over creationism v. evolution



Ursus marijanus
i'd rather be a human.

life being all about tradeoffs, i'll take the benefits of being homo sapien at the costs of not being able to survive a nuclear winter.
*sapiens, the present particle of sapere, to know. It is as nails on a blackboard when I see the truncated form because etymological illiterates mistake the participle for a plural.