Where you at rep wise?


Sector 5 Moderator
(1) there is no such thing as deciding to have an upgrade. random mutations occur, they can make us better suited for our environments (those tend to flourish) or poorer suited for our environments (those do not tend to flourish).

(2) random mutations occur through all sorts of different means, all natural.

one need not invoke a sky daddy to explain any of this, although you may if it makes you feel better. but the beauty is that there is absolutely no need to get intellectually lazy and say "sky daddy did it" when you run into something.

anyone who believes in creationism, i am sorry to say, is 100% brainwashed and weak of mind.
You obviously do not understand that mutations NEVER mutate to improvement; that's impossible. Also, it's totally against the Second Law of Thermodynamics that says the universe tends to disorder rather than order. Stainless steel does not "evolve" but stainless steel will degrade into it's individual molecules and elements over time. It breaks down, not creates some new shit; you'd believe anything.


Well-Known Member
You obviously do not understand that mutations NEVER mutate to improvement; that's impossible. Also, it's totally against the Second Law of Thermodynamics that says the universe tends to disorder rather than order. Stainless steel does not "evolve" but stainless steel will degrade into it's individual molecules and elements over time. It breaks down, not creates some new shit; you'd believe anything.
Hmmm... Entropy, eh?
Here's a phase diagram for Iron-Molybdenum (part of the stainless steel equation)
Phase Diagram.jpg
Look at all the ways that combination can "evolve" depending on initial conditions. LOTS of possible steady states in there, and each unique.
However, these things can happen "naturally" without divine (or human) intervention required.
Despite the Entropy of the Universe constantly increasing, we still have these systems based on PROBABILITIES (i.e. statistical mechanics) where ordo ab chao can occur.
And why is that? Because Entropy can be "disposed" into the Universe (usually via heat).

Your argument is almost as weird as the Kirk Cameron/Ray Comfort banana defense.
In fact, it almost seems like you are trying to undermine your own hypothesis by invoking science.

It may be feasible--from a philosophical perspective--for God to not play dice with the Universe,
but the Universe sure plays a helluva lot of craps with US.

S = k ln(N!/Na!Nb!)
G = U + PV - TS + ΣμΝ
U = f/2 nRT = f/2 PV = Q + W
C = dQ/dT
Q = m C dT

Then again... maybe I'm the one who's deluded, because the Electric Kool-aid Spaghetti Monster created all of this to fool me?


Well-Known Member
You obviously do not understand that mutations NEVER mutate to improvement; that's impossible. Also, it's totally against the Second Law of Thermodynamics that says the universe tends to disorder rather than order. Stainless steel does not "evolve" but stainless steel will degrade into it's individual molecules and elements over time. It breaks down, not creates some new shit; you'd believe anything.
Gold. It comes from hydrogen.

Steel is not an example of evolution, rather invention. Like a Pyramid.

Space and time are much larger than what we can currently comprehend. The span of human existence is a mere blip on the chronological space time chart. Including at the evolutionary level, it's only just begun.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I was watching the clip on evolution in this thread.

The other clip I like.



Well-Known Member
You obviously do not understand that mutations NEVER mutate to improvement; that's impossible.

mutations happen, some make us better suited for our environments, some do not.

what don't you get about this?

Also, it's totally against the Second Law of Thermodynamics that says the universe tends to disorder rather than order. Stainless steel does not "evolve" but stainless steel will degrade into it's individual molecules and elements over time. It breaks down, not creates some new shit; you'd believe anything.
stainless steel is not a living thing, jackass.

entropy does not disprove evolution. i'm pretty sure you'd be pissed if you found out that RNA and DNA is disregarding your sage lesson about entropy and replicating themselves anyway.


Well-Known Member
You obviously do not understand that mutations NEVER mutate to improvement; that's impossible. Also, it's totally against the Second Law of Thermodynamics that says the universe tends to disorder rather than order. Stainless steel does not "evolve" but stainless steel will degrade into it's individual molecules and elements over time. It breaks down, not creates some new shit; you'd believe anything.
Improvement in what aspect? Is this an improvement?


Perfect for outdoor en masse until flower time as the leaf formations are nowhere near 'normal' or what most would expect cannabis leaves to look like, at all - which would drastically cut down on early detection, yes?


Well-Known Member
Improvement in what aspect? Is this an improvement?


Perfect for outdoor en masse until flower time as the leaf formations are nowhere near 'normal' or what most would expect cannabis leaves to look like, at all - which would drastically cut down on early detection, yes?
Are those strawberries? ;)

be ez

Well-Known Member
Nope, that's definitely cannabis - tis a sativa dominant Ducksfoot strain... the name of WallyDuck may ring a bell, he's the breeder of it.
A bong hit of this will get you quacking and walking duck footed all day


Well-Known Member
I've always wanted to grow a duckfoot strain. they look cool.. wonder how they smoke :weed:
At this point, am not sure either.. but I found a place that is very selective as to who they sell to, and they're sitting on 3rd gen... was thinking about grabbing some if they'd sell to me, and cross it with the 72' Columbian Gold (yes, the old shit that's been in hiding) just to see what resulted in terms of geno/pheno surprises.