Sector 5 Moderator
Beats the FUCK out of the alternative, LOL. I love MASH too.Oh you old lol.
Beats the FUCK out of the alternative, LOL. I love MASH too.Oh you old lol.
Forgot I had this quote taged lol. NEIL TYSON IS PERFECT IN EVERY SINGLE.POSSIBLE WAY. Fucking love that guy, did you see him own Oriely on Bill Maur?
I do love some sit-coms. I have the complete series of Andy Griffith, Keeping up Appearances, I Love Lucy, and the Nanny (seasons 1-4 because Sony has not released the rest yet).
I had a tshirt that said that 18 years ago. You kids always biting off the 90's these days....Fuck all yall.
Yes I am. akdfakdga
Tell me how you or any other creature are going to (1) decide what new "upgrade" you're going to do next, and (2) how are you going to achieve that - through completely natural means.
(1) there is no such thing as deciding to have an upgrade. random mutations occur, they can make us better suited for our environments (those tend to flourish) or poorer suited for our environments (those do not tend to flourish).
(2) random mutations occur through all sorts of different means, all natural.
one need not invoke a sky daddy to explain any of this, although you may if it makes you feel better. but the beauty is that there is absolutely no need to get intellectually lazy and say "sky daddy did it" when you run into something.
anyone who believes in creationism, i am sorry to say, is 100% brainwashed and weak of mind.
What if they believe we're all genetic experiments left behind by ancient space-faring civilizations? I know a guy that does. I personally believe it's the radiation, we're all irradiated freaks of nature.
i've never actually considered if you could invoke space aliens without messing up the theory of evolution.
the beauty is that i don't have to, evolution can explain everything with no need to invoke anything other than natural processes.
Sure, but isn't it fun to think about? Life feeds on life feeds on life, constantly evolving, changing, adapting...which means that there must be a perfect form, right? The apex of evolutionary science, so to speak...what if aliens came along and altered the genetic code of the most primitive microorganisms just to see if they could find the apex of evolution. I mean, it obviously failed when humans came about because we're the most destructive fuckers since the locust, but what if the whole thing was just a science experiment?
there is no such thing as a perfect life form since there is no such thing as a static environment.
hence why perfection is fleeting.
i'd rather be a human.
life being all about tradeoffs, i'll take the benefits of being homo sapien at the costs of not being able to survive a nuclear winter.
Possibly, but with advances in genetic engineering, you know someone's trying to adapt the regenerative properties some species possess for humans, I read a paper where they said they found the gene responsible for the aging/death cycle, and are working on figuring out what else it does in an attempt to make humans live longer if not forever.
you can go on postulating about living forever, i will go on trying my best to enjoy every day that i can get on this mortal coil.